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The moment when this sound came, the thunder was exploded in the clear sky, the infinite power spread, and the two parties who were preparing to fight immediately stopped.

Suddenly, two figures appeared.

All the big demons looked at a bright and stalwart figure ahead.

There seemed to be hundreds of thousands of divine thunders hidden around him, forming a field of thunder and lightning, and his aura was so huge that people hardly dared to look at him directly.

"Human Emperor!"

This terrifying emperor made the Holy Lion the Great and other demons realize that this person is the emperor of the human race.

"Could it be a strong man in the Hanging Space? But this person is definitely not a member of the Hanging Dynasty."

The Saint Lion the Great looked rough, but he was actually as careful as he was. He stared at Chu Yuan for a moment, and suddenly said loudly, "The human race is strong, this is my monster race's business, do you want to intervene? This emperor advises you not to intervene. , Otherwise it will catch fire."

"Gufeng Mountain Range is the territory of our Great Wu Dynasty. You fight here, I can't ignore it."

Chu Yuan shot sharp gazes one by one at the group of gods from Wang Demon Realm.

"Dawu Dynasty?"

The Great Emperor Saint Lion turned his mind. He knew that the opposite of Wang Demon Realm was the Suspended Sky Realm, and he also knew some dynasties in the Suspended Sky Realm, but he had never heard of the name of the Dawu Dynasty, so he said arrogantly, "A joke? Are you in the territory of the Dawu Dynasty? This emperor remembers that this was the territory of the Gufeng clan tens of thousands of years ago."

"Yes, I am the current patriarch of the Gufeng clan!"

Suddenly, Zhu Fengfeng walked out, and the power of the immortal divine phoenix turned into a pair of divine phoenix wings, which spread out, and the flames filled dozens of miles.

"Undead Divine Phoenix!"

Originally, Zhu Fengfeng's ancient phoenix bloodline belonged to the emperor in the monster clan, but the Immortal Phoenix was even the emperor of the emperor, and it was not much more noble than his holy lion.

The woman transformed by Xuanming Liniao's patriarch also felt a sense of fear in her blood.

The Immortal Divine Phoenix is ​​the most powerful and noble existence among the birds. Even if her cultivation is as high as the sixth level, she will inevitably be suppressed.

"How could the undead Divine Phoenix appear here!" Saint Lion's face also changed.

"Why are you fighting things that are not related to me in the Demon Realm, but in the Gufeng Mountain Range, you are provoking me."

Chu Yuan's voice resounded clearly in the Gufeng Mountain Range.

"Human emperor, we have no intention of fighting here, but the holy lion emperor is aggressive, we can't help it!"

Patriarch Xuanming Liniao immediately said that she and the Senluo Tiexi clan could never be the opponents of the Holy Lion Emperor. The enemy's enemy is a friend, so seeing Chu Yuan, he wanted to win over allies.

"The emperor, why don't you let me take a shot to deal with the human emperor, anyway, we will soon attack the airspace, so let's take him first!"

Beside Saint Lion the Great, a burly body, like a tower of middle-aged man, had a dazzling light in his eyes.


Before the Holy Lion the Great could speak, the middle-aged man took the lead, his clothes exploded, and the blue veins on his skin were like the roots of a horned dragon tree, vigorous.

As the terrifying power surged, a dark golem appeared behind him.

This middle-aged man came from the Earth Demon Clan, which had the triple strength of the gods, but with the infinite power and defense of the Demon Clan, even the powerhouses of the four gods would never want to suppress him.

"court death!"

Chu Yuan's eyes suddenly flickered, turning into a net of billions of thunder.

"Take my punch, Earth Demon, Suppress Heaven and Earth!"

The most proficient attribute of this earth golem clan is the earth attribute. Standing on the ground, it can continuously absorb the power of the earth, and immediately saw the elephant blast out, as if it was blasting with the power of the entire land.

Chu Yuan looked at the majestic and mighty power of the Earth Demon, and his body was like a god. He also slammed a punch, and there were five mysterious colors flowing on it.

Seeing that Chu Yuan was going to fight him directly, the Earth Demon sneered. With his physical strength, even the Seventh-tier Holy Lion could not fight him.


But when he hit Chu Yuan with a punch, his face changed, and he immediately felt that it was not a person, but a small world. The huge force invaded his body, making him a little unbearable, even retreating. After a few steps.

Although Chu Yuan hadn't practiced the Great Five Element Technique, the five attributes of the five-bar banner continued to operate, enabling him to use the five five element forces.

"Raiden sanctions!"

Chu Yuan's eyes locked on the Earth Demon.

He opened his five fingers, and there was lightning rolling in the sky, and he grabbed the front. The mana condensed from this palm was the power of rolling thunder and lightning, which contained powerful sanctions.

The advancement of supernatural powers is not only the title, but also the power to use supernatural powers.

It is even more terrifying to use Chu Yuan's four levels of spiritual accumulation at this moment.

"Go away, you are not his opponent!"

The Holy Lion the Great saw Chu Yuan grabbing the Earth Demon, and in an instant, the power of the extremely magnificent **** position condensed a golden palm.

"Can you be saved?"

As soon as Chu Yuan saw that the Holy Lion the Great was blocking him, another force flew out, and a fight with the Holy Lion the Great, it turned out to be the opponent's shot.

In an instant, Chu Yuan's thunder and lightning palms completely submerged the Earth Demon like a torrent of thunder and lightning.

The Earth Golem could only watch as he was engulfed by lightning, and his mouth roared in pain. Although his skin was thick and thick, he could not resist the thunder and lightning, and the smashed flesh collapsed.

Chu Yuan absorbed a **** position law that resembled a Tianzhu, and swallowed all the energy essence of this earth golem into his body.

Swallowing a terrestrial demon with a triple **** position, Chu Yuan's realm is more solid and powerful!

Seeing that Chu Yuan had killed a triple divine position between his several moves, everyone was shocked.

You must know that the triple level of the gods is also a big figure in the Wang Demon Realm. For example, the patriarchs of Xuanming Liniao and Sen Luo Tiexi are only the sixth level of the gods~www.ltnovel.com~ and the most terrifying thing is that Chu Yuan killed the earth. The Golem didn't pay any price, on the contrary, it was more like an easy freehand, killing casually.

"You killed the earth golem!"

A thick startling flashed in the golden pupils of the Saint Lion Great.

This terrestrial demon died directly in front of him, making him fail to rescue him. This was a huge blow to his prestige. He has always been invincible since he fought in the Demon Realm. .

"If you kill an earth demon, you will kill it." Chu Yuan calmly said: "Why, are you still avenging this earth demon?"

"Do these men you brought want to die?"

Chu Yuan's sharp gaze fell on the gods that followed the Holy Lion Emperor.

Those gods were stared at by Chu Yuan's gaze, and his whole body shuddered, as if he had become a prey, not the existence of the high gods.

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