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The strongest of the three eternal forces all stared at Chu Yuan with the most solemn eyes.

Although the other party said that one person would single out all of them, their hearts were not angry. After all, the other party really had this strength, not arrogance.

"Come on, this king accepts your challenge!"

Although knowing that the opponent is extremely strong, the Storm King still has not regressed.

Eternal Dao Guo is too tempting. At his level, it is already difficult to continue to grow in strength, only to open up his own way.

Even if he can't make him truly achieve this situation, he can still improve his own path.

"Storm Fist!"


The Storm King slapped a punch, and infinite time and space, one storm vortex appeared, but in an instant, a rolling hurricane blew away, blowing away the eternal mountain in front.

Three eternal forces are present.

In fact, the age of the Holy Emperor is the strongest.

Although the truth and the universe are also eternal grades, the holy emperor was once the strongest. He suppressed an era, but the horror of the eternal rules gradually made him less visible.

For this reason, the foundation of the Holy Emperor’s Era is extremely profound.

With this hurricane, he surrounded the opponent heavily.

Since the war, ordinary strong men have scattered one after another, and even some of the seven origin gods can't join the battlefield at will.

The emperor Chu Yuan was tall and straight, with unparalleled aura, and he shook suddenly. Only with his aura, he actually shattered the hurricane, and the invincible power of God and I burst into bloom.

His eyes focused, burning with a raging fire.

"Only momentum and will can collapse the power of the Storm King!"

Many people were horrified.

Chu Yuan rushed out with a punch, and the endless darkness filled the surrounding area. With a loud noise, everyone heard the storm crashing again and again.

When the Storm King saw it, his eyes were not darkness, but endless light. The opponent's mana perfectly ravaged the power of darkness and light together.

The Storm King didn't dare to think too much, and hurriedly transported the storm palm to fight against Chu Yuan.

Faced with the attack, although the Storm King was extremely confident in his own strength, his body was still trembling fiercely in the face of the opponent's tough attack.

In other words, he and Chu Yuan suffered a big loss in this blow.

"What a powerful force!"

The King of Storms also had to admit that Chu Yuan was extremely strong, and he had the strength to overwhelm him in less than one epoch of cultivation. It is simply a strange flower in the universe~www.ltnovel.com~Collar red envelopes] Follow Gong .. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.ltnovel.com~ draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Whoever wants to make a move, go together."

Chu Yuan made a big move, dominating the world.

"I said that there is no darkness in this world, then there is no darkness. The darkness will dissipate, the light will fall, and the world will be the real me."

The Holy Word of Mantra utters the words of truth, and his words have great power. When a thought is born, the universe appears, and a huge light of truth is carried through.

Compared with the direct shot of the Storm King, the mantra's moves are even more weird, restricting you in terms of rules.

Chu Yuan smashed the light of truth with one blow.

The Mantra Sovereign is attacking, and the infinite light points turned into fonts and runes must be blessed on Chu Yuan's body, imposing some extremely huge confinement on him, weakening his strength.

Chu Yuan resolutely defeated all truths with absolutely strong power and invincible ideas.

"My words are the truth!"

Chu Yuan is supreme, his thunderous voice resounded through the world, shaking people's eardrums.

He knew too well that there were so many people gathered in the land of Xuan Ming, all of them were like hungry wolves, although it seemed that only the King of Storm and the Lord of Words attacked him.

But other people are afraid of his strength, which does not mean that they are not tempted by the eternal Tao fruit.

If he keeps going strong all the way, these people will not dare to take action at all, and vice versa.

And he also knows that he can't delay here. He is not afraid of this group of people, but as the news spreads, more and more powerful people will gather. More ninth realms and more eternal forces will come. .

Even, there will be an eternal level, and kill him.

Chu Yuan wanted to take the empire powerhouse out to fight. He didn't talk nonsense. With epic torrents of power, it was mighty and mighty. He wanted this group of people to know that he would end up in an extremely miserable battle.

The Storm King urged more severe storms.

But Chu Yuan directly killed him.

At this moment, he was in a trance, his own king turned humble and insignificant in front of the emperor.

"Destiny beheaded!"

When Chu Yuan lifted his palm, he was slashed to his destiny. That strange magical power, which gathered the three powers of the past, present and future, fell in an incomprehensible way.

The Storm Sage King resisted heavy storms, but this knife directly slashed in, making it impossible for him to resist with regular mana.

His body shook fiercely, flying like a kite, and when he opened his mouth, he spit out a puff of blood.

Under this stab, the Storm King was actually injured. He clearly felt that this person's skill was so powerful that he was harmed. It was a force he could not resist.

If it were not for his profound cultivation, it would be more than just spitting blood.

"A blow to kill my destiny. He doesn't understand the destiny, but he wants to control my destiny forcibly!"

The Storm King was shocked.

Looking at the master of Shijiyuan who controlled all kinds of power, this style made him seem to have seen the eternal strongest.

Strictly speaking, although he came from the age of the Holy Emperor, he had never seen the glory of the Holy Emperor who smashed the heavens, because he was not born at that time.

Except for the eternal existence of the Holy Emperor.

In fact, many powerhouses in the Holy Emperor Era have been replaced for several generations.

The Mantra Sovereign also spoke of the truth, and countless runes and lights gathered to form a sacred sword of light, which was about to be killed right away.

"Your mantra is nothing but the truth for yourself!"

Facing the Guangming Sacred Sword, Chu Yuan didn't even make a move. He just yelled and collapsed.

With devastating power, an incomparably vast and great scene appeared around Chu Yuan's time and space, and an eternal divine glory seemed to reach the eternal end of the other side.

This is an unstoppable force, brilliant and glorious.

When everyone saw this scene, they could better understand Chu Yuan's power. This was the path he opened up. Although this path has not yet been truly accomplished, everyone can feel the horror in it.

The power of Lu swept across the body of the Lord of Mantra.

His extremely sublimated holy light confronted ~www.ltnovel.com~ Although it was extremely brilliant, his truth collapsed directly. In this torrent, he could not resist Chu Yuan's power.

"How can he be so powerful!"

"This is an eternal path for him. When Shijiyuan was only halfway through, there was already such a strong person. How could this be possible? He has the strongest demeanor!"

"Eternal Road, it has been a long, long time since there has been a real Eternal Grade!"

Seeing this great scene, no one is surprised, everyone knows that when the master of Shijiyuan will be so strong, this is already on his way to the strongest.

Chu Yuan didn't need to hide his strength, he just needed to fully reveal his strength.

"Should we make a move?"

Seeing Chu Yuan oppressing the Mantra Sovereign and Storm Sage King, the powerhouse of the Qiankun God Dynasty.

Ji Wujiang raised his hand, his face tangled and hesitated, and finally put it down again, saying: "Don't make a move, just wait and see what happens!"

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