Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1843: 30,000 years, the first city

The importance of the first city to the empire is self-evident.

One is the beginning of all things, which can be transformed into countless things, and they can be transformed into one.

Chu Yuan had the ambition to swallow eternity, starting with the first city, swallowing the entire eternity, and finally gathering the strongest strength to break the eternal road that no one can break.

This is a very difficult road.

But no matter how difficult it is, we must do it.

Time is long, the years go by.

The wheel of time never stops.

This time in retreat, Chu Yuan returned to the empire from the road of failure, and he had been in retreat for 30,000 years.

Thirty thousand years, which is equivalent to a long period of time, is just a small wave.

And during these 30,000 years, some things did happen in the empire. With his almost unlimited supply of resources, Lan did not disappoint him and succeeded in becoming the God of Origin.

Lan became the **** of origin, which made Chu Yuan very happy.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, Chu Yuan has not left the empire, and has been sublimating himself in the empire.

The existence of the first city, tens of thousands of years of fermentation, let many people know the existence of this majestic city, and spontaneously gathered here from all over the universe.

Because the first city attracts the strong from all eras, Chu Yuan also got a lot of information.

The most important thing is that Ji Dao Shen Chao disappeared.

It turned out that the Great Emperor and Chu Yuan spent a lot of time fighting against him last time. He went to fight like crazy, killing too many creatures, and even a plane opened by the ninth realm was broken by him, and none of them survived.

The madness of the Great Emperor Ji Dao angered many powerful people, so someone specially united to stop him.

However, the Great Emperor Ji Dao directly gave up his divine dynasty. For him, it didn't matter, his life span was not long anyway.

"There will be even crazier things, this era, because of me, will make a comeback."

Chu Yuan looked at his first city.

After 30,000 years of construction, the first city has long been prosperous. Powerful people from many eras have come in. In his first city, they either cultivate, seek shelter, or trade.

"What a majestic city, this is the first city built by Shijiyuan!"

A group of strong men came here admiringly, looking at the first city, shocked by the scene in front of them.

"This is a holy city, a haven!"

"You don't need to pay any fees to enter the holy city, and as long as you are in the holy city, you will be protected by the Shenwu Empire, and you can even join them directly and become a member!"

"Look, the first city has an eternal and invincible aura!"

"It's so majestic, it's a holy place that shelters me!"

The city is not only used when it is built, but it must have a profound foundation.

They all knew that in this era, Emperor Shenwu was an extraordinary existence. With him, few people in City One dared to invade.

"Hey, the recent days are getting harder and harder. On the way of eternity, all major forces are hunting. If you are not careful, you will be extinct, and some are about to face the craziest killings."

"Yes, our strength is not high or low, we can't even survive."

"However, with this first city in existence, I also want to join Shenwu Shen Dynasty by myself."

At the huge gate, there are busy traffic, and many people come here, wanting to enter the first city.

How many people still want to meet the greatest Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

"Remember, the first city has rules and order. If you want to survive in the first city, you must abide by the laws of Shenwu, otherwise their law enforcement team will not be merciless."

Someone reminded.

"Yi Tianzun, our first city is getting more and more prosperous."

In one part of the city, the Heavenly Demon God Book looked at City One and was very happy. After tens of thousands of years of development, City One became more and more prosperous.

Looking at the city, it was bustling with people everywhere.

The Eternal Road is chaos, killing everywhere, but here is the prosperity and prosperity.

There are even many relatively weak forces who directly settled in the plane of the first city and thrived.

As long as they follow their order, the empire will not drive them away.

"It's really prosperous. What does Shenwu want to do to build such a city? Is it to attract countless strong people? With the first name as the city, does it mean he wants to build countless cities?"

There are various thoughts in the city.

"Look at the sky demon, in the first city, there are spies who sincerely want to take refuge in us, and there are also spies from other forces. These majesty knows, but as long as they don’t cause trouble in the first city, your majesty will not bother them. Their hands let more people know our first city."

Yi Tianzun is best at such things.

"Yes, these people are here. Because of the existence of City One, we have absorbed many powerful people, which greatly supplemented the fact that this city stands and becomes a center of Eternal Road. There are some treasures that we don’t need to find directly. Someone is here to trade."

Heavenly Demon God Calligraphy.

"There are many smart people, such as Ru Yuan. In the face of the empire's powerful strength, he can only bow his head. Over the past tens of thousands of years, he has sent many people to take the initiative to deal with the empire and made the wisest choice."

Yi Tianzun said again.

"He knows that there is no good in fighting the Empire."

"Sky demon, after a while, you and I will head to the Eternal Road, and I have already calculated the whereabouts of that book of beasts."

Yi Tianzun said.

"With Yi Tianzun, it is not a problem to find the Book of Beast Dao, which has a great effect on the development of the empire!"

Tian Yao Shen Shu and Yi Tianzun have been in the same country for tens of thousands of years, and they also admire his calculations.

"The prosperity of the first city has begun to appear, and it has stood on the road of eternity, and I will appear once and erect majesty!"

Chu Yuan stopped his cultivation in the empire at this moment. The multiverse was his base camp, so he didn't need to worry about the internal operation.

He has been in retreat for tens of thousands of years, and it is time for people to know his strength.

"All the people in the first city, whether they are citizens of the empire or guests from outside."

Chu Yuan suddenly passed his own voice, and when it resounded, no matter where he was, the voice seemed to sound from the depths of his soul.

With this hand, he showed his super strength.

"It is Emperor Shenwu, he made his own voice!"

"What is Emperor Shenwu going to do!"

"Don't make any noise, let's listen carefully. Maybe he is going to announce something important, but he doesn't know whether it is good or bad for us."

They all looked up at the sky.

The Emperor Shenwu is like God, they only saw a great existence and couldn't look directly at him, but this great existence was rippling with an eternal breath. UU reading www.

It seems that the Emperor Shenwu is the true eternal God!

His strength, just the shock of his aura, let many people know that his strength was stronger than in the land of Xuan Ming.

The eternal master.

He swallows eternity with anger, controls the eight wilderness, and gives people the feeling that only he can eternal life and break this eternal despair.

"All in the first city, abiding by the laws of the empire, will be protected by us, and all those who dare to destroy the empire will be ruthlessly hunted down by the empire and will not tolerate it. I welcome you to the first city of the empire!"

Chu Yuan's voice was transmitted vigorously, and his will was blessed on everyone.

"Eternity, my pursuit is the same as yours. For eternity, I will blaze a true eternal path and create an eternal era!"

When this sentence came out, it was simply an infinite wave!

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