If Chu Yuan breaks through the eighth stage, his path will be more real and perfect, and his own strength will be greatly improved.

If the Great Emperor even dared to be arrogant and presumptuous in front of him, he couldn't even run. At that time, only the real Eternal Grade could fight him.

By then, he will really dominate the eternal road, and all kinds of plans can be implemented.

If he wants to become the strongest, he will face many opponents.

But sublimating the eight realms is difficult.

For Chu Yuan, the reason why he has not achieved success is also because he has realized a more domineering eternal road, and the difficulty of sublimation is much more difficult than others.

But now.

He continued to open up this broken road and endured the bombardment of eternal rules. He himself was like steel and rules were like a sledgehammer, bombarding him over and over again.

Thousands of tempers.

Of course, this approach is not something everyone can do. If you are not careful, you will end up miserably.

The clock is ticking.

An overwhelming force constantly honed and baptized him.

"Origin Divine Tribulation!"

Taiyi Tianzun, who was following Chu Yuan, got a huge benefit. He himself was very close to this realm. At this time, he even ushered in his own origin divine calamity.

Eternal rules are everywhere.

Even on this road, it can't be stopped.

Taiyi Tianzun's breakthrough was not a problem. After he became the Origin God, he looked at Chu Yuan, that the emperor's body was more stalwart, and it was really able to withstand all storms for the empire.

If you are strong, you will see more.

He saw that the eternal rules seemed to have turned into a rolling torrent, and the impact was washed over and over on Chu Yuan's body.

He couldn't resist that kind of torrent, and he would be wiped out into fly ash in an instant.

"Your Majesty is sublimating himself with the power of eternal rules!" he thought.


The boundless power gathered.

The eternal rule has the attribute of killing, but Chu Yuan resisted, and at the same time, his brilliant color, his will also turned into a torrent of resistance.

This kind of non-ordinary bashing sounds, such as the collapse of rules, but after hearing it, there is a feeling that the soul is breaking down.

With his boundless power running, his domineering invincible will, and the radiance of sublimation, Chu Yuan is transforming, and every sublimation is an understanding of eternity.

"Well, come with more ferocious power, let me sublimate!"

boom! boom! boom!

He took a few steps in succession, each step shaking the road, the light of sublimation became stronger and stronger, and there was a sudden will to shock and invincible.

He stands firmly in the storm of rules.

His eighth stage is finally here!

At this moment, Chu Yuan's figure was infinitely tall and stalwart, and he raised his hand to make this path longer again with a force of strength, just like the only eternal true **** in the world.

With the strength of the eighth stage, the eternal road that Chu Yuan walked out was more real.

With his current mana, he is no less inferior to the eternal class that opened this path.

"The Sublimation of the Eighth Realm."

Chu Yuan felt the benefits of this sublimation. It was a sublimation in all aspects from the inside to the outside, which was naturally a great improvement in strength.

Think about it, the eighth stage of the Poisonous Demon Emperor can enslave multiple seventh stages, and you can know how much this kind of improvement will be.

But Chu Yuan's strength was already terrifying, but his sublimation was even more incredible.

This time the Taiyi Heavenly Sovereign was brought out from the deep realm, and then he got here to make his strength breakthrough, and Chu Yuan also received a huge benefit.


It will take a long time for him to become the eighth stage, and without sufficient strength, he can't make a big splash.

"Ding! The host completes the side mission, breaks through the Origin God, gains 7 billion Fate Points, Primal Healing Potion Sublimation Level x8, Supernatural Fruit 155072, Primal Artifact Advanced Card, Thunder Rage Divine Halberd x1, Origin Divine Pill x8, 3000 The Great End of the Road, the End Gate x1, and the random lottery chance x1."

"Ding! The current side mission has been released, breaking through the ninth realm of the original god!"

System rewards are issued and new tasks are released.

This sublimation-level healing potion is even more terrifying, and it can heal even the nine realms.

Needless to say, Thunder Rage Divine Halberd, this is a top-notch origin artifact. With a random wave, it is endless violent thunder, and can even inspire eternal divine thunder.

Speaking of Ray.

Chu Yuan also suddenly thought of someone who was Thor.

Thor is not in the multiverse. He disappeared very early. According to the gods and gods, he was summoned by the founder of the gods.

The founder of the God Realm, the origin is mysterious, and it is very likely to be related to the **** who buried the sea.

The Great End of Three Thousand Avenues.

Chu Yuan suddenly moved this three thousand avenue, and he felt the feeling of ending loneliness, like the twilight of the gods, the end of civilization, putting everything to an end.

This is a powerful magical power to end the power and era.

"Taiyi, you have made a tremendous contribution to the empire this time." Chu Yuan said.

"It's also your Majesty's infinite power, otherwise, what's the use of having coordinate points?"

Taiyi Tianzun dare not take credit.

"This is your credit."

Chu Yuan looked at the road ahead and didn’t continue to open it up, “Let’s do it here, and I don’t plan to continue it. Have its own way."

After all, the roads of the predecessors can only be used for comprehension.

Chu Yuan has his own way to build.

He saw this road of failure, and at this moment, he also had other thoughts in his heart. He had an idea to go to the Eternal Shenzhou to observe and see another eternal road.

Eternal Shenzhou, but built by the powerhouses of an entire era, is more magical than this road.

"Go back with me."


Chu Yuan immediately crossed time and space.

After a while, he saw the giant city universe standing between the heaven and the earth, and the stars were incomparably small in front of it, like an eternal **** city standing tall.

This **** city is too magnificent.

It is used by Chu Yuan to communicate with the strong on the eternal road.

Said it was a city, but Chu Yuan knew in his heart that this was what he used to break through the eternal road.

Although the opening time is still very short, there is a vision of stalwartness. Waiting for the news to spread, some people will gather one after another without his personal invitation.

"Just a first city is not enough."

Chu Yuan looked at the giant city and nodded in satisfaction.

He also knew that when he opened up the first city, no matter how majestic UU Read www.uukanshu.com built, many powerful people would think that it was used by Shijiyuan to communicate with the outside world.

But if he continues to open up the giant city next, some people will see the clues, he is going to fight for hegemony and sweep it.

But Chu Yuan wouldn't care about these, some things must be done.

"Taiyi, you go back to the empire to practice first."

Chu Yuandao.

He fell into deep thinking. After the first city stabilized, he was considering where the next giant city should be built in order to show his boundless grandeur.

"This second giant city is to be built in a key location, and the value and benefits are also huge. I think this place is the most suitable."

Chu Yuan considered it for a long time and finally determined a location, "But for now, stabilize the first city first."

There is still a long time left in this era. He doesn't worry, let the news ferment first.

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