Eternal Tao fruit was sacrificed.

On a huge altar, after the transformation of its power, a sun god-like brilliance suddenly rose to the sky, and a round of sun illuminating the entire diversified sky appeared in the sky of the universe.

The brilliance of the sun is very warm and not violent at all.

It is not that the eternal Tao fruit is not violent, ordinary people will directly explode after refining, and ordinary Origin Gods cannot directly comprehend it. Only the Great Emperor can complete refining.

But now, after the altar's transformation and Chu Yuan's suppression, the power of Dao Guo can become a pure energy without hidden dangers.

Even a newborn child can refine it.

The light and shadow were dim, and Chu Yuan stared at Dao Guo, and there appeared a road in it, an eternal road. An ancient strong man had carved his Dao marks, and he was constantly deducing his road and law.

"With this fruit, more Origin Gods will appear in the empire in the future."

Chu Yuandao.

The eternal level is so rare that it is difficult to have one person in hundreds of epochs, and how many Origin Gods can appear in hundreds of epochs, this is not in the same level at all.

Naturally, the more gods of origin of the empire, the better.

He does not directly refine, but feels its power. Under his feet, there is also a great way to the sky, creating all kinds of illusory and eternal scenes through the cycle of heaven and earth.

His character is sublimating time and time again, to reach a peak.

This time, Chu Yuan not only brought the eternal Tao fruit, but also distributed many treasures on the eternal road.

Under the urging of so many resources, a cultivation frenzy was immediately set off.

Covered by the essence of the eternal Tao fruit, and with sufficient resources, the power of the empire is attacking a higher realm, and some have already become primitive gods.

Chu Yuan looked at the empire's prosperity, very pleased.

The people of the empire are his people.

"Your Majesty, I will not participate in the extraction of the Eternal Heart, let them do the extraction."

Jiuyou's retreat during this period of time is getting closer and closer to the origin. This time Chu Yuan has brought so many treasures, and now he is fully retreating to attack the realm of origin.

"Jiuyou does not participate in the lottery, there is only one Eternal Heart. As for who to return, I will choose by lottery."

Chu Yuan summoned them all.

Luo Yueying, Yao Linger, Shangguanxian, Blood Rose, Chu Chenxue, Chu Chenxi, Chu Chenyao.

See whose luck is good.

They draw lots immediately.

"It seems that my luck is better, and the eternal heart belongs to me."

The final result was that the low-key Luo Yueying got the eternal heart. She smiled slightly, knowing that having a complete eternal heart is equivalent to having embarked on the path of origin.

"Our luck is not as good as Yueying." Shangguanxian felt helpless.

No luck, no wonder others.

"It doesn't matter, the empire is strong, and it is not impossible for us to cultivate to a higher level. We have all become primitive and can live for multiple epochs. There is no need to be obsessed with the present."

Yao Linger is empathetic.

Your Majesty has given them enough.

"Although there is only one heart of eternity, the heart of my eternal road this time has brought other treasures. It is impossible to cultivate to the origin, but it is not difficult to cultivate to the six levels. Only when the cultivation is strong can you live longer. ."

Chu Yuan wanted to do his best to make his relatives stronger and live longer.

With his strength, he can naturally live a very, very long time, but his empire and his relatives can't, if they can't break the eternal predicament, they will inevitably leave him one by one.

At that time, even with his strength, the empire still existed, but the people of the empire had already changed a lot, which was equivalent to being a lonely family.

This is why.

The reason why some eternal powerhouses are not so concerned about the forces they have created.

Sometimes, it also sees its natural demise.

After Chu Yuan arranged the affairs in the empire, his eyes again saw the light of sublimation outside the universe, it was Duan Qingshan who was sublimating.

He is very close to the eighth stage, but there are not enough resources in the cage of despair for him to sublimate.

Now back to the empire, the resources were opened to supply him, and he got a safe place.

"The eighth stage, sublimation."

Duan Qingshan is sublimating, and enough eternal crystals have allowed him to complete the transformation. At this moment, he has reached the eighth level and feels that he can beat several of his own.

"The Emperor."

Seeing Chu Yuan's arrival, they immediately came over from the Sky Demon Book.

"The First City is well built."

Chu Yuan looked at the first city at this time. To build on the Eternal Road, at least the Primordial God was qualified.

This first city is extremely majestic, with an incomparable area, like a combination of millions of stars.

Inside, there are tall buildings, all kinds of magnificent buildings, all kinds of heavenly palaces, and all kinds of magnificent mountains. The land of the ocean is inside.

There is even an environment of the stars and universe.

This first city is too vast and is still expanding. It has just begun now.

The first city is the first city built by the empire on the eternal road. It must be grandiose and show the strength of the empire.

And the first city is not just as simple as a city, it is also a universe, and it must be able to refine the eternal aura and transform it into a place where ordinary creatures can survive.

In the first city, creatures from outside the empire have already entered.

That is the plane of ten thousand seas!

When the ancestor Wan Hai saw the empire build the first city, he immediately expressed his willingness to be attached to him, hoping to be protected by the empire.

Chu Yuan did not refuse and let him become a member of the empire.

The prosperity of the interior is beginning to appear, and it will become more prosperous as time delays.

"The first city is just the first city of the empire. In the future, the empire will build more cities. Each city must have a huge scale and open its own path to eternity, running through to the end of eternity."

Chu Yuan said to Yi Tianzun.

Yi Tianzun said: "Your Majesty envisions grandiose. Everything on his own path is dominated by the empire, and it can be connected together. The empire will sweep the entire path of eternity with the strongest posture."

A long road, connected by cities, wantonly absorb the eternal strong, and join the empire.

Originally, a road is nothing but a city, civilization, and people, and it becomes a real Your Majesty wants to use this road to achieve his eternal road.

"But some things don't need to be rushed. The construction of City One is very important."

Chu Yuan didn't expand blindly. Some things had to be settled. If you expand casually, others will destroy your city.

For the establishment of a road, Chu Yuan needed a large number of strong men to form a law enforcement team to kill all enemies and maintain order.

"The establishment of a road will inevitably go through a **** killing in the early stage, which will make people fearful. Let's see now, who will anger me without knowing a dead end."

Chu Yuan looked at City One with murderous aura.

With a wave of his hand at this time, a portal appeared, which was the teleportation portal to the Nine-layer Abyss.

Taiyi Tianzun had been imprisoned by them for so many years. As the master of Shijiyuan, it was time to rescue him.

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