"Depraved and decayed!"

Chu Yuan tasted this sentence.

"No one is eternal in history. The many creators of Eternal Shenzhou, the mythical emperor of the Ninth Heaven, Panshen, and Zhutian have all failed without exception. Some people have already lost their ambitions, in order to survive forever For a long time, they will hinder more eternal achievements, and at the moment of their accomplishment, they will seize their Taoist fruit and become stronger into their eternal path."

Tu Meng said calmly: "This is depravity. No matter how long you live, you open your eyes and you still see despair."

"As expected."

Chu Yuan said: "They fear that their own power will dissipate with time, and the eternal predicament makes people unable to see the future. In a long time, their ambitions have been wiped out. In order to survive, they can give anything. cost."

"But there are still people struggling to find the way forward."

Tu Meng said: "But what is the meaning of such a life? What I want is true eternity."

Chu Yuan said, "This is what I am after."

"Shenwu Emperor, we will see you again."

Tu Meng left, as if she was dreaming, and when she woke up, she disappeared, as if she had never appeared before.

"Any degeneration and decay will be smoothed by me!"

Chu Yuan said calmly and continued on his journey.

Time flies, a hundred years have passed since Chu Yuan left the empire.

"The other side of Shenzhou is finally here."

Chu Yuan stopped at this moment.

In front of him was an extremely large ship, made of eternal divine iron that was indestructible throughout, reflecting the eternal divine light, the ancient and cold breath, exuding a terrible murderous aura.

It's too big and unimaginable.

Not to mention people standing in front of it, even a star is as small as a dust in front of Eternal Shenzhou, moving a star field is a very small part of Shenzhou.

Of course, Chu Yuan was not surprised.

This is the true main body Shenzhou. The several preparations that Chu Yuan had obtained before were only used to practice hands in that era.

And in order to build such an eternal divine ark, in that era, all the strong were united, it was all the eternal grades leading all the origin gods, etc., it took many epochs to build it successfully.

The strength of Eternal Shenzhou cannot be destroyed by Eternal Grade.

"Eternal Shenzhou can only see half of it!"

Chu Yuan also saw a more shocking scene at this moment.

Only half of the hull of the huge and boundless eternal Shenzhou can be seen, while the other half is plunged into a void of time and space, covered by a mysterious force, and cannot see the completeness.

The mysterious emptiness seems to possess a kind of magic that makes people yearn for and fear.

"A way to cut off failure!"

Chu Yuanmeng returned to the past.

He seemed to see an eternal divine boat that carried everyone's hopes, packed all the creatures in it, and struck forward indefinitely, opening up an eternal path, hoping to explore the end and the end.

But they failed in the end. The eternal rules will kill everyone, and the eternal level can't hold it.

And this eternal divine boat plunged into a terrifying time and space, blocking it there.

"The road of failure, if you want to enter the road of failure, you must remove the Eternal Shenzhou, but the Eternal Shenzhou cannot even be moved. After all, when it was created, the essence of an era was gathered!"

Chu Yuan could experience the grandeur, the ambition of either life or death.

He even got up now, the idea of ​​building the Eternal Shenzhou into an empire city.

Who can compare to such a city?

However, he also knew that even in Shenzhou, the situation was very complicated, let alone whether it could activate the eternal Shenzhou.

Chu Yuan didn't go in immediately, but looked at the whole Shenzhou for a long, long time, and comprehended their Fa.


Although Eternal Shenzhou is extremely large, there are also many hatches. Since the strong people who built it are dead, it is possible to enter the interior of Shenzhou from the hatch.

Chu Yuan stepped forward, and suddenly there was a space-time formation that worked.

"Inside Shenzhou!"


As soon as Chu Yuan entered, he suddenly looked around. It was slightly different from the record. What he saw was a place like the realm of gods, with radiant light, sacred mountains everywhere, and magical power flowing everywhere. Ocean.

All kinds of magical medicine are everywhere, there are many mines, and many ancient ruins.

"The world in Shenzhou is very complicated."

Chu Yuan was not surprised.

Back then, they gathered the powerhouses of an entire era, and when they came in, they brought all their treasures in, and left a lot of inheritance. They wanted to form a pure land with Shenzhou.

They are dead, but the resources are here.

It can be said that there are resources everywhere in Eternal Shenzhou, depending on whether you can find them.

"This is just a small world in Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan took a light step, and he could reach the end of the world in one step.

From the outside, the eternal Shenzhou is enough, the stars are as small as dust, but this is only the appearance, the internal space is actually larger, and it is an eternal time and space constructed by a powerful person.

Think about it, if you want to install all the strong, it's not a big deal.

And he can see through it better, what he is now preparing to enter this world is to say it is a cabin.

Yes, it's just cabins.

The great supernatural powers divide the interior of the Eternal Shenzhou into cabins and assign them to many powerful men to create the interior of their own cabins according to their own preferences.

And on the way to connect these cabins, there is a strong space force barrier.

"Extremely strong eternal breath!"

Chu Yuan took a breath, and a surging eternal aura condensed.

Of course, these eternal auras were not produced out of thin air in the cabin, but the entire Shenzhou, absorbing external energy, after being refined by a large array, distributed in the world of Shenzhou.

Such as Eternal Killing Array also has this function.

But compared to Eternal Shenzhou, it is a bit worse.

After all, the two are not at the same level, Eternal Shenzhou is built by many eternal level leading countless powerful people.

"It is said that there is an energy core in the Eternal Shenzhou that can manipulate the Shenzhou. It is not a secret, but even if you know the core, it is useless, and you can't move it to the Eternal Level."

Chu Yuandao.

He left this cabin, the ability to run his own space, and came to other cabins, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com presents a different world.

The world is like a volcano.

Regardless of the existence of Eternal Shenzhou for so many years, many strong people have entered, and many people have even taken root in Shenzhou, but the level of exploration here has not even reached half.

The reason is that the time and space here are too complicated. Many places have strong spatial barriers, which are turned into walls like crystal walls and blocked.

A rash bombardment will encounter the backlash of the entire Shenzhou.

Without controlling the core, there is no way to control the entire Shenzhou.

And the core, an eternal class can't be moved.

This also means that there are still a lot of resource treasures here. If anyone has luck and finds a cabin dedicated to treasure treasure, it is truly developed.

"Eternal Shenzhou, which exists on the road of eternity, and forms an independent time and space."

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