The development of the empire and the first city has been on the right track and is thriving. The prosperity here attracts a large number of strong people.

The first city is dedicated to communicating with Eternal Road.

Regardless of how Chu Yuan gave shelter to many creatures and did not charge them, the gathering of strong people brought prosperity to this place, and many materials were circulating here.

He showed up and issued a declaration to let people know his ambitions. This would arouse the vigilance of many people, but at the same time, it would also allow more people to join in.

There are pros and cons, and there is no perfect thing.

But even if those people think more, it's no use.

Who dares to come to the first city now?

Directly backed by the multiverse, and with the strength of the Shenwu Emperor, anyone who is less than the eternal level can only cause trouble to die.

Even if it destroys the first city, it can't destroy his foundation, no one can break into the multiverse.

"This is a war. The establishment of the first city is a battle of momentum, attracting countless people to join in the development of Emperor Road, and the establishment of the second city of the Eternal Killing Array will be a battle of strength and blood. war."

Chu Yuan's plan for Dilu was profound.

If you want to be the eternally strongest, entrap countless powerful people, and attack the eternal curse, there will be a **** war.

He is not in a hurry now.

This era is still very long, calculated in hundreds of millions of years.

"Sitting on the empire is useless, what I want to do is to sublimate again."

Chu Yuan got up, he planned to go to Eternal Shenzhou.

Eternal Shenzhou is an ancient secret place on the Eternal Road. It used to be a Shenzhou that hit the other side of the Pure Land built by all Eternal Classes for countless epochs. It contains a lot of secrets.

He had long wanted to see it.

"Following the path of the predecessors and making up for the lack of one's own path, this is a kind of sublimation of the character."

Chu Yuan stepped towards eternity again.

Looking back at the starting point of the multiverse, looking at the vastness, it is difficult to know where the end is.

As for the Eternal Shenzhou, although Chu Yuan has never been there, he is not completely ignorant of the inside. It is said that within the Shenzhou, multiple eternal grades have connected their own, forming a huge time and space.

Back then, when they hit eternity, everyone fell, but they left countless wealth.

After a long time, another world has long been formed inside, and many forces have existed.

"No matter how much you think about it, it's not as real as seeing it with your own eyes."

Chu Yuandao.

He shuttled through the boundless eternity, his mind became more and more tranquil, and the moment seemed to become eternity, at this moment he actually forgot even time.

Because the Eternal Shenzhou is in the deep and deep of Eternal Road, even Chu Yuan could not reach it in a short time.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry.

It is also a kind of practice to hurry up and sharpen oneself at the same time.

"A dreamy ocean."

It was a void of time and space, suddenly a bright light came, and then a sea of ​​dreams appeared, fluctuating with a strange atmosphere, extremely strange.

"Walking through the eternal sea, you can reach the true eternal world."

There is a strange sound coming from your ears, you obviously don't want to go to this sea, but because of the power of that sound, it seems that you must go, and you are attracted by the world on the other side of the sea.


Chu Yuan smiled.

He walked onto this so-called eternal sea, as if he was walking toward the eternal world, the door of eternity had been opened for him, and the colors projected were like hope, attracting people toward it.

This has an inexplicable power.

When he left, Chu Yuan could feel a kind of power that made people sink forever.

"The gate of eternity has passed!"

It's as if the emergence and soaring into a new world.

Chu Yuan crossed the Eternal Sea and reached the world behind the door. He saw countless cities and countless people at first glance, and the whole world was bright and dreamy.

The faces of these people are full of smiles.

They have no worries, no worries, just like this is a truly eternal world, as long as they get here, there will be no war, no threat of death, and they can live happily.

Chu Yuan walked.

This world is very big and very prosperous. The creatures are also very friendly. They nodded towards him when they saw him.

"A flawed place."

Chu Yuandao.

At this moment, he came to a **** city called the Eternal City.

"Welcome to the eternal world. In this world, your life is eternal and will not be in any danger."

There is a voice coming, constructing a beautiful eternal world.

He saw that the gate of the Eternal City was open, hopeful, and could not see what was inside, but as long as he walked in, he would be recognized by the world and become an eternal god.

"Very interesting."

Chu Yuan walked in without hesitation.

The moment he entered, a dreamlike force was energizing, as if to strongly transform his memory and make him forget everything before.

"Eternal dreams, here is just a dream. This so-called eternal world is nothing more than the construction of power. The master of the construction of eternal dreams, am I right?"

Chu Yuan had already seen through this world.

What he saw is false, everything here is false, he seems to have walked through an eternal sea, but this simply does not exist.

He is simply in place.

This method can no longer be described by illusion, it should be a dream, the eternal dream in everyone's heart.

He just came into a dream world.

The brilliance in front of me disappeared, and returned to the eternal emptiness again, empty, the so-called eternal world also disappeared, as if a person wakes up from a dream, and the things in that dream disappear.

However, Chu Yuan also noticed that the master who constructed the dream had no malice towards him, otherwise he would not be so peaceful.

"You deserve to be the master of Shijiyuan, your strength is indeed infinite. If I am not mistaken, your strength is comparable to the eternal level. Only the eternal level can easily penetrate dreams, even in the ninth level, it is difficult to distinguish between false and true. ."

A dreamy voice came.

"That sea is the eternal road to dreams. When you reach this road, you will fall into dreams unconsciously. I know that you are feeling my power and deliberately walked on the road to dreams. So when you walk on that road, It won’t affect you. UU Reading"

The voice master continued.

"Yes, I have not been influenced by you, but I am also curious about the world in your dreams, an eternal power!"

If Chu Yuan hadn't ascended to the eighth level, it might still have an impact on him, but it would be impossible now.

He knew even better that the one who built the dream was an eternal powerhouse, otherwise it would not have such a powerful power.

Eternal grade, Chu Yuan has heard a lot, even if the Great Emperor has an attack power comparable to the eternal grade, he is not a true eternal grade.

"Shenwu Emperor, we have met, otherwise I won't appear in front of you."

This eternal powerhouse appeared in front of Chu Yuan with a smile.

"We have seen it."

Chu Yuan laughed when he saw this eternal powerhouse.

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