Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1825: The land of Xuanming has arrived

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Several months of chasing and blocking the Xuanming Land had already trapped Yi Tianzun in an area.

To be honest, they are also very upset inside. This Yi Tianzun is too capable of running, and it is absolutely impossible for him to run for so long as an ordinary strong.

"In the age of the Holy Emperor, the Holy King of Storm."

At this moment, a tall and mighty man wearing a mountain-sea robe walked along with dragons and snakes. Under his feet, a boundless landscape was formed, and he was leading people towards it.

"Qian Kun Shen Dynasty, Ji Wujiang!"

When the Storm King saw this person, he immediately recognized it.

That Qiankun God Dynasty is also an eternal power, and their Qiankun God Emperor's strength has also shocked the eternity, but in recent epochs, it has been somewhat weak, and the strength of the strong has begun to break.

This is a normal thing.

The eternal class can live for a long time. During the years they ruled, the power was the most prosperous, but their subordinates could not live for that long, and would die one by one.

The gods of the universe have been reigning for too long, and the gods of origin and the strongest are all falling, especially in the first few epochs, a strong sitting, which caused their strength to slip and fault.

This Ji Wujiang also desperately wanted to obtain the eternal divine fruit, raise his strength to a higher level, and reshape the glory of the gods.

And he himself can't survive too many epochs. If he dies, it is even worse, and it is difficult for the strongest to sit in the town, and the foundation of the universe will be ruined.

The Emperor Qiankun didn't give him much help, and he spent most of his time hiding in his eternal road.

"You also want to seize the eternal fruit." Storm Saint King said.

"Haha, there are a few people who don't want to seize such precious things as Eternal Dao Fruit."

Ji Wujiang laughed. Now that the Emperor Qiankun is in retreat, he controls the power of regency and is equivalent to the emperor.

"Be careful, you are dead here, your universe and gods have no one to sit in front of you, and you have been destroyed. To Dao Guo, it is not just our eternal forces."

The Holy Storm King.

"You don't need to worry about it."

Ji Wujiang's face became colder and colder, and he suddenly shouted: "The Mantra of the Holy Land of Truth, don't hide it. Since it's here, you can show it. It is not enough to play the strategy of mantis catching cicada and oriole. "

With his voice, the Lord of Mantra appeared, a man with a firm complexion, like a marble.

The Lord of True Words sits in the Holy Land of Truth, and the Lord of True Words is out attacking.

"I heard that your holy place of truth has suffered a lot during this period of time." Ji Wujiang said.

"I don't want to talk about these things anymore."

The Lord of Mantra does not want to mention it, this is a shame.

"Haha, we can help you get revenge, you see, in the land of Xuanming, how many of their powers have been destroyed, but the price is that you can't participate in the eternal Tao fruit fight, how?"

The Holy Storm King.

"I want their fate, and I want the eternal fruit."

Although every word of the mantra is not loud, he is expounding the truth, his domineering.


The Storm King’s face was cold, and he ignored him, saying: "Yi Tianzun, a man from Shijiyuan, this king has already seen you. It is useless for you to hide. You have been trapped here. Stubbornness is A dead end!"

Of course he didn't see Yi Tianzun, he just knew they were here.

After a while, a vague and ethereal voice came out, not knowing where it was, as if it were the voice of fate.

"What do you want to say." Yi Tianzun said.

"With your calculation power, you can also know that now you are under siege, this king is kind and can give you a chance to hand over the eternal Tao fruit, take refuge in my age of the holy emperor, Yi Tianzun, you are an individual talent, you can become a holy Yi Wang, the status is comparable to the strongest, not under this king."

He heard Yi Tianzun's voice and actually wanted to find out his position, but Yi Tianzun couldn't find it at all.

"You want to surrender."

Yi Tianzun's tone was slow, "But our emperor has killed you a saint king."

"This is what your emperor did, and it has nothing to do with you. As long as you cast aside the shadows, I can give you shelter. Otherwise, you should know your fate. Your emperor will naturally have someone to deal with."

The Storm King also wanted Yi Tianzun to take refuge in him.

The value of this person is very great.

Although he has never seen the real body, he has learned this kind of calculation.

"Abandon the dark and cast the bright? I am the most brilliant when I am in the century."

Yi Tianzun said lightly.

"If you can give me the Eternal Dao Fruit, Yi Tianzun, I can promise you the position of Great National Master."

Ji Wujiang said: "You certainly did not have a high position in my Qiankun Divine Empire in the age of the Holy Emperor. As for this age of truth, you can't believe it. Only my Qiankun Divine Dynasty can give you the best."

The Mantra Lord looked cold and did not speak.

"Haha, how can the Qiankun God Dynasty be as powerful as I was in the age of the Holy Emperor, follow them, just looking for death."

The Storm King knew that Yi Tianzun should know their power.

"My Universe God Dynasty also has eternal level powerhouses!"

Ji Wujiang's face was hard to look.

"There is only one Eternal Dao Fruit, which makes it difficult for me to handle it."

Yi Tianzun said indifferently: "Why don't you decide the winner first, whoever wins, the eternal fruit will go to whom."

"Want to provoke?"

Storm King, how could Ji Wujiang be deceived.

The Storm King said coldly: "You are provoking my patience, handing over the fruit, you can get shelter, otherwise there is only death, don't play scheming with me here."

"Then it is impossible. I am the strongest when I am in the century, and my majesty is also the strongest."

Yi Tianzun said lightly.

How could he abandon the empire.

"I want to delay, and wait for your emperor to come to rescue."

Mantra of the Lord.

"Even if their emperor comes? What if he is afraid of him?"

The Storm King was not afraid, and even wished to find Chu Yuan for a fight.

"It's useless. You can't find his whereabouts by his voice. This is a destiny power without a source."

Mantra of the Lord.

Why don't you talk nonsense with Yi Tianzun? Don't you know that he can't take refuge, just to find out his preparation position, otherwise it will waste a long time to determine] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

"You should be the Mantra of the Holy Land of This is the power of fate."

Yi Tianzun said slowly.

"The only way to find him is to swept over with strength, so that he has nowhere to escape. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless.

The Lord of Mantra had sharp eyes, and he spit out a word.

"I said, if the storm dissipates, the place will be calm."

Sure enough, following the words of the Mantra Sovereign, the billowing storm was dissipated by a strange and inexplicable force, and a world truth emerged spontaneously.

He does not directly use force bombardment, but it is more troublesome than force bombardment.

Yi Tianzun also knew that the Mantra Sovereign was the most difficult one. If it were Ji Wujiang and the others, they would have to crush the storm first to find him, but the Mantra Sovereign did not need it.

"The land of Xuanming is here."

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