Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1682: Promise Tian first battle

Following Chu Yuan's words fell.

Lu Yuan watched violently, lightning and thunder, violent storms and rain, and the violent momentum broke the universe, and the whole world was plunged into the realm of war, like a huge wave hitting the Promise Heaven.

Lu Yuan felt this kind of momentum, and he also felt a little trembling, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

After all, the prestige of the Fengshen camp is too frightening.

Although there are many powerful people in the Promise Heaven, but seeing the Conferred God Heaven army roll in, the heart also collapses, the hands holding the weapons are trembling, and the mana in the body is suppressed, and they cannot be used.

If God and God Emperor are there, you don't need to fight, you will collapse and surrender.

This momentum is too fierce.

You know, the Conferred God camp is the strongest camp in the multiverse today. They have been defeated for five days, how powerful they are, and they have lost God for too many years and have not fought a large-scale war.

Even if the Promise God was still there, it was not the opponent of Fengshen Great Emperor.

Such a large army, when it collides with Fengshentian, it will be collapsed at once.

Chu Yuan glanced, and there was no surprise. This was a normal performance. Perhaps Wuji Tian could still be brave when fighting alone, but their performance was far worse in this large-scale war.

Morale is not good, combat power is not good.

This is normal, Wuji Tian has not been baptized by war.

Lu Yuan looked extremely ugly when he saw the performance of his own powerhouse. He described them as a chicken and praised them. There was no morale at all. I was afraid that he would directly surrender in the fight.

How can such an army fight?

Although she has joined the Shenwu camp, she is not going to make vases, but also hopes that her subordinates can make contributions and share the luck of the peak era.

"The Conferred God Heaven army is about to kill. Their purpose is to destroy my Wuji Heaven. Everyone is in their respective positions and prepares for battle. Don't be afraid of them. This is just part of their army!"

Lu Yuan knew that although he had become a god, but with the help of Chu Yuan, many people were not so loyal to her except for his own temple.

She must pass this battle to establish her majesty.

She looked at Chu Yuan.

The divine emperor radiated eternal light, and any storm vision was transformed before him, bright and bright, illuminating the universe, and sacred.

The power of Shenwu Supreme is spreading.

She clearly understood that if it weren't for Chu Yuan, it wouldn't matter how she spoke. Chu Yuan's existence was like a shelter from the wind. The power of the world gave many people peace of mind.

"It's here!"

The overwhelming army came on an expedition, and every soldier in the Conferred God camp was extremely fierce. They even had a will to dominate the era, slamming across the sky.

This is shaped by invincible faith.

"I come!"

The Destroy God's explosive power was shocked, the infinite destruction of the divine light, and the penetration of millions of Dao, he also knew that the morale of the Wuji Tian was not good, so let him take action first to stimulate the fighting will of this group of people.

As soon as he shot, he created a terrifying wave of destruction.

"Shen Wu, Destroy God!"

In the battle against the Molten Demon God, the Destruction God is also famous. For such a powerful man, it is impossible for the Conferred God camp to study his strength.

"The God of Destruction is here, and Wuji Tian has been controlled by Shenwu. Conquer this day!"

A person flew out immediately. He was the Conferred God God, and the endless light of Conferred God penetrated through the fist, carrying the mighty day of luck, and blasted over.

The power of destroying the gods is too strong, and can turn all light into darkness.

He is the destroyed mansion, wherever he goes, where he is destroyed.

Although the Conferred God is strong, he is also the Lord of the Day, but when he fights the Destruction God, the destructive power fluctuates along with his power and directly impacts his body.

This makes him very uncomfortable.

The physical discomfort is second, and the more discomfortable is that he was able to fight against their divine martial emperor in the earth world before, but now he is reduced to the point where he can only fight against the **** of destruction.

But even if it is the Destroyer God, he is not an opponent, he can only use the power of heaven and earth to resist.

Shenwu God Emperor has become a level of existence with Fengshen Great Emperor.

The aftermath of the battle between the Destroyer God and the Conferred God God is too strong, the crazy destruction, the universal existence of the sixth stage, is already the pinnacle force in the multiverse.

"Offensive Promise Heaven!"

More Conferred God army rushed over.

"Play with me!"

Lu Yuan must awaken the fighting spirit of these people. She rushed out first, and at the same time, there were also the strong men who controlled the temple, all with high fighting spirit.

Furthermore, it is also their glory for Lu Yuan to become the new god, and if Lu Yuan loses, they will not end well.

"The Promise God!"

In the Conferred God Army, an old man appeared slowly, it was Palace Master Fuluo. He saw Lu Yuan: "He is the former Palace Master of Heavenly Fate. He has already taken refuge in Shenwu and must be killed!"

He directly killed Lu Yuan with the peerless power of the sixth realm, a terrifying power.


Lu Yuan stood up in the sky like a Valkyrie. Facing the violent storms of the ancestors of Fu Luo, she had no fear at all. She was also God. Although she hadn't achieved the six realms yet, she wouldn't be afraid of them.

The army has been oppressed.

The Fengshentian army just won a big victory, just when the morale is strong, they are not afraid of these so-called strong men of Wujitian.

Chu Yuan also understood that the quality of Promise Heaven was definitely not as good as the Conferred God camp. He didn't want these people to die, but hoped that they would go through a war.


Chu Yuandao.


Zerg brood appears.

This brood is huge. UU Reading is a mobile world of war. Every mother emperor is a born soul master and war master.

The mother nest of the Zerg race raises the war, kills the strong and devours their flesh and blood, so as to cultivate more worm seas.

Lan's spirit fluctuated more and more intensely, and immediately the hundreds of millions of worms formed a legion and flew out, antagonizing the first wave of Conferred God army.

There is no fear in the Chonghai. They will faithfully implement the mother emperor's orders, and immediately, although a large number of Chonghai has been culled, a large number of people have been swallowed by the Chonghai.

"Zerg brood!"

"Then Shenwu brought all the Zerg broods, this is to protect the Promise Heaven!"

"Kill, don't be blocked by these insect seas, just destroy Wuji Tian!"

The Conferred Army has a strong morale and will not stop because of an insect shelter.

Chu Yuan watched the army rush in, waved three Immortal Era Cannons, and immediately three unparalleled beams of light penetrated out, and the whole world suddenly turned into nothingness, shattering how many layers of space.

The power of these three giant cannons consumes a lot of eternal crystals, but the power is surprisingly powerful, and each blow can be comparable to the power of a six-level powerhouse.

In the system space, the Immortal Era Cannon is worth tens of billions of fate points!


The emergence of insects and the bombing of the Immortal Era cannons, when seeing the scene of the war, also aroused the fierceness and bloodiness of the Wujitian strong. They also knew that the Conferred God camp looked down on their power.

But when the war really comes, it is useless to retreat. You must use your own strength to defend your dignity.

Chu Yuan was behind them, and the emperor's body, like the eternal God, was sheltering them.

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