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The situation in the land of Xuanming, the Heavenly Demon God Book told him on the road to come.

"The land of Xuanming, a path opened by the eternal class, ended up sitting here."

Chu Yuan came to the land of Xuanming, and with his powerful magic power, he immediately noticed a different feeling.

This is in the eternal road, he can clearly feel the difference from the eternal road, here, the leader of the road is the master here, and can effectively avoid the power of eternal calamity.

The reason why the eternal class can live so long is because they opened the way.

This road is a rule, and when there is a road, it is to use rules against the rules, which is naturally not comparable to others' hard resistance.

And why they can't be eternal, also because the power of each eternal calamity will increase, until it can't bear it anymore. After breaking their path, they need to find ways to increase the power of the path in order to remain immortal.

But even so, the years they can live are beyond the imagination of others.

"It seems that the new Eternal Class has not been born, and some changes have occurred in it."

Chu Yuandao!

"If the Eternal Shenzhou is not an ordinary Shenzhou, it is also a road, and the road opened by all the strong is a special inner time and space!"

Chu Yuan said, "Why can't be eternal? It's not because you can't cultivate to the realm of eternity, but the whole path of eternity. The whole God is trapped in the eternal level, like a prison, destroying their Tao fruit."

His thoughts flashed in an instant.

His eyes have crossed the time and space, and he has directly seen the place where the fluctuations are most intense.

"Go, fight with me directly!"

Chu Yuan did not conceal his power. As soon as he arrived in the land of Xuanming, there were devastating fluctuations that spread the entire world.

"Our Majesty has come."

At this time, Yi Tianzun also knew that His Majesty had arrived and made a sound.

"Even if your emperor arrives, I don't want to save you, and even kill him here!"

The Storm King shouted.

He suddenly saw that in the extreme distance, there was an extremely bright divine brilliance, such as the eternal scorching sun, swallowing the sky, melting everything, and a great divine residence strode over from the scorching sun.

That kind of power, that kind of domineering, suffocating people, the soul is chilling.

"You are afraid of your majesty." Yi Tianzun didn't panic at all.

"Nonsense, how can we be afraid of the strong in this era."

The Storm King yelled from anger into anger.

Yes, there are indeed many strong people who have feared Chu Yuan. Although he was not born for a long time, his strength was too terrifying and shocked the heavens.

Think about it, he had this kind of strength only halfway through an epoch, and he is likely to become the eternal level in the future, and even the strongest who swept all eternal levels.

And even the eternal level is unacceptable to many people.

Without him, although there is not only one person on the Eternal Road on the Eternal Road, most of them have lived for too long to appear at will, but this emperor has no worries.

If he succeeds, in the long epoch in the future, he will live in his shadow and look up at his power.

This is to suppress the heavens and cross the eternity.

"You are going to deal with the strong of our empire!"

Rumble, Chu Yuan's voice swept in like a cosmic storm!

His terrifying aura, the moment it passed, the entire Xuanming Road caused intense destruction. I don't know how many time and space were split in a large amount, and the groups of people besieging the empire's powerhouse were terrified.

"That person is the master of Century Yuan!"

"Get out of the way, the master is here to rescue the strong man in his empire, we can't fight him!"

"Let him fight the eternal forces first!"

Chu Yuan entered the battlefield. At this moment, no one dared to stop him from coming. He came with the most invincible power.

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He appeared in the center of the battlefield. There were endless storms in the land of Xuanming, but with his arrival, even the storms stopped, and the brilliance of the sky gathered on others.

"Master of the world, Emperor Shenwu."

Chu Yuan's stalwart is difficult for people to look directly at.

"How could he come so soon, not in the Sea of ​​Burying God, he should be so fast from Sea of ​​Burial to Xuanming."

The Storm King didn't understand the reason why Chu Yuan was so fast. If it were him, it would be impossible to use it several times.

"The Holy Emperor Era."

Chu Yuan's gaze was extremely deep. He strode forward and directly attacked the Storm King. With a blast of his palm, the vast power was suppressed like a sky.

His body is extremely tall under the background of power.

"He directly acted on the Storm King!"

Many people were shocked when they saw that they had offended the Holy Land of Truth before, and now they are attacking the Holy Emperor Era. He is really lawless and he doesn't pay attention to all forces.

What great devil Tutian, in front of the overbearing Shenwu God Emperor, nothing counts.

This is indeed the case.

Chu Yuan is really not afraid to offend any strong on the path of eternity. He wants to be the strongest, and all those who oppose him must be swept fiercely and start a **** conquest.

He has the backing of the multiverse, no one can strike his forces across the air, and can attack without restraint.

He wants to plunder resources infinitely within a limited time and strengthen himself.

This is the best opportunity.

"I will be afraid of you!"

But at this moment, even though Chu Yuan's power brought too much oppression, the Storm King still had no fear. Pushing with both hands, there was a torn storm.

But the storm of the Storm King collapsed in a single blow in front of Chu Yuan's stalwart power sweeping the world.

The King of Storms fought against each other, and the power in his body was overwhelmed.

"He destroyed the mana of the Storm King with a single blow, and it gave me the feeling that he was like the strongest, invincible!"

"You haven't seen the real strongest person!"

"This era is amazing!"

Everyone was shocked.

The Heavenly Demon God Book also revealed his huge body of the Heavenly Book, shouting: "Whoever dares to step forward today is the enemy of our empire, and will inevitably be conquered by the empire's army!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try!"

Xu Shan also shouted.

At this time, against Shijiyuan?

Very not stupid to the strong, the power displayed by Emperor Shenwu is too great, and it is by no means an ordinary origin to fight against. It would be foolish to jump out at this time.

What should I do if I was retaliated by Shijiyuan?

They are not eternal-level forces ~www.ltnovel.com~ with profound background and eternal-level existence.

Strength, in the final analysis, is strength. Only with strength can you be domineering and fearless.

If Chu Yuan did not show strong power when he arrived, this group of people would have been besieged.

All, they now choose to watch the show.

"We will not go against the empire. We are only practicing in the land of Xuanming, not to deal with the empire."

Some strong men immediately retreated to the surroundings, leaving the battlefield to them.

The Storm King, Ji Wujiang, and the Mantra Sovereign at this time ignored the retreat of these people, and their gazes focused on Chu Yuan.

This emperor is the biggest opponent.

"Let's all go together."

Chu Yuan's powerful force was surging, standing here, like a pillar that propped up the world-destroying firmament, unshakable, the heaven and the earth would all be under his feet, unable to turn over.

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