Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1685: The peak of prosperity is here

The Emperor Fengshen left.

Although it was just leaving, the shock revealed was too great to make the entire multiverse unstable.

In this battle, the two emperors confront each other.

This shows that the Emperor Fengshen has nothing to do with the Emperor Shenwu and cannot suppress the opponent, and it also shows that the Emperor Shenwu has no absolute means to deal with the Emperor Fengshen, and the two emperors are still deadlocked.

However, Fengshen Great is an ancient powerhouse.

The rise of Shenwu was so fast that it caught people off guard and suddenly became the strongest in the universe.

Next, someone predicted that the goal they were fighting for would start around one after another.

"Fengshentian retired!"

Seeing the Fengshentian army retreat, the Promise Heaven powerhouse also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was a brief confrontation, they also paid a lot of casualties. This was still in the case of Shenwu stable situation.

Otherwise, it is a defeat.

Now, all the powerhouses of Wuji Tian came to Chu Yuan's side.

Especially that Xu Ming was even more respectful. He dared to be a bit dissatisfied with the Lord Lu Yuan. He was regretting in his heart. If he had contacted Shenwu early, the position of God would be his.

Remorse, boundless remorse, regret for not knowing Shenwu earlier.

This giant was able to confront Fengshen Great, and killing him was a matter of raising his hand.


Lu Yuan said: "Fengshentian's retreat is only temporary. There must be a decisive battle between our Shenwu camp and the Fengshen camp, and the final winner will be determined. And I Wujitian, I would like to follow any orders from the Emperor!"

She was completely overwhelmed by Chu Yuan's supernatural power.

"The Battle of Era, there is no compromise, either you die or I die."

Chu Yuan's majesty was passed to everyone's heart. Everyone looked at him, and he was the strongest emperor.

"God emperor, it's just that my worries are that my Wuji Tian is far away from the empire. If there is a war, I will not be able to rescue them immediately. I am afraid they will be destroyed one by one."

Lu Yuan was also troubled.

After all, Wuji Tian was not as close to the empire as the newly opened Xuan Huang Tian and Zhen Yang Tian. If the Emperor Fengshen insisted on destroying them, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

"Don't worry about this. I will start to build a time and space altar with eternal crystals to achieve cross-border teleportation."

Chu Yuandao.

To build a time and space altar requires extremely high and deep time and space power, but Chu Yuan is also proficient at this point, and also needs a substance like the eternal **** crystal to carry the power of space transmission.

Of course, the most critical party is that the Promise Heaven party is willing to set the altar in their heaven and earth.

After all, this is very dangerous. With the altar, it is possible to transport the strong on a large scale and attack the sky in one day.

But Wuji Tian belongs to his Shenwu camp, so naturally there is no need to worry.

Lu Yuan nodded. Although it was not the safest yet, it was already the best way to establish a fast connection with the empire.

"However, this is only temporary. The power between Wuji Tian and the empire must be leveled off, and those thirty-three days must be conquered to connect the boundaries of the empire camp."

Chu Yuan said again.

"I will completely obey the imperial orders."

Lu Yuandao.

"Lu Yuan, the next most important thing is to use God's luck to break through the six realms."

Chu Yuan said that he needs too many strong people on his side.

One of the best things about Wujitian is that it has a deep foundation and deep luck. Unlike Xuanhuangtian, everything has to be done from scratch, which is very troublesome.

"The peak of an epoch has arrived, the peak is here, the strong blows out, the sixth stage is right in front of you, and in this era, there will be the strongest peak!"

Lu Yuan also had strong arrogance in his words.

"The Empire will give you the greatest blessing."

Chu Yuan did not stay in Wuji Tian for too long, and after making some arrangements, he returned to the empire.

"You have also seen the divine might of the emperor. If I want to benefit from this troubled world, I must firmly follow the footsteps of Shenwu, otherwise the only one who greets us will be ashes."

After Chu Yuan left, Lu Yuanduan sat on the throne of God, his expression flying.

"we all know."

After all, they were still too small in this era battle. If they wanted to not be destroyed, they had to follow the footsteps of the empire.

"Also, in the near future, Shenwu will hold a grand banquet. Not everyone can go. At that time, Xu Ming, you and me, you can appreciate the power of the empire."

Lu Yuan named Xu Ming and him to attend an imperial banquet.

Xu Ming didn't understand what Lu Yuan meant, because he was afraid that he would have a double heart, so he took him by his side, and at the same time went to Shenwu to appreciate the imperial power.

However, at this time, no matter how he dare to have two hearts, he won't be able to use his ten courage.

Months have passed since the end of the Battle of Heaven.

Nowadays, the empire's luck is prosperous, and when seen from a distance, it exudes a strong brilliance, especially the battle with the Fengshen Great Emperor, which has spread his reputation to the world.

The Shenwu Empire's background is too deep, and there is even an origin artifact.

The human emperor sword is also a horrible luck artifact refined by the human emperor.

They don't know how many artifacts Shenwu still has.

In the Xuanhuang days, time has accelerated, and the multiverse has a few months, the internal time has been calculated in years, and a large number of people have multiplied.

All the resources gained from the battle in Yanshen Tian were also given to Xuan Huang Tian for development.

The Lord of the Sky didn't disappoint Chu Yuan either. He became the sixth realm shortly after becoming God.

Now that the sixth realm in the universe has gradually changed with the changes of heaven and earth, those gods with profound qualifications have broken through one after another, and have obtained the huge benefits of the change of luck.

All energy is eternal breath.

However, there are differences in the multiverse. The changes in Qi Luck have also changed the eternal breath, turning it into a breath that is more terrifying and easier to cultivate.

This is the power of the era, which is the arrival of the so-called peak and flourishing age.

After Chu Yuan released the next strategic plan of the empire, UU read www. uukā is just comprehending the power of the sixth state, the combat power is too strong, making him break through this state more difficult than others.

What it brings with it is that once he breaks through to the Sixth Realm, his combat power will rise to an extremely terrifying level.

A powerful figure gathered in a hall to discuss the conquest of the empire.

"The imperial event is coming soon, and we can't wait, we must make arrangements. This battle between Your Majesty and the Conferred God Emperor has caused a great sensation and also created the glory of the empire."

The Lord of the Sky.

"Five days after the conquest of the Conferred God camp, it is also planning the next stage of conquest. The second **** master unites many heavens and earth, in order to deal with the crisis, an alliance is being formed to counter the great changes from the universe."

The Lord of the Earth compiled the latest news and made a summary.

"this is normal."

Zhang Jing said: "After all, the world has changed greatly, except for the gods, hells, ten thousand demons, ten thousand demons, ten thousand demons, ten thousand demons, and ten thousand Daotians, which have been the strongest world and have the power to protect themselves. Who dares to say that they can survive? After this great battle?"

In these five days, extremely powerful strong men have been born, in the initial stage of this era, the beginning stage.

For some reason, I don’t know if it’s because of the eternal rules, the five-day creators ignore the current struggle of the multiverse, in the path of eternity.

And they didn't know what happened to them in the path of eternity.

"It is still in accordance with the plan made before, with the empire as the center, expanding out!"

The Lord of the Sky pointed at the map, slowly falling to the top of the day, "Next is the star, sea and sky, which is the closest to us."

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