When this person walks, it is dreamlike, true or false, as if not in the same latitude, in a dreamy realm.

Her voice is ethereal and sweet, hitting the soul, like the most beautiful music, listening to it makes people happy.

Chu Yuan looked into her eyes.

Her eyes shone with dreamy luster, which can draw people into the boundless and degraded dream territory.

"Tu Meng." Chu Yuan looked at her.

Yes, this timeless woman is Tu Meng.

Chu Yuan and her first met in the **** days of the multiverse. The two had some intersections, but since Chu Yuan swept across the sky, they never saw Tu Meng again.

Tu Meng was very mysterious in the days of hell, and no one had seen her true face.

But what Chu Yuan saw now was her true body.

Because Tu Meng knew that it was impolite to communicate with a powerful emperor like Shenwu Emperor, and she did not fear others with her eternal strength.

"Shenwu Emperor, you can call me dreams, dreams, dreamy dreams, I control the power of dreams."

She smiled: "My deity cannot enter the multiverse. Using my eternal law, a trace of will is reincarnated into the multiverse."

"You surprised me very much. I didn't expect that your strength is already so strong that even now I can't force you to dream."

Tu Meng looked at Chu Yuan.

Her dream turned around and lived in the multiverse. Of course, she knew that the rise of this emperor was like a comet, extremely fast, and his cultivation and strength were already incomprehensible.

The vicissitudes of the world are unexpected.

She could feel the eternal will from Chu Yuan.

"Neither did I expect that you would be an eternal powerhouse."

Chu Yuandao, even though he had doubts about Tu Meng before, he would never have thought that she would be an eternal class.

"I have existed for too long, so long that I don’t want to calculate time. I became the Tao with dreams and opened up an eternal path that belongs to me. In dreams, I can build eternal dreams, which I maintain with the power of my soul. Creatures can even get out of dreams and become real creatures."

Tu Meng slowly said: "I in the dream is the strongest master."

Time has lost meaning to her, and she is not sure one day, she will disappear like this dream.

"Dreamland is always a dreamland, constructed falsehoods, when the dream wakes up, everything becomes empty."

Chu Yuan was talking with an eternal class.

"When the power is extremely strong and dreams can become real, there is nothing false. Why my dreams are false? That is because eternity itself limits me and cannot become a true eternal world."

Tu Mengdao.

Her way seems not domineering, but she has a terrifying feeling. She wants to achieve a real eternal world in a dream way.

"You make sense."

Chu Yuan did not deny it.

Everyone’s Tao is different.

"The dreams I created are extremely real, and can construct a truly incomparable world. The power of the dream is transmitted. I can allow an ordinary person to survive in the dream territory I carefully constructed for him, simulate the real world, and even let him After practicing to the Origin God, when I awakened him, his cultivation strength was still there. This is the reality of the dream, and what he experienced is an alternative real world."

Tu Meng's understanding of dreams has reached an unbelievable state.

Think about it, dreams are originally unreal, but Tumeng pulls you into the eternal dream territory with the power to make you dream. All living creatures in the dream territory have their own thoughts, which seem to be no different from living.

And that's it.

Chu Yuan's rotation of heaven and earth can also make people live in a world that he thinks is real, but is actually false.

But once the power is dissipated, it is impossible to have the power in the false world.

But Tumeng can do it.

This is her way.

For her, there seems to be no big difference between what is a false dream and what is true. Her dream has merged with reality.

"My dream can make people live in the eternal pure land."

Tu Meng's power distorted the false and the truth. She launched her own power on Chu Yuan, but not to attack, but to let Chu Yuan experience it.

In Chu Yuan's eyes, there was a peace like a pure land of bliss. Countless people lived happily, but in the next moment, they turned into countless demons, and there were devastating disasters everywhere.

One thought of dreaming, one thought of dreaming off.

Tu Meng has woven countless dreams for Chu Yuan, even if it is millions of years, it is only a moment for the eternal road.

"The power of the soul, the power of the soul."

Chu Yuan understood that the eternal dream power of Tu Meng can already affect reality, "A dream arises, and a dream disappears. Everything in the dream is like a mirror, not solid, and only the truth is what we want to pursue."

Tu Meng is very scary.

Don't look at her smiling and friendly to Chu Yuan, it's because of Chu Yuan's strength.

She initiates a mighty power, and the power of the dream is enveloped. It can force the strong in a plane world into the dream territory, without knowing how to die.

Is the eternal **** of the same level.

Also be careful about Tumeng.

Because against her, it is hard to tell which is real and which is false.

In some ancient eternity levels, Tu Meng is definitely an unattractable figure.

"Yes, this is the power of the soul, and it is also an application of the soul, but it is different from other soul methods, and the Emperor Shenwu, on the path of eternity, has a strong man who can specifically manipulate the soul."

Tu Mengdao.

"You mean the soul?"

Chu Yuan hadn't seen it before, but had heard of it.

"I am mainly the power of the soul, which makes people dream and fall into the dream world that I have built, but the soul is different, he is even more different, controlling and manipulating your soul, killing and absorbing your soul, he can turn you into a puppet. "

Tu Meng said: "Even I have never seen the real body of the soul, and no one knows what the soul looks like."

Chu Yuan approved.

The soul is very mysterious.

The most frightening thing about him is taking homes. Sometimes, you don't know that the people around you have not been taken homes by him.

To be sure, the soul must control a lot of souls, lurking in various forces, planning their own plans.

"And my dream power can have such power, I have also realized the power of reincarnation, that is a woman, she has existed for too long, she existed in the first epoch of my existence, and reincarnated in every epoch. ."

Tu Meng talked about reincarnation.

"Reincarnation, woman!"

Chu Yuan felt it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com knew that it was the goddess Yanran.

Indeed, the goddess Yanran is very mysterious. Whenever there is an eternal road, there will be her.

And Tumeng, the power of dreams can have today's achievements is actually due to the goddess Yanran.

"Emperor Shenwu, you open the first city, I have already felt your eternal ambition, you are going to embark on the road of the strongest."

Tu Mengdao.

"This is the premise for breaking the eternal curse."

Chu Yuan looked at her solemnly: "I know that on this road, there will be people who will follow me, and there will be more people who will hinder me, and Tumeng your choice?"

"My choice is that I want to see real eternity, and I don't care who is in charge."

Tu Meng said: "In this world, many of those eternal grades have fallen and decayed."

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