Taiyi Tianzun was arrested and imprisoned by the Nine-layer Abyss Realm a long time ago.

Chu Yuan went to Eternal Road for the first time and had communicated with him outside the abyss. Although he was only in the sixth stage, he had a great opportunity in a mysterious place. There was no way for the abyss to take him.

Of course Yuan Jie could easily kill him.

But if you kill him, he won't get the chance to control, and you can only get trapped.

Chu Yuan wanted to rescue Taiyi Tianzun very early, not only because of the secret he controlled, but also because the pill furnace he had refined played a great role in the early days of the empire.

It can be said that a large part of the credit was made in the early empire.

Although, the current pill furnace has been completely different under the reform of the system, and it is different from before.

But after all, Taiyi Tianzun is credited with.

Now, he is the master of Shijiyuan, Taiyi Tianzun should belong to him as well, and he is a great hero of the empire.

Although he did not directly participate in the building of the empire, his achievements were too great.

When he first achieved Origin, Chu Yuan did not directly save him out of cautious considerations. He was also worried that the Nine-Floor Abyss Realm Dog jumped the wall and killed Taiyi Tianzun directly.

Although Taiyi Tianzun could be resurrected even if Taiyi Tianzun died, the cost of one death would be too high. If he broke through the Origin God, the number of calamities he would encounter would be increased tenfold.

And now.

Chu Yuan's name was eternal, and his strength was terrifying. He was also worried that the Ninth-Level Abyss Realm would do anything against Taiyi Tianzun in fear of his reputation.

It's time to be rescued.

"The sacred tree of the early days, I will now open the door of the teleportation, and will lead the empire powerhouse directly into the nine-layer abyss realm, and rescue Taiyi Tianzun."

Chu Yuan summoned the sacred tree of the early days and said to him,

"Taiyi Tianzun, he can finally reappear!"

In the beginning, the tree was extremely excited.

The portal of teleportation is rewarded by the system. It has inexplicable power and can reach the nine-layer abyss realm.

The nine-layer abyss world is brilliant and huge.

Yuan, the pioneer of the deep realm, is also a terrifying powerhouse. Although he is not an eternal class, he has also comprehended half of the eternal road like the great emperor, and his strength is much stronger than the ordinary strongest.

And he is not as crazy as the Great Emperor.

His longevity is still very long.

"When Century Yuan, Emperor Shenwu Emperor!"

Yuan looks like a middle-aged man.

His breath was deep and unfathomable, like a real abyss, but at this time his mind was not so peaceful, and the strength of Emperor Shenwu made him a little troubled.

"He actually repelled even the Great Emperor. Such a person is very likely to reach the eternal level. The Taiyi Tianzun also belongs to the century, and this emperor once broke out with me in the multiverse. Through the war."

Yuan Dao.

He could not imagine.

He knows Shenwu Emperor better than others, and one person is so strong in a short period of time that even he has to admire him.

"He has a sacred garment on his body, refined by an eternal powerhouse, which can be destroyed by my strength, but I have to be strong in action. Then Taiyi would rather die than succumb to me."

Yuan is also in a dilemma.

If Taiyi was killed, wouldn't he be able to resurrect in the multiverse, and he would also offend this era.

This is something he doesn't want to see.

He knew the coordinates controlled by Taiyi, and if he got it, he would be very sure that he would become the eternal class, which was something he couldn't give up.

With the guard against Emperor Shenwu, the entire Yuan Realm was also closed.

"What power!"

But it didn't take long before Yuan suddenly felt the shock of his vitality, and then he looked at Yuanjie and saw an incredible scene.

In the time and space of the abyss, a huge portal appeared,

"That portal, the portal of teleportation, is it a portal that teleports directly to my abyssal world!"

Yuan suddenly came to the door. He ran his power to close the door, but what surprised him was that he couldn't close it in his territory.

This portal, he noticed, contained a great coercive force.

Yes, it is mandatory, forcing him to be unable to close.

"Who is coming, is it him!"

Yuan tried his best to look over.

"Yuan, don't guess, it's me who is here."

Chu Yuan's majestic emperor body had already walked in through the portal.

This is the second time he has come to the deep world.

The first time I watched from a distance, but this time I was there.

Sweeping his eyes, he saw a huge abyss-like world, strange land, and many creatures.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Yuan Dao!

He was indifferent on the surface, but he couldn't calm down in his heart, and his thinking turned in an instant, wondering how he came to the abyss.

If Chu Yuan came in by attacking from the outside world, he would not be surprised, but would only marvel at his strength.

But with a portal, he came into his abyss, which made it hard for him to imagine. What power does this portal represent, can it penetrate any time and space?

And this added to Chu Yuan's sense of mystery in his heart.

He responded very cautiously.

The opponent already has the ability to open up his deep realm time and space at will.

"It's me."

Chu Yuan walked towards Yuan. He came this time to show his strength. Every time he walked, he brought the melody of heaven and earth, and the realm of Yuan was shaking.

His magnificent will was transmitted to the entire abyss.

A powerful figure is watching Chu Yuan, but without Yuan's command, they dare not attack at will.

"Emperor Shenwu, as the ruler of Shijiyuan, although the training time is extremely short, your strength is already in the way of eternity. Maybe only the real eternity can deal with you, even the Great Emperor is in front of you. Can't get any bargain."

Yuan Dao.

He cannot underestimate Emperor Shenwu.

"I know these achievements myself."

Chu Yuan said tough words, "You also know the purpose of my coming here, there is only one, to release Taiyi Tianzun."

"Taiyi Tianzun, I have come to take you back."

At the same time, a voice was transmitted to the entire abyss.

"It's him!"

Taiyi Tianzun was shocked, although he was suppressed by boundless power, but Chu Yuan let him see the picture here with his own power.

A great emperor ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zheng Heyuan confronts him.

"This strength comes from when Shijiyuan, he wants to rescue me from Yuanjie, his strength!"

Taiyi Tianzun was also extremely surprised.

"It seems that I can see the sun again today."

Taiyi Tianzun thought about it in his heart, and then said: "Yuan, I have already said that you can't suppress me."

When Yuan heard these words, his face was calm, and he said, "Shenwu Emperor, this is how you come to ask for someone? Go directly into this deep realm to threaten me?"

"Yes, Taiyi Tianzun belongs to me when I was in the century. It is already a serious sin for you to imprison it hard. If you do not cause too much harm to Taiyi, I can forgive these things."

Chu Yuan said: "I am here personally today, don't let me do it."

With a wave of his hand, a mighty army appeared in the portal!

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