The extreme power shook so that the land of Xuan Ming was shaking.

This power came suddenly, but it was planned for a long time, and it was aimed directly at Yi Tianzun. The purpose was obvious, and it was for the eternal fruit of his body.

With just one blow, the ultimate power in the world was played.

On the Eternal Road, there is only one person who can play with the power to such an extreme, that is, the Great Emperor!

Although the Great Emperor is not an eternal rank, he is also a strong one, but his strength is not comparable to that of the Storm King. It is not at the same level, and is already strong to the extreme in a domain.

His power is too strong, and his pure attack power is no longer weaker than some eternal grade.

But now that the Great Emperor Ji Dao has reached the end of his life, the eternal catastrophe of this era is hard to pass, and it is even more crazy.

For a dying person, what else would he fear?

Crazy people don't care about face, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks must be used.

"Emperor Ji Dao is here, he also wants eternal Dao fruit!"

This extremely terrifying power also surprised the Storm King. It was also the ninth state, but the opponent was the ninth state that could shake the eternal level, and he had realized half of the road to the extreme.

His thoughts flashed in an instant, and he didn't think it was a bad thing.

At this moment, it is necessary for the Great Emperor to fight against the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

Although Yi Tianzun had countless calculations, he had already exposed where he was. In front of absolute power, it would be useless to allow you to calculate through the sky, and was immediately locked by the Great Emperor.

Seize the opportunity and the Thunder attacked.

The Great Emperor Ji Dao also knew that Chu Yuan was powerful, so he wanted to attack at this moment and not fight this person.

There is no fear on Yi Tianzun's face. He can't be regarded as an emperor, and is it still possible that someone will attack him?

"The Great Emperor, with the ultimate power, you dare to attack the strong of our empire. I have known for a long time that you will do it."

Chu Yuan stood here, facing the attack of Emperor Ji Dao without surprise.

It is impossible for him to prevent Yi Tianzun and the others from appearing because of the threat of the Great Emperor. After all, the longer the time is, the more powerful people will come here, which is more unfavorable to him.

With that extreme brilliance, even the strongest at the same level did not dare to deal with him. Chu Yuan stepped forward to meet him, and the Void in another dimension instantly appeared in front of Yi Tianzun.

boom! The endless torrent rolled up on Chu Yuan.

With a fierce blow of his chaotic power, he turned into an eternal existence like a giant mountain, the giant chaotic hand enveloped the sky, and immediately collided with the Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor Jidao fought Wushuang head-on, but Chu Yuan chose a head-to-head approach.

Two peerless powerhouses, their strengths are fighting at one point, as if they meet at the origin.

Heaven and earth stood still for a while, then centered on the two, booming boom boom! The horrible explosion broke out, and the space, time, and earth turned into nothingness and chaos.

The two powerhouses are too strong against each other.

A figure of the emperor with extreme power appeared. Facing Chu Yuan, with even more extreme power, a long spear appeared in his hand, coldly and resolutely, pierced the sky, and immediately pierced forward.

The power of the Great Emperor is all for the ultimate, giving up defense.

For him, the strongest defense is offense.

Chu Yuan was fearless, the sword of Shenwu appeared, the emperor was domineering, mighty, and the glory of the empire slashed out with his sword.

This is the most positive collision between the two emperors, and there is no falsehood at all.

The torn storm swept across, the Origin God stepped into the center of the battle between the two emperors, and would not be able to bear it, and would be destroyed directly.

"The battle between Emperor Jidao and Emperor Shenwu has reached this level!"

The strong on the scene were a little trembling, and they could feel the strength of the confrontation between the two emperors.

The Great Emperor's offensive power is already comparable to the Eternal Grade, but the life span, defense, and Taoism are inferior, and in his crazy life era, the Eternal Grade will give him a bit.

The Emperor Shenwu could actually resist the fluctuation of this force.

In the end, even though Ji Dao Great Emperor had the ultimate power, he developed half of his path, but Chu Yuan also used his own eternal path to resist, failing to completely tear it apart, threatening Yi Tianzun.

"The Great Emperor is here!" Duan Qingshan trembled even more when he saw it.

"Don't worry, with your Majesty, there will be no surprises today."

Yi Tianzun said lightly.

Duan Qingshan looked at Yi Tianzun. This person was in front of him, like a vague atmosphere of fate, unable to capture his essence.

"When Century Yuan, Emperor Shenwu!"

In the torrent of power, the Great Emperor appeared. This was a middle-aged man with an extremely resolute face. His eyes were like swords, showing the sharpest brilliance.

In his voice, there were countless sharp blades attacking.

This is the Great Emperor, in the ninth realm, he is the most powerful.

The presence was calm, even the Storm King handed over the battlefield to the two emperors.

"Emperor Jidao, this is your method, do it against the strong of our empire?"

Chu Yuan was in a fierce storm, unwavering, and still facing the most direct and tyrannical aura.

This is the first time he has seen the Great Dao Emperor, but he has a lot of intersections with the Great Dao God Dynasty.

In the Tianquan realm, the buried **** sea, and in this mysterious land.

With the Great Soul Technique, Chu Yuan also felt the madness of the Great Emperor's Soul.

Strictly speaking, this great emperor was already crazy. In order to prolong his life, he was hysterical and could use any method.

Eternal life is the goal.

He is a powerful person. In this era, if he doesn't find a way to become the eternal class, he will die in the eternal calamity, and all the origins will return to the eternity, with nothing.

"Emperor Shenwu, I don’t want to say too many things. Everyone knows that I have reached the end of my life, so I can do everything without thinking about what’s going on behind me, and I want it very simple. That eternal fruit, so I can pay any price, you should know my strength."

The Great Emperor Ling stands in the world.

He couldn't make a single blow just now, and he also realized the terrible Emperor Shenwu Emperor, and started talking to him.

"Eternal Dao Fruit belongs to our empire, how does your life and death have anything to do with us?"

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

He is the person who doesn't like threats the most. The more someone threatens him, the more unhappy he will be and the less comfortable he will be.

"It has nothing to do with you, as long as you give me the eternal Dao fruit, what you want. I can give you. My Ji Dao God has existed in too many eras, and I don’t know how much wealth I have accumulated. I can do all of these wealth. Here you are, I just want eternal Tao fruit, let's say, what you want, as long as the emperor can bear it.

The Great Emperor said again.

What kind of wealth can only be considered wealth if it is effective for him. With this eternal fruit, not to mention the realization of the complete path, he can still live a few more epochs.

In a few epochs, maybe he really found some chance to become an eternal class.

But how rare the eternal level is, the eternal fruit is even rarer.

It was also Yi Tianzun's ability to control destiny to find this eternal fruit.

Great Emperor Ji Dao desperately wanted this eternal Dao fruit.

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