Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1681: Lu Yuan, God of Promise

In the choice between life and death, Xu Ming chose life, and when he died, there was really nothing left. he

Not so hard.

Live to see the future!

God's luck gathered together and rolled down on Lu Yuan. At this moment, she finally dreamed of becoming the God of Wuji Tian, ​​a powerful existence that controls the day.

She sat on the seat of God that no one could do for a long time, and she was in a trance.

It all seemed too easy.

"I have become God."

Lu Yuan has been working hard for the position of God for many years. Now that it is so easy, she can feel that the luck of heaven and earth is constantly converging towards her.

With every gesture, you can control a powerful force in Promise Heaven.

This is the strength that God has!

But she was also very clear in her heart. She was not fascinated by the power of God, so she understood that she could have today's status, all relying on Shenwu Divine Emperor.

Without the Shenwu God Emperor, would Fang Hai convince her? Will Xu Ming convince her?

This is impossible.

Shenwu Divine Emperor is too strong, killing two sixth stage, shocked the heavenly powerhouses, also because of this reason, she will only succeed so easily when she tells her plan.

Shenwu God Emperor can give her the position of God, and can also take it away.

At this moment, the power of the sixth realm was faintly transmitted in her body, and she could clearly feel that she was not far from breaking through the sixth realm, and it did not take too long.

Xu Ming naturally felt it too, envied in his heart, but where did he dare to say nothing?

Once there is the will to resist, he will be killed immediately.

As today, the Lord of the Day can break through the sixth realm.

But luck is not infinite. It doesn't mean that if Lu Yuan achieves the sixth stage, she will just give up the position of God to others. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that she will go everywhere in the sixth stage?

What a strong one.

For example, the thirty-three days, because of the thirty-three heavens and the earth's luck, it can only exist for thirty-three days, and you have thirty-fourth days, even if your strength is not weaker than others, you can't have luck.

Every **** is the carrier of heaven and earth's luck.

This is a fixed number.

After Lu Yuan gave up the position of God, his luck would not come to others, unless she beheaded to let others get luck from God.

Like the lord of a country, ministers can take refuge, but the emperor can't.

Ministers can surrender and defect to others, but once the emperor makes this choice, he will definitely not end well.

"See God!"

The mighty voice resounded.

Heaven and earth have a master again, Jiang Li and the others understand that the previous situation has disappeared. From now on, they will all rely on Lu Yuan as their master, and Lu Yuan will also rely on Shenwu.

Lu Yuan nodded, not caring about these pompous gifts.

She looked at the Destroyer God, and said, "Destroy the God, didn't His Majesty the Emperor come over?"

She had received instructions from the emperor to seize the position of God.

"The **** emperor is here, your majesty is outside the sky." Destroy the gods.

"Outside the sky? Destroy the gods, and please come down to my Wuji Heaven. I can become a **** by relying on the **** emperor."

Lu Yuan asked Chu Yuan to come to Wujitian, so that Wujitian could completely join Shenwu's national destiny. This battle for dominance had reached the most critical moment.

"The **** emperor saw the Conferred God Heaven army coming towards the Wuji Heaven, aiming to attack the heaven."

Destroy Shinto.

"What? The Fengshentian army has arrived!"

Jiang Li was shocked, looked at Xu Ming suddenly, and said: "You must have attracted me to attack me. If it were not for the succession of God, I am afraid that it will not be long before the army of Fengshentian will surround us."

Xu Ming just wanted to speak.

Lu Yuan said, "Well, I don’t want to say anything about what happened before, nor will I ask. For the sake of God’s position, any action is tolerable, and it will be written off as a piece of paper. These things are not important anymore, but now we are all part of the Shenwu camp, if such things happen, then we won't be polite."

She was giving Xu Ming a face and warned him by the way.

The **** emperor's advance step allowed her to succeed to the throne of God.

"I will work for God."

Xu Ming knew that Lu Yuan gave him face because he didn't want him to have two hearts. After all, he was a strong man of Wujitian, and he was not a stupid person, and he understood this.

"What instructions does the **** emperor have?"

Lu Yuandao.

"The **** emperor ordered that after you become the god, you will immediately lead the Wujitian army, gather outside the sky, and resist the army from the Fengshentian. In this battle, the **** emperor and I will help you."

Destroy Shinto.

"Okay, everyone is in position, count all the troops, in the shortest time, go out to the sky, and accompany the **** emperor to resist the aggression of the gods!"

Lu Yuan immediately gave the order.

The foundation of Wuji Tian is really deep, and there are many strong ones. This is all due to the efforts of Wuji God. Although their five great hall masters had quarrels with each other before, they had never had a civil war.

Because they know that they don't have God, and it will be cheaper for others to fight.

This is the benefit of a complete day of joining the refuge, which can mobilize all the strength of the day.

Such as Xuan Huangtian, although it is also known as one of the thirty-three days, except for the power of the Lord of the Sky, there is no power to be commended, it is completely empty.

"Destroy God, after the army is assembled, you can set off at any time!"

Lu Yuan is fierce, like a Valkyrie, wearing battle armor.

"Okay, let's see your majesty."

With a word of destroying the gods, all the strong men of Wuji Tian flew out to the multiverse.


It didn't take long before they saw Chu Yuan.

"That's Shenwu God Emperor!"

Amidst the sacredness, a stalwart emperor overlooks the vast expanse. His aura is so magnificent, everyone seeing him is like seeing a great sky.

The eternal light, he is there, arbitrarily forever, suppressing time and space.

"You are here."

Chu Yuan smiled when he saw Lu Yuan. He sent Destroy God to stabilize the situation without any problems.


Although she was a god, Lu Yuan could still feel the huge gap between her and Chu Yuan. The other party was really as vast as a mountain and sea, and she was very small in front of Chu Yuan.

She couldn't help but think of the first time she met Chu Yuan.

Because of a sudden action of oneself, in exchange for today's position, otherwise Xu Ming contacted Fengshentian, and he would stand beside him humblely like Xu Ming.

"Become God."

Chu Yuan said to her.

"I can't do it without the help of the **** emperor." Lu Yuan said.

"Only when you become a God can you be the greatest help to me."

Chu Yuan kept smiling at Lu Yuan, completely different from the rumored cruelty.

Xu Ming was also roaring in his heart. If Lu Yuan didn't know you first, he would be willing to do it for God's position.

"The army of Fengshentian is here, and I feel it too!"

Lu Yuan suddenly felt that the power had turned into a boundless wave. He hadn't seen a figure yet, but the monstrous murderous aura had already swept over.

It was also that the Fengshen Tian was farther away than the Shenwu Tian, ​​and Lu Yuan was also close, so Chu Yuan was one step ahead and took control of one day.

"Ready to fight. I will be here."

Chu Yuan's gaze was far away from Lu Yuan. He had already seen that countless troops were as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River. Under the leadership of the strongest, they were rolling like tides, already oppressing the Promise Heaven.

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