Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1841: Extension, sublimation breakthrough

Although the final outcome of the five powerhouses is already known, they dare to fight and open up, without fear of the courage of life and death, which is also evocative, tragic and heroic.

No matter what they have in mind, but they use their own power to open a way, and they are eternal pioneers.

Chu Yuan watched quietly, violent power pouring around.

The deeper the cultivation base, the more clearly the essence of things can be seen. Eternity itself is nothingness, but this kind of nothingness like white paper can give birth to any energy.

This is an extreme interpretation of another extreme.

With the passage of time, the speed of the five powerhouses is getting slower and slower. They want to open a path that does not exist in themselves, and fight against eternal rules, as if there is a great calamity on them.


Even so, their eyes were still firm, and the imprint they left made Chu Yuan seem to be on the scene, seeing the whole scene.

They have made up their minds that even if they die, they will die here, and never live through the years of sluggish life.

Although this is just a photo, the surging light and rain, eternal rules are spreading out, slapped on Chu Yuan's body, enough to transform the ninth realm.

In the early days, the Emperor of Heaven also saw their development, followed them, and transformed himself.

But at this moment, Chu Yuan was unmoved, following the footsteps of the five great powers, the light around him turned into tiny particles, blowing up a particle storm.

The places he walked were all opened up by the top five, and he could imagine the pressure they were under at that time.

"Even if facing the infinity of the eternal road, how about being self-conscious? What eternal existence is just a bird in a cage, just living a little longer than others, so how afraid of death, I have lived long enough, let me live this life At the most glorious moment, I have no regrets!"

An eternal will.

For an eternal class, he raised his head and made a terrifying sound, roaring again and again, he was very weak at the moment, but he also rushed forward indefinitely.

In the end, he froze and was submerged in the sea of ​​light, disappearing.

The disappearance of the eternal level returned to the world.

"carry on!"

The four powerhouses are left open.

"Even if it is unsuccessful, then leave a way for future generations and let our failures see the experience for them!"

A woman standing, can reach the eternal level, who is not a person who has experienced the hardships of all ages, and death is nothing to them.


The eternal rule was over, and the woman's life was frozen.

This is destined to be a path of blood and sorrow, and even despair, which makes people worry about seeing them, hoping that they can succeed, but the final result is doomed.

"Hahahaha, I want to be mad!"

A big man with a majestic body. When he stepped forward, he was faltered and staggered when he stepped forward. He was unable to stand steady even in the world.

His body exploded and turned into a rain of blood stained with light, destroyed by eternal power.

"All the way forward, we are left with the two."

The other two looked at each other, not afraid, but smiled, and went hand in hand to continue walking forward.

They blazed another way, another exploded, leaving the last old man, and continued on lonely.

"There is no turning back, all fate is fate, latecomers, we have used our lives to test for you."

The old man strode forward, his body gradually shining and feathering. With the fall of all the five eternal grades, the opening of this road stopped and the end appeared.

When Taiyi Tianzun saw this scene, his body and soul were trembling, and he was greatly shocked.

"Stabilize yourself."

Chu Yuandao.

This is a huge temper for Taiyi Tianzun.


Taiyi Tianzun took a long breath. Fortunately, Chu Yuan was standing in front of him, the emperor shadow, otherwise he would have collapsed.

He calmed himself a little bit and said: "Your Majesty, what should we do next? The road is broken, and this place is at the end."

He suddenly thought that if Yuan Zhen got the coordinates of this place from himself and came here, Yuan would probably be transformed here with the five powerhouses.

"There is no road ahead, but any road does not appear out of thin air. It is to be opened up. Let me continue on here for a while."

Chu Yuandao.

"Your Majesty has to open another road!"

Taiyi Tianzun was even horrified.

"Behind me."

Boom! Chu Yuan took another step forward along this road. His power shook the past, the present and the future, and the severed road ahead caused a shocking shock.

His power, his law, is opening up the world.

"The road has stretched again!"

Taiyi Tianzun's eyes widened, not dare to miss a trace.

As Chu Yuan moved forward, the road was longer.


But at the same time, Chu Yuan was also under the pressure of the five eternal ranks. It was culled from the eternal rules and turned into the power of the world to kill him.

God shines through the sky, eternal storm.

A torrent of countless particles spewed out from the road ahead.

Each of these particles has the strength to easily kill the eternal god, but at this time countless ways are killed, almost blocking the entire road, making it difficult to get out.

This power is an extermination of eternal rules, and it is a manifestation of not allowing anyone to break it.

It seems that the world is stopping them.

However, Chu Yuan was as stable as Mount Tai. He himself was transformed into a vacuum storm at this moment. He swallowed all the particles and transformed it into a kind of energy with the will of his own control.

Rumble, the power broke the sky.

He continued to walk, the pressure grew.

In front of Taiyi Tianzun was a huge mountain, this huge mountain blocked all the torrents for him, and also fed him back with a force of strength.

"The emperor is opening the way and has encountered the suppression of the eternal rules, but the emperor has turned the suppressing power into a power that can be refined. He wants me to break through the origin!"

Taiyi Tianzun understood Chu Yuan's mind.

The moment is also unambiguous, and it is directly refined and begins to attack the origin.

Chu Yuan continued to move forward, his eyes changed dramatically, an eternal rule hand was boundless, and directly pressed against him. This kind of power can easily kill a source.

Chu Yuan banged, and was also beaten severely.

He keeps moving forward, UU reading www. And the hands of eternal rules are not one, but countless ways, continuously slapped on him.

The vast fluctuations, the destruction of eternal rules.

This is almost a force that only the eternal grade can resist.

The road keeps extending and getting longer, and Chu Yuan faces the wind and rain and makes the rules concrete.

"The five eternal level's methods of blazing a path by themselves are not wrong, but their strength is not enough to penetrate."

Chu Yuandao.

Of course, his current strength is not enough.

At this time, Chu Yuan was like a ship in the sea, riding the wind and waves in the violent storm, always having the possibility of subversion.

However, he controlled and refined the power of the storm.

His power is sublimating and he wants to break through to the eighth level.

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