
The golden light was vertical and horizontal, and the infinite vitality expanded out, unexpectedly forming a huge Conferred God universe.

The Conferred God Emperor is in the Conferred God Universe, and he is the absolute ruler. Here, everything in this world is controlled by him. Whoever he makes into a **** can become a god.

Whoever he knocks off the altar and becomes waste, whoever is waste.

Fengshen universe, he is the only god, no one can rival!

"The Art of Conferring Gods, Conferring Gods Universe!"

That day, the Second God Lord and other powerful men and the Conferred God Emperor were defeated in the Conferred God Universe. Their power was severely suppressed and they were almost beheaded. In the end they had no choice but to retreat.

Now he uses Fengshen Universe to deal with Shenwu.

"What method will he use to fight the Conferred God Universe?"

Someone guessed, not dare to miss a trace.

"My palm is God!"

The power of the Conferred God Emperor showed a magnificent scene. The **** I in the world, he is the strongest and only god, and the overwhelming golden light completely enveloped Chu Yuan.

His power is too domineering, his robe shakes, dominating everything in the world.

Chu Yuan's strength swallowed the galaxy. Of course, he could feel the power of the Conferred God Universe, but his expression was too indifferent. Taking his own steps, he broke the impact with a punch.

This is the power of eternal control, breaking all obstacles.

Earth-shattering noise.

What shocked many powerhouses was that in the Conferred God Universe, this emperor still showed his violent combat power.

With the power of destroying the era, Chu Yuan's self-respecting will flooded the entire Conferred God universe. He punched the sky, and the entire universe rumbling, cracking cracks, it actually collapsed directly.

He stepped into the Conferred God Universe, and his arrogant domineering style made it impossible to look directly at him.

"He actually broke the Conferred God Universe with the strongest power!"

Some people have numb scalp, why this Shenwu's strength is so fierce, it is simply unimaginable.

The Conferred God Emperor also knew that the Conferred God Universe alone could not deal with this emperor at all, but being broken in this way made his face more solemn.

Time, space.

Chu Yuan manipulated the power of time and space, and instantly came to the Conferred God Emperor. He wanted to use his world-wide combat power to tell the world's strong that Shenwu was strong enough to compete with the Conferred God.

The power of time and space is too mysterious.

The Great Emperor Fengshen locked his eyes on a figure and slammed it away with a palm, but it was like a phantom that hit it, and it passed straight through.

"It's not a phantom, but the power of time and space reverses the past and the future, so that I am not in the same latitude. What I am shocking is that he stays in time and space. It may be the past or a brand of the present."

The Emperor Fengshen could see through it at a glance, but he didn't even guess which time and space Chu Yuan was in. He just punched it out, annihilating the void, and directly destroying you in any time and space.

Emperor Chu Yuan came to heaven and earth, time and space chased the universe with one punch, sweeping through the wasteland and Liuhe.

Of course Fengshen Great Emperor would not show weakness, he once again confronted Chu Yuan fiercely with one blow.

The realm of this person is not as good as him, but being able to fight him to such an extent is also something Fengshen Great Emperor did not dare to underestimate this person.

With every move and every style, the two emperors have played a vast and immense force.

The Conferred God Emperor once again pushed it horizontally with a palm, like a cosmic monument, ancient and powerful, with the flickering runes of the Conferred God, unparalleled in the world, and will be suppressed from the sky.

Chu Yuan single-handedly condensed the world's extreme power, penetrated the universe, tyrannized to the peak, and a divine light hit the cosmic monument.

The cosmic stele condensed by mana suddenly shattered, and at the same time, Chu Yuan's extremely divine light disappeared.

The Fengshen Great Emperor made an appearance of gathering his hands together, and suddenly the overwhelming pressure collapsed towards Chu Yuan, and the surging golden light showed the shackles, like the cohesion of eternal shackles.

Chu Yuan was unparalleled, his supernatural power was shocked, and he was not affected by the shackles.

Difficult to kill, with many methods, and unparalleled domineering, this was the greatest feeling Chu Yuan gave the Fengshen Great.

His face was extremely cold, and he waved his hand, an artifact suppressing the eternal age, turned out to be a blue-gold tower.

This tower is simple and simple, filled with the atmosphere of the wilderness, creating a scene of the wilderness, as if it came to the world of the wilderness.

"Origin artifact!"

There was a voice exclaimed, this turned out to be an extremely powerful Origin artifact, the breath that radiated, suppressing the heavens and the earth, is by no means the origin **** refinement of the ancestor Tianquan, but has reached a stronger level.

"What is he going to do?"

Yi Tianjun also observed secretly, and said in surprise: "He wants to suppress the Shenwu Divine Emperor with the Origin Artifact, so that he cannot escape."


The azure gold divine light was flaming, and the power emitted by this azure gold tower was too strong, it turned into a giant and flew directly on top of Chu Yuan's head, trying to suppress him.

"The Origin Artifact comes out, see how you resist it!"

The Conferred God screamed.

The Conferred God Emperor can have today's strength, is also a person with great luck and great fortune. This is the strongest artifact of an ancient era he obtained on the path of eternity.

He urged the power of the azure tower to the front.

Chu Yuan waved his hand and the Galaxy Cauldron flew out, sweeping out the splendid Galaxy divine glory. In a ten thousandth of an instant, the two artifacts had a shocking collision.

Gloriously, the terrifying vibration seems to be heard by the entire multiverse.

Although the azure tower is also extremely powerful, Chu Yuan’s Star River Cauldron is not a mortal thing. It spins quickly and immediately sets off a monstrous wave.

These two artifacts fought fiercely in the void.

"Not weaker than the origin artifact of the Azure Tower!"

The exclamation sounded again Na Ding can block the collision of the azure tower, there is no need to question it, it is also a stronger origin artifact, not weaker than the tower.

This makes many people's heads buzzing.

In the Shenwu Empire, how many treasures there are, like the Destroyer God, this tripod has never appeared before.

"Dingzhong Universe."

Chu Yuan's power changed, and the air currents of the universe flowed out from the galaxy cauldron. It was extremely heavy and had the power to open up the world and recreate the universe of Yin and Yang.

The tripod slammed into it like a meteor.

When the Azure-Gold Tower encountered such a blow, it was also knocked out and fell to the side of the Fengshen Great Emperor again.

Chu Yuan looked at Fengshen Great Emperor, Xinghe Ding floated beside him, and the pouring air current was drowning and it was extremely turbulent.

"Even Fengshen Great Emperor can hardly suppress him!"



Many people saw this battle because of their intuitive feelings towards Chu Yuan. Anyone would have this kind of amazement.

The strength of Fengshen Great is well known throughout the world.

Even if it is the second **** master, the Dugu **** and demon, they are only able to reluctantly fight with the Fengshen Great Emperor before they unite, and they absolutely cannot fight alone with the Fengshen Great.

However, today Shenwu has done it.

The Emperor Fengshen was expressionless, at this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Finally become a general trend, Shenwu, you will be the enemy of this emperor."

The Emperor Fengshen left this sentence, and finally left. He understood the strength of the opponent. It was extremely difficult to kill him. Unless he burned his jade and stone, he might be able to take him to death.

This talent is his real enemy.

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