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Shenwu Divine Emperor, with a firm face, has the power to control the general situation of the heavens and the earth in every gesture, as if there is the only eternal true **** in the world, and the most truth is in his power, causing too much spiritual shock.

Although he has not yet condensed a complete path to eternity, this strength has suppressed the strong.

As the three powerful eternal powers, Ji Wujiang actually chose to wait and see the changes instead of taking action.

In fact, although he said he was watching the changes, he actually saw that if there were no major changes, the three of them would not be the opponent of Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

Moreover, if you don't get the eternal fruit, you will get into trouble.

For the sake of the universe, he had to make a lot of considerations, even if this kind of opponents were hard to offend.

"This Ji Wujiang actually chose to shrink!"

When the Storm King saw that Ji Wujiang didn't even make a move, he was also angry. He knew that although there were many strong people on the scene, all of them would go together, this emperor would definitely not get a good result.

But they come from multiple forces, it is impossible to be so united, and each has its own careful thinking.


Chu Yuan's eyes were cold, he was domineering in the world, he strode to kill, booming, endless world, Tongtong turned into chaos, the power of destruction swept across, as if he had come to the end of the eternal road.

He locked time and space, and the most violent force completely dealt with the Storm King.

"He will deal the strongest blow to me first!"

Where did the Storm King dared to be careless, and Chu Yuan's attack had already stepped forward as soon as he ran all his strength to resist.

Chu Yuan's power can be said to be the most brilliant in the world. He will not delay time with this group of people, and suddenly an invincible general trend is crushed with the most violent posture.

Only for a moment.

The destructive power completely enveloped the Storm King, and caused the strongest blow to the Storm King every moment.

His power contains incredible power. Between the world and the earth, he is the strongest ruler, and his terrible kills have beaten the Storm Saint King to wind and rain, constantly shaking.

The King of Storm retreats steadily, and he has endured a huge trauma in the crushing force of Chu Yuan.

"Damn, his power is too violent, and my power can't be fully utilized at all!"

The Storm King roared again and again.

This person's shots were completely suffocating fluctuations. Without giving him a chance to fight back, he also controlled powerful methods, but they couldn't work at all.

If it were the Saint Emperor's Era that multiple Nine Realms Xeons attacked, it would definitely not be like the current situation.

Suddenly, a storm emerged in him and he wanted to retreat Chu Yuan.

However, with a wave of Chu Yuan's palm, the fire took advantage of the wind, and the eternal divine fire he burned grew bigger and bigger, and the divine power of origin that the King of Storms constantly gushed out seemed to be the greatest combustion aid.

This burning power consumes the origin of the Storm King.

With a big blow, he slammed the body of the Storm King with just one blow, and cracked lines appeared on his perfect body, and bright blood flowed down.

This violent power shocked the strong.

Although the Mantra Sovereign chanted the power of various truths and passed them through the air, the firmness of Chu Yuan's heart could not be influenced by just a few words of truth in his mouth.

He doesn't care about the Mantra Sovereign now, it is completely to deal with the Storm King first.


The magnificent emperor's image.

Chu Yuan completely controlled the fighting initiative in his own hands, and that infinite power was explaining to many powerful people in the world that he was the real strongest.

He folded his hands together, and suddenly a divine power that penetrated the sky was condensed into the palm of God.

He is the master, and this strike falls to the heavens, as if the eternal true **** is extinct and killed.

"No, this blow is too strong, I can't be killed directly by him, otherwise I will bear a huge price!"

The Storm King was shocked, he knew that Chu Yuan's attack was powerful, and he could not resist it as much as possible.


When this shot fell, there was an explosion that ruined the world, and the power of the Storm King turned into a fierce explosion. After the monstrous fluctuations, he appeared in another direction.

His breath is weak at the moment.

The hand of God could not directly kill him. He used a secret method of severing his arm to survive, and in an instant, he consumed his own origin and escaped Chu Yuan's blow.

But he also paid a big price.

Chu Yuan's eyes condensed again, there were dimensional fluctuations in his eyes, and the Mantra Sovereign also keenly felt the power of the dimensional, and there were dimensional soldiers to kill him.

"The power of the dimension!"

Although the Lord of Mantra was calm on the surface, he was shocked in his heart.

The emperor had just launched a devastating blow to the Sovereign Mantra, and unexpectedly launched a dimensional killing on him in an instant.

As soon as his body flashed, he was about to avoid the dimension, but the most terrifying power of the different dimension lies in the unpredictable, and a dimensional light blade smashed his body severely.

The power of the Dimensional Divine Soldier allowed the defensiveness of the Lord of Mantra to be broken, leaving a deep blood mark.

This bloodstain is not a fatal injury to him, but it also explained one thing to everyone, that is, he does not have much defense against Chu Yuan's attack.

"How much power does he control!"

The Holy Venerable Mantra is also difficult to understand. He has crossed the path of eternity, and the existence of the eternal level has seen several statues, and there are even few people who have this emperor.

Suppress the Storm King, slash the Mantra King,

At this moment, Chu Yuan's power reached a peak.

"Your decision is correct."

The powerhouse of the universe of God.

"The power of God, the power of the dimension, it gives me the feeling that Emperor Shenwu does not cultivate any kind of power, but he seems to be able to control any power, and his way is very domineering!"

Ji Wujiang took a deep breath.

Too overbearing.

Chu Yuan's indifferent eyes swept across the crowd at this moment. Some people were swept by his eyes, all in fear, and they began to retreat.

But even after the Storm King and the Mantra King, they realized Chu Yuan's power, they didn't dare to step forward for a while.

The atmosphere there was strange.

The emperor stood here alone, and few people dared to step forward, and those people scattered one after another to make way for the emperor.

The Storm King also wanted to attack again, but he was no opponent.

"Yi Tianzun, follow me back to the empire."

Chu Yuan's power shocked many powerful men.

He waved his hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ and he condensed a path, like his eternal road, to attract the strongest of the empire.

When the figure appeared, Yi Tianzun and the others appeared, and under the guidance of Chu Yuan, they began to leave.

Some people saw Yi Tianzun's figure and wanted to attack, but they also had fear in their hearts. That great existence seemed to open an eternal door to protect everyone.


At this moment, a wave of extreme waves brought fatal murder.

At the moment Yi Tianzun and the others appeared, a terrifying and extinct power appeared. A strong man locked onto Yi Tian. His power was so extreme that he stretched out a big hand to take Yi Tianzun away!

This strong man has long been hidden here, and his extreme power suppressed the land of Xuan Ming, and he was waiting for this opportunity!

The moment this power was transmitted was much stronger than the Storm King!

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