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The devastating earthquake also spread to the entire suspended airspace at the fastest speed.

The airspace is dead silent.

No one would have thought that Chu Yuan would kill the Great Shock Emperor with lightning speed and let the Great Shock Dynasty destroy the country. This is simply unbelievable, almost impossible.

You must know that the Great Earthquake Dynasty really had a god-like presence in it, but even so, it was directly destroyed by Chu Yuan and destroyed.

As soon as the news spread, there were many dynasties who wanted to respond to the dangling dynasty to conquer Dawu, but after learning about it, they almost didn’t frighten to death. Even the Great Shock dynasty was destroyed, and the existence of the gods must be killed. It is not easy.

All responses disappeared.

The lord of all dynasties was also shocked.

The strength of Emperor Wu was so terrifying.

In their memory, Chu Yuan had been the first to wipe out the Four Kingdoms since he appeared in the sight of everyone, but only a few years later, the Great Earthquake was eliminated, and the Dawu Dynasty was also promoted to the Four-Star Dynasty.

The Hanging Dynasty was a behemoth, and the Dawu Dynasty was also a behemoth.

Neither of them can afford to provoke two behemoths.

The Hanging Dynasty was also silent. Their plan was very good, so that all the forces in the Hanging Domain were worried about Chu Yuan, and then let others be their cannon fodder, and they sent out a large number of masters to destroy the Great Martial Dynasty.

It's a pity that the sky didn't follow people's wishes. Chu Yuan destroyed the Dazhen dynasty and was promoted to four stars, which completely shocked many dynasties.

Although they were silent for the time being, it didn't mean that they would forget it. Da Wu went from a little-known dynasty to a behemoth in just a few years. How could the Hanging Dynasty not be alarmed, and didn't regard Da Wu as a thorn in his eyes.

If Dawu is allowed to continue to develop, it may even threaten the dominance of the Hanging Dynasty.

If I just wanted to kill Dawu to get their treasures before, now it is related to their status.

And this time.

Although the response plan of the Hang Kong Dynasty failed, Chu Yuan did not relax at all. He first stationed in the Great Earthquake Dynasty, and the court sent people to quickly establish a new order and subdue the people's heart.

In the original Great Earthquake Dynasty, the altar of Qi Yun was established, so that the power of Chu Yuan's human emperor could radiate and affect the entire territory.

After the earthquake stabilized throughout the entire territory, most of the Dawu army withdrew to the Shuixi Plain to continue defending the Hanging Dynasty.

After all, if the Hang Kong Dynasty wanted to invade Dawu, it would either borrow from other four-star dynasties or take the Shuixi Da Plain.

The Great Earthquake Dynasty is not the only way.

Dawu thirty-three years in June.

A few months have passed since the Battle of the Shuixi Plain. Although Chu Yuan and the Hanging Dynasty had not really broken out a decisive battle, the situation in the entire hanging space was very tense, and it was triggered at any time.

Everyone knows that even with the strength of the Hanging Dynasty, if you want to exterminate Dawu and eliminate future troubles, this battlefield will not be launched immediately, but you must be fully prepared, otherwise you will suffer heavy losses.

"Your Majesty, something has happened!"

Zhu Fengfeng, dressed in a uniform, walked into Chu Yuan's big tent, his expression extremely solemn.

After completely refining the blood of the ancient phoenix and the blood of the Immortal Phoenix, and with the help of Dawu’s four-star national destiny, her cultivation level has reached the tenth level of the gods in the past few months, but it is extremely difficult to promote to the gods. .

"What's the matter?" Chu Yuan said.

"The minister received the news that the battle of Wang Demon Territory had already decided the victory and defeat. The Holy Lion Emperor swept across all races and established the Holy Lion Dynasty. The Xuanming Liniao and Senluo Tiexi tribes have already retreated, and the direction of their defeat is the ancient In the Fengshan Mountains, the Holy Lion the Great is chasing and killing the powerhouses of the gods of the two races. If he continues to chase and kill, it will spread to the imperial city sooner or later!"

Zhu Fengfeng solemnly said: "The officials ordered the various ethnic groups in the Gufeng Mountain Range to withdraw temporarily."

"One wave is not settled and one wave rises again. If the Holy Lion the Great perishes the two races, completely integrates the entire Wang Demon Realm, and rushes out of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, the first to face will be the Great Wu Dynasty, so he will not decide with the Hanging Dynasty. Before the victory or defeat, it is better to hope that the Demon Territory is still chaotic."

Chu Yuan meditated: "Leader Feng, take a trip to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range with me. You have the blood of the undead Divine Phoenix, maybe you can help."

At this moment, there are wars in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range!

In the original Gufeng Mountain Range, many races that had never existed before appeared, endless, as if they were fleeing for their lives, and ran here from the Wang Demon Realm of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

Especially above the sky, the power of the law raged, and more than a dozen figures appeared. These more than a dozen existences exuded a monstrous spirit, and they were all gods.

"Xuanming Liniao, Sen Luo Tiexi, how long will your two tribes resist? Submit to me, Holy Lion, I am the strongest ruler of the Demon Realm, surrendering to me is your only way out, the seven clans are already Belong to me, don't you see the current situation clearly and want to resist to the end?"

This holy lion emperor stepped in the void, full of golden light billowing, and a burly figure. He was a young man with a golden robe and exuding holy light.

Seven Gods!

The cultivation base of the Saint Lion the Great is as high as the seventh level of the gods, his eyes are burning with majestic ambition.

Originally Wang Demon Realm had ten major ethnic groups, and the mysterious holy lion clan where the Holy Lion the Great was located was one of them.

However, the Holy Lion the Great suddenly rose, and immediately set off a war. Within a few years of the entire Wang Demon Realm, he had conquered seven of the ten major races, and the remaining Xuanming Liniao tribe and Sen Luo Iron Rhinoceros could not resist and gave up the territory. Escape to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

"It's not so easy to let my Xuanming Liniao clan take refuge in your Holy Lion Dynasty."

The patriarch of the Xuanniao Liniao clan is a woman who looks more than 30 years old, is in a high position, is graceful and noble, and possesses the sixfold realm of God.

"Yes, in the past few years of fighting, you killed so many tribesmen in me, and you want us to submit, there is no such possibility!"

The patriarch of Sen Luo Tiexi is a gloomy middle-aged man.

Over the past few years, Wang Demon Realm has been smashed to the ground, and the existence of the gods has also fallen some. The two tribes have also been forced to flee Wang Demon Realm by the Holy Lion Great Emperor, and the hatred in their hearts is not unbelievable.

"It seems you want to die."

The powerful aura of the Holy Lion the Great oppressed the patriarchs of the two tribes, even their heads could not be lifted.

The patriarch of Sen Luo Iron Rhinoceros said with difficulty: "Holy Lion, are you trying to persecute our two clans and you forever? We have all left the Demon Watching Realm and handed over the territory to you, and we will never come back. Are you still dissatisfied? Although you are the seventh-fold god, you will have to pay a terrible price for driving us to despair!"

"Don't push us too hard!" Patriarch Xuanming Liniao gritted his teeth.

"Hahaha? The emperor awakens the blood of the holy lion. Not only do you two races refuse to return, but you also want to resist. Although you two are the sixth level of the gods, they are not opponents of the emperor, even if you add your two races. There are only six or seven gods in total, and this emperor can clean up all of you personally."

The Holy Lion Emperor disdainfully said: "Since you are stubborn and restless~www.ltnovel.com~, then all of you will be cut off. Prosper with me and perish against me. A Demon Realm of Hope cannot satisfy the emperor’s appetite. A large area where Human Race exists is also waiting for the emperor to conquer. Where can I waste time here with you?"


Patriarch Senluo Tiexi and Patriarch Xuanming Liniao looked at each other.

They also have a proud bloodline, and they are not much weaker than the Profound Spirit Saint Lion clan. If they are allowed to submit in this way and become Saint Lion's generals, they will be very unwilling in their hearts.

Moreover, in these few years of fighting, the two clans have lost too many clansmen, and they are even more unwilling to surrender.

If the existence of this divine realm fights hands, the sky will collapse and the earth will break, and the entire Gufeng Mountain Range will be destroyed.

"When you came to fight on our territory, are you too unscrupulous? Doesn't you really exist?"

A voice suddenly spread, making the situation where the powder keg was about to explode suddenly changed.

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