The treatment of the strong and the weak is completely different.

In the face of the weak, it is to grab them directly, no matter what you think, everything is mine.

In the face of the strong, the Great Emperor and Emperor Shenwu talked about conditions and costs.

Hearing what he said, everyone knew that, obviously, the Great Emperor knew that Emperor Shenwu was not easy to deal with. It would be best if he could exchange for eternal Dao fruit at a price.

For Emperor Ji Dao, eternal Dao fruit is the most important, and the rest are like smoke.

"I wonder how Emperor Shenwu will choose?"

They also knew that even though the Great Emperor Ji Dao was powerful and crazy, this Shen Wu Emperor was also a ruthless character, very unprovoked and would not give in.

"In the face of Eternal Dao Guo, even if you are extremely Dao Shen Chao, all the wealth is not enough."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"What price do you want, as long as you give the Tao fruit to the emperor, the emperor can also swear an oath. Under the circumstances of this dili, the emperor will do three things for you."

The Great Emperor Jidao looked cold, and said again.

"It's not that Daoguo can't give it to you."

Chu Yuandao.

Although the eternal Tao fruit is precious, in fact, it does not have much effect on him. His eternal road cannot be achieved by a Tao fruit, nor is it necessary.

"what would you like?"

Great Dao Dao.

There are requirements.

You can talk if you have a request.

"This is very simple. Eternal Dao Fruit has a great effect on our empire. If you want this Dao Fruit, I want your Extreme Dao Divine Dynasty, including you, as long as you become a strong man in our empire and serve me faithfully. , A mere fruit, what is it?"

Chu Yuan said something shocking.

He even wanted the Great Emperor to take refuge in him, abandon his identity as the emperor, become his courtier, dedicate his faith to the empire, and completely obey his orders.

How much the Great Emperor Ji Dao exists, now he is crazy not even paying attention to the eternal level.

"You want this emperor to be loyal to you."

After the great emperor heard it, he was not angry, but laughed: "Hahaha, even if the emperor is loyal to you, do you dare to give the Tao fruit to the emperor with confidence? The oath has no effect on our existence."

"Let go of your soul, I have a way to control it. This is your only chance to get Dao Fruit."

Chu Yuan said in an extremely indifferent tone.

He wants the Great Emperor to let go of his soul.

"You are very insincere, this emperor can't agree to this request."

Ji Dao Great’s voice became colder and colder: "For another request, this emperor can promise that in this era, the Ji Dao Shen Dynasty can be in alliance with you, and the strong of our empire will be driven by you, and this emperor, some of your opponents I can also do it for you, and then I can give you all kinds of wealth. This is already the emperor's maximum limit."

Indeed, this is already the maximum limit of the Great Emperor.

Empire Alliance, given wealth, he can make a deal for the Empire.

Faith in the soul surrendered, that is absolutely impossible, he would rather die.

[Choice 1: Promise the conditions of Emperor Ji Dao, give him the Eternal Dao Fruit, get 2 million fate points, random top origin artifact x1. 】

[Option 2: Reject the Great Emperor, insist on your request, and return to the Multiverse with the Eternal Dao Fruit to obtain 2 million Fate Points, Random Origin God Divine Mansion x1. 】

The system chooses to reproduce.

If you insist on your own requirements, you can get another God's Mansion of Origin, like the God's Mansion of Chaos.

"I have only one request, which is to take refuge. Besides, there is no second possibility!"

Chu Yuan's tone was also extremely strong, he didn't give in half a step. He wanted only one alliance, wealth, and shot for him.

To eternal fruit, you must be loyal to him.

He didn't intend to have a good talk with the Great Emperor.

"It seems that we have nothing to talk about before, we have to fight!"

The Great Emperor Jidao stared at Chu Yuan, his eyes getting sharper.

If Ji Wujiang was afraid of Chu Yuan's revenge because of the Qiankun Divine Empire, what else was he afraid of as a dying person?

"No talk, I have no plans to talk to you."

Chu Yuandao.

"Emperor Shenwu and Emperor Jidao are about to fight!"

"Emperor Ji Dao, when he reached the end of his life, he was crazy, and Emperor Shenwu was in this era. He still has a long period of time. He has the demeanor of the strongest. This battle is bound to be earth-shattering."

"We all let him, don't get involved in their fighting power, otherwise we don't know how to die!"

"Hand over the battlefield to the two emperors!"

Everyone retreats far away, this kind of situation is mixed in to find death.

One is the madness at the end of life.

One is backed by a multiverse.

Both emperors have one characteristic, that is, they are not afraid of revenge.

In this battle, if Chu Yuan could repel the Great Dao Emperor and return to the empire with eternal Dao fruit smoothly, then his fame would become even more sensational than in the Holy Land of Truth, and everyone would be afraid of him.

There is no other reason.

Because of various considerations, the Holy Land of Truth will not fight Chu Yuan desperately.

However, the Great Emperor will.

"Emperor Shenwu, let this emperor teach you how good you are, what qualifications do you have for this emperor to believe in you!"

The body of the Great Emperor is extremely straight, piercing the sky, never bends, and the ultimate strength. Before he really shot, everyone felt his monstrous and terrifying power.

And the Emperor Shenwu.

He is vast and mighty majestic and vast, standing there is an eternal sky, unshakable.

Thousands of forces are condensed in one, and become the brilliance of Ji Dao, Ji Dao Great Emperor instantly kills, and the monstrous killing power is one.

He attacked, and there was no fluctuation in the time and space around him.

This does not mean that his strength is not strong, but his strong strength has completely condensed the strength to one point.


Emperor Jidao had no choice.

Eternal Dao Guo has been searching for a long time, but he hasn't found it. If he doesn't take it from Shenwu, it will be difficult for him to survive this era.

The Great Emperor Jidao killed him, there was hysterical madness, and the struggle at the end of his life. With just one blow, the crazy power had already attacked fiercely.

The expansion of Chu Yuan's emperor's domain was a torrent of rolling torrents, dragged into an iron-blooded battlefield.

He stared at the brilliance of the Jidao, and with a move, the power of another dimension, he instantly raised his palm, and he fought against the Great Emperor in an instant.

The strength of the two confronted each other, and the entire Xuanming land was distorted.

It is also the place where the eternal level exists to sit and transform, Xuanming's power is transformed into the entire Xuanming land, otherwise the ordinary secret realm would have collapsed long ago.

In the ultimate killing, the Jidao long spear pierced out, suddenly incomparable, and immediately killed.

A magic weapon appeared in Chu Yuan's hand, and it slammed out without warning. It was not a magic sword, but a dimensional magic weapon, which smashed out the power of the void and other dimension with one blow.

The Dimensional God Soldier and the Great Emperor Fight together.

Emperor Ji Dao did not take advantage.

"Dimensional God Soldier!"

The Great Emperor Ji Dao stared at the magic weapon in Chu Yuan's hand, and said in surprise: "The ancient emperor's magic weapon is actually in your hand."

"What, the Emperor Shenwu also got the Divine Weapon, how did he find it!"

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