Open up an eternal road, create an eternal era!

This statement alarmed the entire First City.

Chu Yuan was not the first to call out this kind of declaration. In countless epochs, there will be strong people calling out to create the only eternal era. After all, every strong person has his own beliefs.

"Eternal Era!"

However, this sentence was sent by the great Emperor Shenwu, and everyone could feel his terrifying will. The only true god-like emperor body and absolute confidence seemed to turn this sentence into reality.

"I seem to have seen an eternal road!"

At this moment, Chu Yuan's power deduced his path. Thousands of worlds and eternal hope are all within this path.

"The empire is eternal, eternal era!"

The imperial luck exploded, like a raging fire cooking oil, exploded. At this moment, the empire's powerhouse also issued a roar of cheers. Although it is still a slogan, the great majesty will definitely lead them to achieve it.

"On the Eternal Road, do you really protect us?"

Someone boldly asked.

"Naturally, on the eternal road of the empire, no one is allowed to make trouble. Those who abide by the laws of the empire will give them the most merciful asylum, and those who try to subvert the road will be ruthlessly killed."

Chu Yuan said in a benevolent and cold tone.

"And you can also maintain the eternal road of the empire and become the guardian of the eternal road of the empire. The empire will use the most fair and rigorous calculation to convert your contributions, and you can exchange the resources you want in the empire."

He said again.

His will is very clear.

The road of the empire does not allow anyone to make trouble by evil spirits.

Moreover, everyone felt his purpose. He was not only to be the emperor of an empire, but also to be an eternal emperor, annexing eternity, and sweeping the entire eternal path with the strongest posture.

"We are willing to maintain the eternal road of the empire!"

At this moment, the hearts of the people in the first city were shaking, all looking at the emperor who was as great as the eternal true god, knelt down and expressed their will.

Although there are many spies from other forces in the first city, most of them are people who really want to take refuge in the empire, hoping for a safe place.

In fact, the road to eternity is very dangerous. The Origin God barely has the ability to defend himself. There are killings everywhere. If you are a little careless, you will encounter a stronger one without the strength to resist.

But now, suddenly there is a safe place, how can they not let them fascinate, and regard this as the holy land of the universe.

Some from the forces also secretly said.

This Shenwu Emperor is a good method, this is to let others protect him with an ancient road.

"Can we also become citizens of the empire?"

The stalwart of Emperor Shenwu also made many people want to become citizens of the empire.

"If you accumulate enough contributions, you can become a citizen of the empire."

Chu Yuan said: "The first city is just the beginning of the eternal road of the empire..."

After his appearance this time, many people quietly left the first city. They knew these Chu Yuan well and didn't care, so they let them pass the news back to strengthen the power of the empire.

"Your Majesty’s hand is a strong man who threatens the Eternal Road. He regards the empire as an eternal empire. One after another, he has come to work for the empire. It also expresses the hegemony of those who follow me, prosper against me and perish, and open up the eternal road. This will inevitably encroach on the interests of many people and attract many enemies to the empire."

How can Yi Tianzun be so wise that he can't guess the purpose of his Majesty.

He issued a declaration, this is to tell the strong on the Eternal Road, the empire has come to the journey of conquering the Eternal Road, and next, the empire will have a bigger plan.

as expected.

Chu Yuan summoned strong men above the origin in the first city.

Not in the empire because there is no way to get in.

"Your Majesty, City One is already on the right track, backed by the empire, and it is extremely safe. I believe that in the future, it will attract countless people."

Heavenly Demon God Calligraphy.

"My first city should already be known by many forces on the Eternal Road, but even if a first city is built no matter how majestic it is, they will not be too shaken. It will only be regarded as I am using this method to gather resources and become powerful. Myself."

Chu Yuan knew that the first city was not enough to shake Eternal Road.

"Then your Majesty will do it next?" Duan Qingshan couldn't help asking.

"Build the second city."

Chu Yuan slowly said: "Every city must be built on a key node. This is the key to connecting the Eternal Emperor Road, and the location of the second city, I already have a goal, and I will put it here."

"Eternal Killing Array!"

When all the strong saw Chu Yuan want to build the second city in the eternal killing formation, they were also surprised.

Eternal Killing Array is so famous, how could they not know that it was created by an ancient strong man called Array.

What was best at that formation was to build various formations, and the Eternal Killing Formation was his painstaking effort and his comprehension of the formation. There were four temples of bronze, silver, gold, and eternity.

The danger of the Eternal Killing Array, the collection of infinite mystery, and the strength that surpassed the creator, even the Eternal Grade did not dare to underestimate it. He also wanted to find the Eternal Temple, but failed.

"The Eternal Killing Array gathers the eternal breath, and its power is constantly getting stronger."

Yi Tianzun said: "The construction of the first city is enough, and if the second city appears in the eternal killing array, this will inevitably cause a strong reaction from many forces and block your majesty's strongest path."

"Let the news spread for a period of time, so that they have enough time to react. I know that the strongest road is not so easy to walk, but if even the strongest road is not possible, how can we talk about breaking the eternal evil? curse?"

Chu Yuan is fearless and ambitious.

On the road to breaking eternity, no one is allowed to hold back.

"And when our second city is completed, many people will jump out at that time, but I want to see who will jump out and stop our way."

Chu Yuan said cold words.

Yi Tianzun nodded, his majesty's strength was comparable to the eternal level, and there was no worry of eternal calamity, he was in a prosperous posture.

A road to an emperor, a giant city, must be built on key nodes.

These origin gods of the empire understand better, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com This is simply a shocking thing, but it is also good to do so. It can gather countless resources within the empire, and every giant city can gather countless powerful people.

In this way, sweep the eternal road.

When the giant cities are completely connected together, the strong in each giant city will form a rolling torrent, crushing it in the most violent posture, and killing all the enemies blocking the front of Emperor Road.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that there must be a strong man who overwhelms the ancients.

And Chu Yuan also wanted to use this method to fight from the multiverse to the eternal killing array, and after standing firm, he continued to push horizontally to build the giant city at every node.

He wants to wind up the stormy waves on the road of eternity, plundering all possible resources.

"You still have some time to prepare. Yi Tianzun, you can go to find the book of the beasts with the book of the demon.

Chu Yuan looked at them so nervous, making them relax.

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