The two powerhouses both displayed their ultimate way, the way they created for eternity. Each path is different, and the attributes of power are also different.

To open a way out, the most basic requirement is to have the cultivation base of the **** of origin. Only by comprehending the origin can we understand some of the true meaning of the world.

The seven realms, eight realms, and nine realms are just the sublimation of origin and the increase of power.

Only by opening up a path and becoming an eternal class can there be an essential gap.

"The road to the extreme path, and what is the road of the Emperor Shenwu Emperor!"

The Storm King, Ji Wujiang, and the Mantra Sovereign are all watching at this time, bombarding with their own path, this kind of battle is too rare, and watching the battle is of great benefit to them. "The road to the extreme road, the glory of the extreme road, the magic weapon of the extreme road!"

In your own way, you are in charge, and you make all the rules yourself!

The path of the Great Emperor is silvery white brilliance, and the inside is the ultimate power, completely for killing. Suddenly this road turns into the ultimate **** weapon, an eternal artifact, across the ages, and slashed down with indomitable power.

The power of this blow is too strong and can penetrate the path of others.

Why some eternal ranks are unwilling to fight against the crazy Jidao Great Emperor, it is for this reason that they themselves hide in their own way to avoid the eternal calamity. If they are penetrated, they will be obliterated by the eternal rules.

"Shenwu Emperor, take out all your power!"

The great emperor of Ji Dao is shining in the world at this moment, and people are afraid of his majesty. He has exerted his power attack to the extreme.

"The Eternal Way, the Invincible Way, the Controlling Way."

At this moment, Chu Yuan's path also appeared, it was not perfect, but everyone inside saw a mysterious scene, like an eternal pure land, an eternal world, which can reach the eternal shore.

Inside, many strange lights and shadows appeared.

Everyone who saw this path could appreciate the greatness of Emperor Shenwu, and seemed to understand why he was so powerful.

His path has a kind of domineering, without certain specific attributes, but it seems that he will accommodate thousands of paths into him, converging into a true eternal path.

"Is there eternity in there?"

Some people with weaker cultivation base felt obsessed with Chu Yuan's path, thinking that there was real eternity.

Of course, this is not real. It is a vision created by his power. If it is true, then it can really penetrate eternity.

However, this also showed his magical power.


The Great Emperor Ji Dao came over, he wanted to penetrate Chu Yuan's road and destroy his Dao law.

This kind of confrontation is extremely dangerous, the road represents one's own Tao, if it is broken, it will be a huge damage to one's own origin. kill!

Road to road.

Chu Yuan was indifferent, like the creator of the world. His eternal road showed changes to the eternal door, turned into the eternal door, and the artifact of the road.

Facing the Great Emperor, the great power directly bombarded the past.

The power of the Great Emperor Ji Dao was extremely fierce, and hit the gate of eternity.

But in the next moment, his face solidified. Although his power was fierce, but the other side's portal seemed to gather the strongest defense in the world.

Bang bang bang!

The fierce force exploded, and a long torrent like a comet swept in, but it couldn't break the eternal portal.

"Eternally invincible."

Chu Yuan's attack also came quickly. He turned his hands over the clouds and covered his hands as the rain, and the eternal road was like the rumbling of the world and the earth, and every move was extremely powerful.

He stood forward.


The path of Chu Yuan's evolution is also fighting back.

Being too rigid and fragile, when the path of the extreme path could not smash the eternal gate of Chu Yuan, it showed its fragility.

His domineering will, majestic and invincible determination, urged the portal, crushed forward, and suddenly, this silver-white brilliance was defeated steadily, as if it were about to be crushed directly.

His power is also burning.

Although the Great Emperor Ji Dao also urged his strength to the strongest, facing the opponent, he seemed to be the master who controls everything, and could not prevent the defeat of the strength.

"The Great Emperor Ji Dao couldn't kill into his path, his own strength has already been defeated, and the opponent has already controlled the general situation!"

This earth-shattering scene made many people tremble.

Even the Great Emperor can hardly gain an advantage.

He makes him strong, and the Emperor Shenwu is like indestructible.

boom! There was a loud noise again, and the Jidao magic weapon was completely shattered.

In the mighty and mighty, Chu Yuan's road evolved into a torrent, and in an instant it also penetrated the path of the extreme road, click, click, and the time and space that existed on this road appeared to be broken.

It can be seen that the road to the extreme will begin to crack like ceramics.

"His way is breaking my way!"

When the Great Emperor saw this scene, he could no longer calm down.

At his level, his own source of consumption, physical injury, even broken soul, are not the most important.

Only your own way is the most important.

If his path is broken, although Dao Fa is still there, his power will be greatly weakened, and he will even be severely Want to kill the eternal existence, kill The soul and body are useless, and his way must be completely broken.

The road can be reborn, with all his marks.

"No, if this continues, my path will be completely broken!"

Emperor Ji Dao tried his best to restore this decline, but it was useless.

Of course, he can also burn the road to the extreme, exert the most violent power, and can also cause the greatest blow to the opponent.

But he knew better that he couldn't consume him.

If the fight continues, the opponent can also kill him with the price of serious injuries.

If his road is broken, it will take a long time to repair, and the other party will also take a long time.

But the other party is too young, so young makes him envy and jealous, there is no era yet.

It was as if the other party was a young guy with a vigorous and fierce spirit, and he was a dying old man who had suffered the same injuries, and the other party would be better in a few months.

But for him, it could even kill him.

After all, it is not yet the end of an era. If his road is penetrated, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"Emperor Shenwu, this time you are ruthless, you are very powerful, but this emperor will not give up!" The Great Emperor Ji Dao knew deeply that he could no longer fight.

If the fight continues, he will suffer.

He understood the opponent's will, even if he was consumed, he would consume him to death. In the face of this young and excessive emperor, he finally chose to shrink.

He suddenly put away the path of the extreme path, and he was like a sharp spear that pierced the sky.

The Great Emperor, he left, choosing to retreat from the edge.

This scene shocked many people, and even couldn't believe their own eyes. The overbearing and crazy Emperor Ji Dao had times to shrink back.

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