Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1804: Dimensional old emperor

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There were doubts in their eyes, what did the emperor say?

Looking ahead, it is a chaotic world. I tried my best to look at it, but it seemed that there was no treasure. The time and space ahead was still chaotic, without strangeness.

But they dare not say, let alone ask.

"The Ancient Emperor..."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, a mark flew out of thin air, and the light was suddenly released. In an instant, a passage that existed in the plane of deep emptiness appeared, connecting to a mysterious place.

"There is a treasure tunnel!" they exclaimed.

"Follow me in!"

Chu Yuan opened the passage and walked in immediately.

But after he entered, it was not as calm as in Yanghai Tianzun. Only in an instant, he was caught in a terrifying and fierce space storm, and it was shocked.

The wind howled, the divine light was dazzling.

A blade thin as a cicada's wings suddenly flew over.

Chu Yuan waved his hand to kill, but it was as if he was stabbed in the hornet's nest. In an instant, the countless blades swept and killed them indiscriminately.

Each of these blades possesses extremely terrifying power, cutting time and space, extremely fierce.

"The power of the dimension."

Chu Yuan was in the storm, but was not moved. The power of the storm could not stop him.

He had already seen clearly that the entire time and space was shrouded in dimensional storms, transformed by the evolution of the ancient emperor’s power, extremely killing, if you want to get the final treasure, you must first break through these storms.

It seems that this place is not peaceful anymore.

The Primordial Emperor of that time was not like Yanghai Tianzun, who could come when someone came, but was full of dangers.

However, Chu Yuan was certain that there was a treasure.

"What a fierce storm, this is the power of different dimensions in time and space!"

Duan Qingshan felt that if he was alone in this storm, let alone get the treasure, it would be very difficult to live.

"Follow me."

Chu Yuan's strength was mighty and majestic. He suppressed the different dimensions of time and space, locked in one direction, and stepped towards there, and then a more violent storm overwhelmed him.

Dimension is time and space, and opening different dimensions is another use of time and space power.

"right here!"

Chu Yuan's eyes turned into a scorching sun, and the storm burst between raising his hands. When this storm of another dimension cuts, it can exile people into a mysterious, different time and space, in an eternal void.

"Is this here?" The Heavenly Demon God Book has speculated.

At this moment, Chu Yuan had already seen a dimensional **** seat. On the **** seat was still sitting a resolute and mighty middle-aged man, whose whole body was flowing with different dimensional power.

The middle-aged man is extremely killing.

Behind the **** seat, there is still a portal hanging high, this portal is open, facing them, time and space blows out a dimensional storm.

"This is the gate of the dimension, and that is the ancient emperor of the dimension!"

The Heavenly Demon God Book must have guessed in his heart and recognized the origin.

"Yes, it is the ancient emperor of the second century." Chu Yuan said.

"We actually found the fall of the Ancient Emperor Jiyuan!"

The Heavenly Demon God Book was shocked: "The ancient emperor of the second element is not under the command of a god. This is a great ancient emperor. I have seen the power of the ancient emperor of the second element in the mansion of one life. His strength is very powerful. His peerless existence, he fought with the Eternal Grade, and he has nothing to do with him. The power of the dimension can penetrate the path of the Eternal Grade, and he has to walk his own dimensional path. I did not expect that he has already fallen!"

He didn't know how the emperor found here.

"he died."

Chu Yuan said calmly.

"You want to seize my way and the eternal power of the emperor. Even if the emperor desperately die, he will not let you succeed. For your own immortality, if you want to use the emperor to operate, the emperor will also make you pay a huge price. !"

When Chu Yuan and the others arrived, he seemed to feel the breath and let out a roar of will.

His eyes opened wide, and although he was dead, they were also fierce. The two divine lights turned into dimensional storms, piercing through the soul.

Chu Yuan stood still.

"what did he say?"

After Duan Qingshan heard this, he was shocked and said: "The death of the ancient emperor of the second century was hunted by others, and the one who hunted him was at least the eternal powerhouse, you? And it is not one person, but multiple!"

"I don't know who is hunting and killing the ancient emperor, this hides a big secret, and it may even be the reason why the strong can survive for a long time."

The Heavenly Demon God Book also said: "Since the ancient emperor of the second century can keep his emperor here, it means that the powerful man who hunted him that day must have paid a huge price as he said!"

"Although my body is destroyed, my will is forever!"

This ancient Dimensional Ancient Emperor actually stood up from his **** seat. He was desperately dead back then, but his will will last forever, and the dimensional power rushed towards Chu Yuan directly.

The situation is very clear, if you want to get the treasure, you must first defeat the ancient emperor.

He no longer has his own thinking, and acts entirely on his own instinct, but this should not underestimate his strength.

He grabbed it with a big hand, and the power of the void dimension was already enveloped. When he grabbed it, a sharp dimensional light blade appeared.

This cut is too sharp, no matter how strong the flesh is, it will be cut into pieces.

"Your era is over."

Chu Yuan only said such a sentence.

This is not the age of the ancient emperor of the second century. The glory is finally gone, and he has already reached the dusk.

Facing the power of the ancient emperor, Chu Yuan created his own eternal path. His peerless power, the punch of the emperor's overlord, blasted the eternal and invincible power.

This time, the Emperor Yuan Gu was immediately suppressed in front of him.

"Dimensional Divine Fist..."

Dimensional ancient emperor blasted Dimensional Divine Fist, God blocked and killed the God, Demon blocked and killed the Demon, the power of the Dimensional Divine Fist was mobilized to the extreme, and you can see that there are light waves of different dimensions all around.

And every light wave of different dimensions is extremely colorful.

But Chu Yuan's expression had the confidence to control everything.

No matter how strong he is, he has already fallen, but he acts by instinct.

Standing in place, he is the most supreme being. He is the master of everything. Other people's dimensional divine fist, he is the emperor divine fist, instead of fighting in the most direct way.

The power of the dimension is impacting.

And Chu Yuan displayed the most pinnacle power His way, his way, infinite time and space turned into the present, Chu Yuan's force overwhelmed the past.


The torrent of divine power rushed, pulling the ancient emperor into his own way of control.

Chu Yuan bombarded with a punch, without fancy punches, bringing the ultimate strength.

Dimensional body suddenly stopped, he stopped completely, the expression in his eyes was disappearing, and even his entire body was rapidly desensitizing.

With a little light, the ancient emperor of the second dimension disappeared.

His vitality has long since disappeared and was defeated by Chu Yuan. Naturally, his final will also disappeared, unable to maintain his majestic body.

Perhaps dissipation is his ultimate destination.

After he dissipated, he didn't completely disappear, but left a magic weapon that shone with light waves of different dimensions.

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