Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1698: The sixth state of the old God, the distribution of artifacts

Chu Yuan held the Cangsheng Emperor Seal in his hand, as if he was holding an era, firmly in his hand.

No matter how heavy this emperor seal is, Chu Yuan can also hold it. His heart is too invincible, and his ambition is too great. What a mere imperial seal is nothing.

Only the strongest emperor's heart can surrender the emperor's seal.

As soon as the emperor's seal was obtained, Chu Yuan was able to control the entire common people's God Capital, completely reduced to his control.

Although this emperor seal was a terrifying artifact refined by the Cangsheng Great Emperor, with the will of the common people and great beliefs, Chu Yuan only used it as a divine artifact, and it was impossible to turn it into the emperor seal of the gods.

The empire has its seal, it is impossible to use others.

This imperial seal can only be used as an artifact.

"The Hunyuan Bell can be used by the strong empire, but the Emperor Seal can only be used by me, they can't use it."

Chu Yuan understood that the power of the Cangsheng Emperor Seal was too heavy. It was not that he was stingy, but that he couldn't push others to move. Instead, he would be beaten to death and he needed a strong emperor's heart to control it.

This is the origin artifact, but also a stronger imperial weapon!

He stepped out of the Tianxue Mine at this time.


The terrifying swallowing power came from Chu Yuan's hands. He was the strongest swallowing master, completely shrouded in the entire sky blood mine area.

Swallowing all the power, this ancient ruin with an area no less than 33 days was swallowed away by him.

Without the power of the common people gods and Hunyuan Tianzong, it was easy for Chu Yuan to swallow them.

"Oh my God, why is the sky suddenly dark!"

"It's a greater force that will take away the Tianxue mine area!"

"This... what power is this!"

"We are all going to be swallowed!"

Originally, there were still many powerful people exploring in the sky blood mining area, but in an instant, I saw the darkness of the sky and the earth, and an invincible emperor mastered huge power and swallowed the entire sky blood mining area.

"Shenwu God Emperor!"

Suddenly they saw a bright and vast existence, devouring the sky blood mining area, this kind of mana was too incredible, as if it could swallow the multiverse.

Chu Yuan was indifferent, and would not say anything to this group of people. He swallowed it away, leaving an empty area, and then left directly.

The long-existing Tianxue mining area disappeared from the sky and the earth.

"The Tianxue Mine is gone, disappear out of thin air!"

"Who did it!"

"I didn't do it by Fengshentian, could it be Shenwu? Only that Shenwu can do this kind of thing, there is wealth belonging to an era, and he took it away!"

Within days of Fengshen, it was impossible to calm down after learning that Shenwu had obtained all the treasures in the Tianxue Mine.

This Shenwu's approach was completely overbearing, and it took away the mining area directly.

"That Shenwu God Emperor is unimaginable, huh, but we have the eternal forbidden zone and the eternal pure land, and we have more than him. Leave him alone, let's continue to attack!"

No matter how shocking things Shenwu did, Fengshentian couldn't stop their attack.

In this era, the founder of the God Realm represents the strongest person born in the first era, and who can be the peak powerhouse of an era?

Within the empire.

The news has spread long ago, and it's been a big trouble.

When the empire powers knew it, they were boundlessly delighted. The stronger the empire, the better it would be for them.

After he returned, Chu Yuan immediately summoned the empire powerhouses, even the True Sun God and Xinghai God, he also summoned them.

He wants to allocate the right to use the artifact this time.

For some things, he should treat them equally, asking them to know the benefits of joining the empire.

"Old God is already in the sixth state."

Chu Yuan did not see the breakthrough of the old God, but every sixth stage would give a huge blessing to the empire. Counting time, it should be when he was in the Tianxue Mine.

This is a happy event.

"Master made a breakthrough not long ago and is now consolidating in True Sun Heaven."

The true sun **** is also very happy, the old god's breakthrough allows him to have two six realms a day.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly. The old God was an ancient strong man. He was the Lord of the Day and died once. In this era of bursting luck, he made a breakthrough.

"Sky, Destroy, True Sun, Xinghai, this is the Origin Sacred Instrument Hunyuan Bell. You can try it. Whoever can run the power of Hunyuan Bell is qualified to manipulate it."

Chu Yuandao.

"Origin artifact!"

When the God of True Sun and God of Xinghai saw this bell, their eyes were hot, and there were surprises. Such a powerful artifact, the **** emperor even let them try?

"True Yang, come first." Chu Yuan directly called.

The God of True Sun stepped forward and shook his strength abruptly, but Hun Yuan Zhong was unmoved, and then he shook his head: "My strength does not match Hun Yuan Zhong. It seems that I have no chance with him."

"Don't worry, you are here for a while."

Chu Yuan gave them enough time.


In the past period of time, the Hunyuan Bell's bell was spurred. It turned out to be the Lord of the Sky, his eyes flickering, his hands intertwined with Hunyuan's runes, and it struck the Hunyuan Bell.

"The Lord of the Sky is qualified to manipulate."

It doesn't matter to destroy God.

Zhen Yang and Xinghai were very envious, and of course envious. The **** emperor had already given them a chance, but they did not grasp the opportunity, no wonder others.

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Sky."

They congratulate.

"Sky, Hunyuan Bell will be handed over to you in the future."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded, and said, "Don't be disappointed. This time I will bring the Tianxue Mine area back to the empire. It has been set up in the territory as a place of inheritance. The time in the empire is reversed, and there is still some time for you to understand. , Zhenyang, after the strength of the old God is consolidated, let him come to the empire and choose the artifact that suits him."


The true sun **** nodded.

After he arranged some things, he left the Lord of the Sky alone.

"Sky, you have to originate the magical instrument Hunyuan Bell. It will be the extremely powerful combat power under our command. The ordinary God will not be your opponent. You need to understand the profound meaning of Hunyuan and understand more power. harm."

Chu Yuan said to him.

"The minister understands, but without the Origin God, he will not be able to maximize the power of Hunyuan Zhong, but this is enough for the minister to use in this war."

The Lord of the Sky said: "Just received the news, the Conferred God Emperor had another day of defeat, and their conquests did not stop, they continued to set off the flames of war. They have already faced up with some of the strong people led by the second god, and they want to grab us. To conquer more worlds and gather more luck in the front."

Today's battle for the heavens is precisely to bring the easily conquered world into one's own rule as much as possible.

You know, each thirty-three days represents the combat power of a sixth realm.

Finally, go to bite the most difficult bones.

"Fengshentian is continuously attacking the sky, and we must not be weaker than them. This time, the Fengshen Great Emperor’s attack forced the Second Divine Lord to divide troops to support. This is also the opportunity for us. , No delay!"

Of course Chu Yuan knew what Fengshen Great was thinking.

The Great Emperor Fengshen also wanted to gather more luck and break through the seventh realm ahead of time, and he didn't want to stalemate with Chu Yuan, letting Chu Yuan break through to the sixth realm first.

The Emperor Fengshen could see that dragging was not good for him.

In this matter, the two emperors have a tacit understanding.

"The minister is preparing, the minister is forming the Xuanhuang army. This is the opening of the new sky. They are the first to have been baptized by war."

There are too few Xuanhuangtian powerhouses, and this is nothing to do.

Chu Yuan gave them too many resources, but the birth of the strong takes time, and it is impossible to appear many at once, although many new refuges are given to the Lord of the Sky.

Like the Lord of the Earth, he is willing to go to Xuanhuangtiantian to help the sky.

However, the Lord of the Earth would not go directly, and he was afraid of causing discomfort to the emperor.

And other strong people are unwilling to go to Xuanhuangtian, after all, it is the vassal heaven of the empire, it is definitely not as good as the empire.

"Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, heaven is mysterious, and earth is yellow. You and the Lord of the Earth are friends for many years. Let him assist you."

Chu Yuan said, "Get ready to go."

After the Lord of the Sky retreated, Chu Yuan looked at the map of the Multiverse, and suddenly his finger clicked on one point: "Destroy God."

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