"What's your order?"

Destroy the gods.

"You bring the Nine Martial Gods of the empire and some of the elites to the portal of teleportation, first enter Yuanchentian, and then from Yuanchentian to this day, you will attack this day, I estimate the time, when our army is surrounded by this front line , You can also reach this day."

God Chu Yuan pointed to an extremely remote day.

The nine warriors of the empire have broken through to the realm of primitive gods. They are symbols of the glory of the empire, carrying the luck of the empire, and their strength has been armed to the teeth.

And with the glory of the empire, forming a great formation of the Valkyrie, it can be compared to a six realms.

This is the strength that the empire brings to them!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

God of Destruction is out.

At the same time, Chu Yuan also looked at the empire space. In the system column, he still had many chances to draw a lottery, all of which were accumulated after previous missions, and he has not drawn.

Now, Chu Yuan decided to remove it.

He knew that the stronger his strength, the stronger the empire's luck, the stronger the rewards he would draw, but now that the battle is urgent, it really does not matter if he waits until then.

He must improve the strength of the empire as much as possible now.

"Ding! The host gets the original healing potion advanced x1 through a random lottery."

"Ding! The host won a Xuanhai robe x1 through a random lottery."

"Ding! The host gets the Immortal Era Cannon x1 through a random lottery."

"Huh? Another Immortal Era Cannon."

Chu Yuan was very satisfied. The power of every Immortal Era Cannon was extremely powerful, and if it were to scale, it would be even more terrifying.

The empire now has five immortal era cannons.

He continued to draw.

"Ding! The host won the Dao Jie Tian Shu x1 through a random lottery."

"Dao Jie Tian Shu!"

His fierce gaze immediately fell on this book of Heaven Smiting Heaven. It was not a divine tool, but a special divine object. It looked like a book, as if it was enveloped by infinite calamity, and every word on it was completely natural. Contains the ability to manipulate laws.

"It can condense the strongest strength of a single body, or it can cover the battlefield, bursting out a large-scale group of killings, this is an eternal god.

Chu Yuan's chances of drawing a lottery were almost consumed, and he was very satisfied with the winnings.


He sat quietly in the empire.

He looked at Ji Yuan Qi Luck again, and the scorching sun of Ji Yuan, which represented the peak, had already climbed to its highest point. It could no longer be described as strong, but burst.

Yes, it just burst!

The luck is burst, and it is strong to the extreme!

This burst of air luck is invisible with the naked eye, but can only be felt by the spirit of the strong, as if it was exploded by infinite power, turned into countless meteors and fire, and fell everywhere in the multiverse.

The peak represents the peak of strength.

"Unusual era."

Chu Yuan said coldly: "At the beginning of the Era, a hundred flowers blossomed and Taoism derives, but at the peak of Era, there can only be one peak power, and I am the only one!"

He stood up, that domineering can shake the sun and the moon.

"Nine Nethers, the original five realms."

At this moment, he came to Jiuyou's side, looking at her, a smile appeared on the face that had solidified for many days.

Jiuyou is his imperial concubine, the strongest among his women, the eternal Hedao flower, and the eternal heart has been used by her. The supply of a lot of resources has pushed the realm to the five realms.

However, the six realms were still a huge threshold for her, very difficult to cross.

"Although there are five realms, the gap with your majesty is getting farther and farther."

Jiuyou is very strong.

"In the next war, you will have more opportunities to fight."

Chu Yuan smiled.

At the same time, after the fastest war preparations.

The empire will open again.

"Your Majesty, my Xuan Huangtian is ready!"

"Zhenyangtian is also ready!"

"Xinghaitian is also ready!"

"The empire's army is also ready, ready to go!"

A powerful person is reporting to Chu Yuan about his preparations, and Wuji Tian is a long way from Shenwu, but Lu Yuan is also ready this day.

"it is good."

Chu Yuan said: "The army's march is imminent. The Fengshentian side is also fighting against the sky, competing with us for more heaven and earth fortune, and the empire cannot be left behind. Once the next three days are broken, the situation will be like living. It will make the Empire World present a huge whole!"

"This time I have a foreboding that the offense is different from before. The Second God Lord may stop them. Although they had previously lost to the Fengshen Great Emperor and were broken by him for five days, their strength should not be underestimated. This time it is to defend the sky. The heavens united and received the echoes of the heavens. According to the news they received, they are now causing great trouble to the Fengshen Great Emperor."

The Book of Enlightenment is specifically responsible for this aspect of intelligence.

"The times are different. The peak of an era will inevitably end the previous glory, like the dusk of the gods, it will definitely struggle."

The Master of Xinghai said: "In the past, when dealing with Fengshentian, it was more of the second god, the lone **** and demon. In order to become the master of the era, the prison launched a war with too much selfishness, but now the situation is different. The pattern of the sky, the battle of protecting the sky, the battle of guarding, morale and strategic objectives are also completely different, so the strength that erupts is also different."


In the past, the strong who were just the second **** for a few days went to fight, and the other gods did not join.

But now, the conquest of Shenwu and Fengshen is to destroy the heavens one by one, and those gods are also panicked, their lips are dead and their teeth are cold, knowing that if they don't unite, their **** position will be lost.

This is terrible for them.

"The past, the present, the future, thirty-three days are the past, and this is the present. I only fight for the present. The end of the past is for the glorious peak of this moment."

Chu Yuandao.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Guangtian, Xi Yetian, Da Litian, when will the empire start its offensive?"

The lord of the sky is the commander-in-chief of the empire, and he is in charge of the army.

He continued: "If these three days are breached and included in the empire, my heaven will have Shenwu Tian, ​​Xuanhuang Tian, ​​Zhenyang Tian, ​​Wu Ji Tian, ​​Xinghai Tian, ​​plus these three days, it will be a full eight days of power. Nearly one-third of 33 days."

"Thousands of heavens let nature take their course, and the ten thousand demons won't participate in the war. Heaven and earth have only been involved in the battle group for thirty-one days. This is a true three-legged attitude."

When the empire powerhouse thought of this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was also excited.

God used to be great in one day, but now he has three legs.

Looking at the map, Yuanguang, Xiye, and Dali's three-day war ended, the remaining sky was either from the side of the Fengshen Great Emperor, or from a very powerful or too remote world.

"The three-legged situation must be formed first."

Chu Yuandao, when the three legs stand together, he still has one important thing to do.

Now, all the empire powerhouses are waiting for Chu Yuan to order an attack.

[Option 1: Attack Yuan Guangtian and get 1 million fate points, random chance to draw x1, random origin **** pill x1. 】

[Option 2: Attack Xi Yetian and get 1 million Fate Points, x1 random lottery chance, x1 Immortal Era Cannon. 】

[Choice 3: Attack Da Litian, get 1 million fate points, random lottery chance x1, Vulcan battleship x1. 】

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