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The Dimensional God Soldier is extremely powerful, imprinted with the Tao and Dharma of the Dimensional Ancient Emperor, and can open up different dimensions and cause the strongest damage.

Chu Yuan immediately grabbed it, and this divine soldier was not honest, rumbling and shaking in his palm, resisting his control.

And the door of the dimension.

This dimensional door is like the origin of the world. Once opened, the dimensional storm that swept through can be transformed into a dimensional world, forming a dimensional eternal road, and all the treasures of the ancient emperor’s life are left inside.

Chu Yuan glanced casually, and there were a lot of treasures inside.


With so many treasures, there are so many powerhouses that can be created for the empire.

"Find an opportunity to send the treasure back to the Empire."

Chu Yuan said that the empire was his foundation, and the treasure resources were of no use to him.

"Even the ancient emperor's treasure has been obtained by the emperor. Is there anything in this world that the emperor can't do?"

They sighed.

The Heavenly Demon God Book frowned, and said: "The emperor, there is weirdness. The ancient emperor's will said that his fall was a hunt for an eternal existence, and he had the way and the method to take him. Obviously this kind of capture can make them live longer."

"It's not surprising. The main theme of the Eternal Road is the law of the jungle, hunting between hunters and prey, and the identities of the two are constantly changing."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "The only thing we have to do is to make ourselves extremely powerful. Only by being strong can we be fearless of everything and make ourselves a hunter forever."

The Heavenly Demon Book of God nodded.

The emperor has an invincible heart without fear.

After the ancient emperor’s treasure was taken away, the time and space of Yuan disappeared.

Chu Yuan left here.

Even though the burial of Shenhai is extremely dangerous, there are so many strong people here, and it is a place where strong people gather.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When passing through the sea of ​​burial gods, Chu Yuan saw a large army, led by multiple Origin Gods, rampantly domineering and cruel, swept through like a violent wind, madly killing.

Many forces that existed in the tomb of the gods have been destroyed by them.

"A man of the extreme gods!"

Ying Xue said, "This extremely sacred dynasty is crazy, and some weak creatures living in the graveyard of the gods are also killed, don't let it go!"

Chu Yuan was not unfamiliar with the Extreme Dao God Dynasty, after all, he also encountered Ji Dao attack in the Tianquan Realm that day.

"Not surprisingly."

The Heavenly Demon God Book said coldly: "The Great Emperor Jidao has lived for too long. Although his combat power is extremely powerful, it can even smash the eternal level, but no matter how strong the strength is, it will eventually wither. If the Great Emperor cannot walk out On his own eternal path, no matter how crazily he plunders eternal matter and replenishes himself, otherwise, it will be difficult for him to live in this era."

"Even those who go out of their own way will live longer and have a way of renewing their lives, but they are also struggling."

Duan Qingshan said sadly.

"It's useless to think more."

Chu Yuan said, he knew they had sorrow and despair in their hearts, which was extremely bad for cultivation.

Continue to pass through the Burial God Sea.

"Look, the emperor, many people are walking towards a place, as if they have encountered something."

Xu Shan said, "I will arrest someone for the emperor to ask."

"My lord... my lord, don't kill me!"

This was only a sixth realm, and their faces were pale when they saw Chu Yuan. This was a group of Origin Gods.

"Answer me honestly and let you go." Xu Shan said, "Where are you going? What fluctuations have occurred in this sea of ​​buried gods."

"I said, I said everything, they are all chasing the extreme cold ice silkworm. Not long ago, an extreme cold ice silkworm appeared in the sea of ​​burial. The cultivation base is strong enough to originate, but the extreme cold ice silkworm has already suffered After being seriously injured, the weak one can even deal with it in the sixth stage. I'm going to join in the fun to see if I have a chance."

The man was extremely honest.

"It's an extremely cold ice silkworm!"

The Heavenly Demon God's calligraphy: "That extremely cold ice silkworm is extremely rare and powerful. Let’s put it this way, the book itself has existed for a long time, but I have seen extremely cold ice silkworms no more than ten times. Silkworms are bred by eternity itself."

With a wave of his hand, he developed the appearance of an extremely cold ice silkworm.

It is a silkworm that is white all over and is slightly longer than the fingers.

"Don't underestimate this extremely cold ice silkworm. It is good at mysterious cold power, and it exhales in one breath, but it can freeze the endless world, and the existence of the same level will be frozen to death by it, and it is also good at traveling through the void."

The Heavenly Demon God's calligraphy: "But this is only a small part of its ability. Its most powerful part is that it can spit out silk. This silk can be woven into the extremely cold **** armor, the origin of the artifact, there is an ice silkworm, long years. Here, as long as you provide it with enough energy conversion, it can weave the artifact of origin for you."

"And if you are a strong person who cultivates one way of water, you can practice together with the extremely cold ice silkworm, you can also get huge benefits."

When Ying Xue heard it, this was what suits her best. She cultivated the power of ice and snow, let alone practiced together, even if she could have a pair of Origin God Armor suitable for her, it was very good.

"The Origin God Armor."

Chu Yuan's expression moved slightly.

He didn't really care too much about the fighting power of the extremely cold ice silkworm, but he couldn't help but think about being able to spin silk and weave the Origin God Armor.

With this extremely cold ice silkworm, Chu Yuan could make it weave multiple pieces of armor for the empire, a powerful empire.

"Let's also look for the extremely cold ice silkworm."

Now, he is also buried in the sea, this is just an opportunity.

Buried Shenhai, because of the extreme cold ice silkworm, all boiled, and a large number of strong men were chasing and searching.

"The extremely cold ice silkworm has been seriously injured, and its current strength is not even one-tenth of its peak. It was the time to capture it."

Several powerful people gathered together, and their eyes shot through time and space fiercely.

"Yes, this extreme cold ice silkworm must be obtained by the Heavenly Sword God Sect. We need it to weave the extreme cold divine armor, and we can also use it to create an extreme cold field and become a holy land of ice and snow. It cannot be lost."

Another humane.

"However, the extremely cold ice silkworm is also extremely powerful. Although it is only in the seven realms, it exhales cold breath and freezes multiple origins. Although its strength is greatly reduced, it is now hidden in the depths of time and space."

"It's okay, you have to find it when you dig the ground three feet, and the space where it hides is only in this area."

"And there are many people who want to get the Extreme Dream Ice Silkworm."

"Huh! Who dares to win with us ~ www.ltnovel.com~ even if you can't get it, it will be ruined!"

This group of powerful people searched while talking.

"over there!"

They said suddenly.

The extremely cold ice silkworm was seriously injured, although he tried his best to hide his breath, but after all, he was not in the peak state and couldn't hide it at all.

At this moment.

There is a woman in white clothes, with a proud female emperor style, who is constantly arresting the past in the void, and her cultivation base is also extremely powerful, reaching eight levels.

"It's the Ice and Snow Empress, she is also here to catch this extremely cold ice silkworm."

"Huh, the Queen of Ice and Snow, she wants to cultivate the power of ice and snow. She doesn't want to cultivate the ice silkworm, but to refine her attributes, so that she can hope to sublimate."

"Can't let her get it!"

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