The next strategic plan of the empire is very simple, which is to continue to focus on Shenwu, continue to expand, win more era and luck, and finally form a decisive battle pattern.

Although simple, it is very practical.

Whoever gathers the most luck is the most powerful.

After the order was issued, battleships attacked, and large groups of troops assembled, all marching towards Xinghaitian.

Xinghaitian is the closest day to the empire. Who will not beat them?

Only with the empire as the center of expansion, wherever you go, the luck is connected, can you gather the strongest power and sweep all opponents in the multiverse.


Bright and bright.

The sky and the earth are surrounded by star-like air currents, creating the universe.

But beyond the Xinghai sky, there is a murderous atmosphere, but it is a large number of battleships, and a densely packed cannon encircles the sky.

A large army stands outside the sky and the earth, holding a cold and heartbroken **** soldier, exuding a cold breath.

In the world.

The powerhouses of Xinghaitian were worried, and Shenwu's army had gone beyond the heavens and the earth, and could launch an offensive at any time. Thinking of their achievements, people were all worried.

How does this Shenwu Divine Emperor fight? It's not his opponent at all.

The God of the Stars, the sun, the moon and the stars are floating around him. He is like the universe, his breath is vast, and the infinite starry sky can be collapsed in one thought, and his cultivation is also six levels.

Xinghaitian is also an ancient day in the world, and Xinghai God has also recently received changes in the fortune of the era, and his breakthrough has not been long.

God is promoted to the six realms, and the strength of the whole world skyrocketed. This was originally a universal celebration, a great good thing. It was time to hold the most grand feast and invite friends from all over the world to congratulate.

But Xinghaitian was besieged by Shenwu, how could they be happy.

"Shenwu, with so many troops, outside of my sky, is this going to destroy my sky?"

A powerful person, fearful and angry, what can they do in the face of the strength of Shenwu?

Reason to them? Talk about the truth of fist?

All the truths are within the distance of the cannon. The other party has made a clear posture. If you don't play with you, it is to deal with Xinghaitian. What can you say to them?

"God, they are deceiving people too much. They don't place me Xinghaitian. We are also one of the 33 days. Why have we ever suffered such humiliation?"

A big man, trembling with anger, his cultivation reached the fifth stage, and he could not wait to rush out and fight Shenwu directly.


Xinghai God is bitter, but very calm: "Fight? What do you do? The other party's truth is within their gunfire."

"But we can't just sit back and wait."

The big man was aggrieved and said angrily: "God, you order, as long as you give an order, we will kill with you, let them know that my Xinghaitian is not easy to provoke, dare to deal with us, we must pay the price of blood , We are not afraid of him!"

His words immediately silenced some other strong men.

"Dragon God, Du'er, and Yanshen's three-day union are not the opponents of Shenwu. Du'er, the two gods of Yanshen have been mercilessly beheaded. No matter how strong my Xinghaitian is, it is not their opponent."

An old man sighed.

Shenwu was able to kill two gods thirty-three days ago, and now he has become a god, and his strength has skyrocketed, making it even more unfathomable and impossible to deal with.

"Then what do you mean? We are about to surrender to them? Lie down and let them be tortured?"

The man had an extremely violent temper, and he shouted: "I can't bear this kind of shame. If it doesn't work, we will go to the Fengshen Great Emperor and join their camp!"

"I'm afraid we will be wiped out by them before the Emperor Fengshen takes action."

The God of Xinghai looked at the sky and the earth: "Destroy God, True Sun God, Lord of the Sky, the three sixth realms are out of my heaven."

Not to mention the divine emperor Shenwu.

Even in the sixth stage of these three deities, he would not be an opponent.

"God, make your decision."

The old man said.

"Shenwu hasn't done anything for a long time, just gathering soldiers in my Xinghaitian. In fact, it is giving us a chance. Soon after, it will be Shenwu's 33-day feast to celebrate the promotion of the empire. During this period, it is time for us to consider."

Xinghai God Road.

"what do you mean?"

"Do we have a choice? There is no more."

The God of Xinghai sighed and said bitterly: "Shenwu seems speechless, but he gave us two choices. One is to take refuge in the sky before the feast, and the other is after the feast, the army will conquer and destroy Xinghai. Then all the resisters , All beheaded."

"Let’s take refuge in them, as in today’s situation, who can be alone? Either take refuge in the Fengshen Great Emperor, or take refuge in the Shenwu Divine Emperor, or the Second Divine Lord. As for giving up heaven and earth and fleeing to the path of eternity, there is a cruel and terrifying one. It’s better to be in the multiverse."

Xinghai God has already made a choice, or that he has no choice. Before the huge gap in strength, he can do nothing but lie flat, not resist.

He suddenly stepped out of Xinghaitian and came to the camp of Shenwu.

"The Xinghai God is here."

God of True Sun smiled faintly when he saw God of Xinghai.

He was able to succeed in heaven, but also by relying on Shenwu. He had completely regarded himself as part of the Shenwu camp for a long time. His own strength could not support such a big ambition, so he could only help Shenwu and obtain the merits of the dragon.

"Xinghai see you all."

Xinghai God Road.

"Xinghai God, please come in."

The Lord of the Sky opened the passage and let the Lord of Xinghai come in.

Xinghai God does not move in by teleportation but walks along the passage step by step, representing respect for the empire.

When he came to the barracks, that breath of killing, even if he was in the sixth state, he was afraid.

If this army goes straight to Xinghaitian, they will only perish.

"Xinghai God, I am here to have a friendly exchange with you."

The Lord of the Sky smiled gently.

"Friendly communication?"

Xinghai God is slanderous, is this the appearance of friendly communication, but the opponent is stronger than him, and what he says is nothing.

"Lord of the Sky, I also want to have a friendly exchange with the Empire."

Xinghai God said: "I heard that the empire will host a grand banquet soon. After I know it, I am also very interested. I don't know if I can go to the empire and participate in this feast."

"of course can."

The Lord of the Sky said: "I am here to send invitations to Xinghaitian. Before, I was worried that Xinghaitian would mainly retreat. This invitation would not be delivered. Now I see that there is no problem."

The true sun **** also said: "If the situation today is chaotic and the heroes are fighting for hegemony, this **** is also worried that the Conferred God camp will attack Xinghaitian, and a part of the soldiers will come here to fight the Conferred God camp."


Xinghai God can only respond.

Thinking this is the way you Shenwu invites people.

"The name of the **** emperor is spread far and wide. I also want to visit very much. Now I can go to the empire with you, meet the **** emperor, and participate in a feast."

Xinghai God is very acquainted.

"You made the wisest choice."

The Lord of the Sky said: "Your Majesty is in the empire. If you see your arrival, your Majesty will be very happy."

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