Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1831: The ultimate road, the strongest means

Dimensional ancient magic weapon is a magic weapon on the eternal road of Megatron.

The Dimension Ancient Emperor is even more of a famous powerhouse. Although this powerhouse has not achieved the eternal level, his strength is not much different from the real eternal level.

Even though Emperor Ji Dao also claimed to have an attack power comparable to the Eternal Grade, he was far behind in other aspects.

Dimensional ancient emperor is only the last step of sublimation.

Back then, the ancient emperor of the second dimension fell, and many people found the place where he fell, but unfortunately he exiled himself to the illusory different dimension of time and space, no one can find.

The Primordial Emperor was too powerful, if it weren't for multiple eternal kills.

In preparation, it was a hunt for him, otherwise he would have reached the eternal level.

Therefore, all the strong men straightened their eyes when they saw Chu Yuan's True Dimension Ancient God Soldiers taken out. While extremely envious, they were wondering how he got it.

Where did they know that Chu Yuan had a systematic existence, and it was easy to determine the position.


Chu Yuan's offensive was extremely domineering, and the door of the dimension was the first to sweep out the rolling power of the different dimension, which turned into a light blade of frantic strangulation, holding the dimensional divine weapon, reaching the sky in one step, and slashing at the Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor Jidao will not back down, he exerts his ultimate fighting power.

boom! Suddenly, a terrifying destructive power erupted between this blow, and the entire Xuanming land was shaking.

Chu Yuan pointed to the sky and the ground, rolling in, and the power of the dimensional divine soldiers continued to skyrocket, hitting the terrifying realm. No matter how the Great Emperor Ren Jidao erupted in terrorist combat power, he was steady and steady.

Let the dimensional power continue to Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan opened his big hand, and the thunderous force that erupted dominates the world, with a billowing majestic aura, like an eternal torrent swept over the most violently.

His five fingers stretched across the sky, shooting stunning powers.

Although the Great Emperor Ji Dao violently impacted with his ultimate strength, Chu Yuan was like an immobile eternal mountain in front of him, unable to move.

Although Emperor Ji Dao was extremely crazy because he was at the end of his life, Chu Yuan was even more unfathomable than him. The use of various magical powers made it difficult for people to know the limits of his strength.

Two completely different shooting styles.

The great emperor is the ultimate power, every blow can burst the power to the strongest, coupled with his madness, makes his extreme power even more terrifying, control the battle in his own hands, no need to defend .


Emperor Shenwu is quite different.

He is majestic, he is stalwart, his mind is great, he is the most invincible overlord, he controls the many kinds and all the laws in the world, and converges into his own invincible road.

In an instant.

Chu Yuan once again hit the eternal vision of the empire, and his strong breath went straight into the sky.

He blasted a punch, it was a punch, but it shattered the boundless time and space, the void squeezed in the middle of his fist, broke out fiercely, and hit the front of the Great Emperor.

In an instant, the Great Emperor Ji Dao felt the grandeur of his power.

But he will not be afraid.

"Even the eternal emperor can fight, let alone you!"

The Great Emperor Ji Dao was crazy, completely crazy, like a volcanic eruption, with a move of his palm, a long rainbow pierced the sun, silver-white light, sharp and sharp, turned into a forward impact.

At this moment, he was burning all over, raising his strength to the strongest.

"Emperor Ji Dao has gone crazy for eternal Dao Fruit, he will not hesitate to burn his original power!"

In a short span of time, the great emperor of Ji Dao fought so crazy and shocked many people. The King of Storm knew that if he was fighting with Ji Dao in this state, he was very likely to die.

Trying to break the rhythm of Chu Yuan's attack with a frenzied attack, how could he not understand this.

Then in the face of this, we must perform a more terrifying offense than him.

In the sun like a sun, Chu Yuan's power also burned. He practiced the Great Origin Technique, his strength was rolling, and his foundation was extremely stable. The burning power at this moment made people feel the warmth of being in a clear sky.

The land of Xuan Ming was bitter and cold, but because of Chu Yuan's power it became warm.

"Shenwu Emperor's will has affected the laws in the land of Xuanming!"

At this moment, everyone felt Chu Yuan's domineering, and he also had his own way, controlling the land of Xuan Ming.

His path is imperfect, is the land of Xuanming perfect? Only the Eternal Road is the most perfect.

Now, he burns his own source, not just burning, the big swallowing technique, the vacuum-like black hole violently spreads out, swallowing the outside world, to supplement his own consumption.

"Great Devouring Technique, is he going to fight the Great Emperor directly?"

Everyone trembled.


The Great Emperor Jidao didn't want this, only knowing that his strongest combat power broke out, a silver-white rainbow, hit it fiercely.

No matter what you do, he will turn into the most vicious offensive.

Chu Yuan's rage wave raged to the sky, his power shook, and the pressure of a landslide and tsunami created a sea of ​​boundless thunder, and suddenly a thunderous hand of Tiangong was stretched out in the sea of ​​thunder.

This thunder hand had the power of judgment, and it thundered.

The crazy assault of the Great Emperor Ji Dao was still back shocked by this thunder hand, unable to take advantage.

"This.... He resisted all the attacks of Emperor Ji Dao!"

"With the madness of the Great Emperor at this, you can't control the rhythm of the battle here!"

"This Shenwu Emperor, when Shijiyuan's ruler is too domineering, I can feel that his terrifying will can completely control many things in his own hands!"

Now everyone looked at Chu Yuan.

When he moves, there is a will to worship, and even more so, there is an overwhelming emperor's majesty.

The Great Emperor Ji Dao flashed for an instant, and his face was also ugly. He just launched an attack and couldn't shake] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

"The power of control, the power of domineering!" The Great Emperor said.


Chu Yuan's eyes burned with eternal divine fire, locked in the Great Emperor, and wanted to ignite his origin.

Time and space evaporated, his domineering and invincible blow hit the stormy sea, he would not allow the Great Emperor to attack him without counterattack.

He took a big stride, causing a strong oppression on the Great Emperor.

"Extreme Path Road, Extreme Path God Soldier!"

The Great Emperor was also excited at this moment. This was the madness of encountering a strong man, and he also knew that to deal with this person, he must use his strongest means.


An ancient road appeared. This was his path to the ultimate path, full of power, like a sharp spear that pierced the sky, suddenly sitting in his path to the ultimate path.

In his path of extreme path, he is the master, a different time of true eternal path.

"You must use your own path to make the strongest attack!"

The Storm King, Ji Wujiang, and the Mantra Sovereign watched hard. The biggest difference between them and the Great Emperor was that they had not even achieved a semi-formed road.

Jidao Road rushes.

Chu Yuan was also fearless, he waved his hand to create his own way.

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