Inside the Eternal Shenzhou, the environment is extremely complicated. The outside world looks like a Shenzhou, but it is actually a universe world, combined into the world of Shenzhou.

Of course, this is normal in this environment.

Although I don't know how many Eternal Grades participated at that time, there will inevitably be dozens of Eternal Grades, and an entire era, a long epoch will be born to build this kind of environment.


When Chu Yuan came to the end of a world, the power of space turned into a torrent of crystals, and he felt a strong barrier, like a thick wall. The divine light blasted in his eyes, and what he saw was densely packed spatial crystals.

Chu Yuan stepped on it at will and passed through the barrier.

In the next moment, he came from within a vast universe.

In this universe, there are stars, galaxies, and galaxies.

"Universe time and space."

The cabin that Chu Yuan saw had a complete land, ocean environment, volcanic environment, thunder environment, and this cosmic environment. There were all kinds of things and thousands of worlds contained in it.

It can be said that in Shenzhou, you can see it in any world.

"Building an eternal Shenzhou, impacting the immortal shore, the internal reality is a small eternal world, but because there is no impact, it still belongs to the eternal road."

Chu Yuan had a greater understanding.

Those eternal grades were also confused back then, and didn't know what would happen if they hit the eternal road, so they built it into a world of pure land on the other side.

Although it was defeated, it also left precious relics here.

The universe was very empty, treasures still existed, and no creatures lived. Chu Yuan analyzed it. This should be the place where a **** of origin lived, and the level was considered high.

He is not surprised.

The cabins in the Eternal Shenzhou are like the sands of the Ganges, hundreds of millions.

"Countless worlds."

Chu Yuan realized more and more that it was no wonder that the Eternal Grade could not be moved.

He continued to shuttle.

He also noticed that the space here is not immutable, but if you don't feel it carefully, you can't detect it.

A few days later.

"Strong pulling force."

Chu Yuan looked forward, boom! A distorted void force formed a strong barrier, and the ripples spread out, constantly shattering, turning into the roar of the crystal ocean, forming a chaotic space channel.

"There is a space channel, I don't know which cabin world it leads to, but according to the records, the more this kind of channel is, it is likely to be connected to a powerful world, or it may be a Jedi."

Chu Yuan seemed to see the world in the passage at a glance, and his eternal gaze made him see the wonder.


With his strength, of course he would not be afraid of anything.

He was in this storm, the terrible pulling force, the origin of the seven realms would not be able to bear it, and would be torn apart, but he just stepped out indifferently, and came to a brand new new world in the blink of an eye.

Not the cosmic environment.

What he saw was an extremely vast and vast world, with a slightly gray world, as if he had come to an ancient legendary prehistoric world.

In this primordial world, even the vitality is extremely heavy, without the strength of the gods, even breathing, rough and fierce.

What he saw before his eyes was a mountain range, almost spreading hundreds of thousands of miles and a million feet high, shrouded in wild and wild winds.

The towering old trees are huge and wild.

Chu Yuan also heard the roar of countless beasts, big birds flying in the sky, and ancient strange beasts running on the ground. All kinds of wild beasts seemed to have come to a different world.

"This world still has strong vitality."

Chu Yuan found it very interesting.

If such a world can be left in the Eternal Shenzhou, then the master’s strength is not eternal,


Chu Yuan saw a large lizard with a length of ten thousand feet, and it spewed out fire, but the strength was not bad, reaching the realm of heaven.

He waved his hand and the big lizard disappeared.

"Where are you going to blockade? We block here. We have been chasing this behemoth for a full month."

Chu Yuan felt so keenly that he heard a voice coming from a very distant place, it was an ancient language.

But at the level of Chu Yuan, he didn't know anything about linguistics, and he had learned it on the Eternal Road.

"Someone exists."

Chu Yuan saw dozens of people.

There are males and females, and everyone is tall, like a little giant. The leading man is not strong in vitality, but he is extremely strong and powerful, and he is powerful with a punch.

A giant mountain-like behemoth was besieged by them.

"Specially cultivate the physical body, the law energy is contained in the physical body, and it breaks the sky!"

Chu Yuan was also surprised when he saw their fighting style.

This group of people specializes in physical training. It is not that they don't practice supernatural powers, but they integrate their power into their physique, and use the flesh to activate them. Without the splendor of spells, they have more physical violence.

"Very interesting."

Chu Yuan looked at it again, and the leading man's strength to kill the behemoth was vaguely striped on his arm, and his strength suddenly soared tenfold.

"The eternal rules are even similar to the giants I saw in the cage back then. Did they comprehend the mudstone slabs?"

Chu Yuan was a little surprised.

he knows.

After the failure of Eternal Shenzhou, all the creatures in it were extinct, but now those who live in it are latecomers, for various reasons.

"In the wild and ancient world, there are creatures who specialize in body training. Perhaps they have inherited this place."

Chu Yuan came to Eternal Shenzhou to see the eternal roads. He perceives that this world is still very big, even wider than the previous gods.

The creatures here live in the form of tribes, hunting foreign animals, cultivating their bodies, and strengthening themselves.

"The strongest is just the pinnacle of the sixth stage, and there is no Origin God."

Chu Yuan came to the world's largest city, a huge city piled up with black stones, extremely wild and coarse.

And the people in this world give him the feeling that both men and women are strong.

Indeed, with a huge world and abundant resources, they have enough resources to refine their bodies.

"Specially cultivating the physical body is far more resource-intensive than enlightening the laws of supernatural powers, and it also creates a stronger level of the same level. It is just too resource-intensive, but it can be cultivated in large quantities. UU reading is suitable for the empire."

Chu Yuan looked at the cultivation of the creatures in this world and nodded.

Indeed, the most important thing in cultivating the physical body is to keep up with resources, but it is not so particular about xinxing, and it is suitable for the imperial power who has difficulty in understanding the law.

After all, not everyone is suitable for practicing the law.

Although he came to the giant city, no one found him when he walked by their side. This was not only the eternal time and space, but also the dream of Tumeng, so that he and them were not in the same dimension.

Encountering Tu Meng and comprehending the power of dreams, he gradually took control of this power.

"The eternal holy mountain, this world holy land, has countless lines on it. Every physique practitioner will visualize and temper his body with rules."

Chu Yuan came directly to the Eternal Sacred Mountain. Looking at the lines on this mountain, he was sure that it was on the mudstone slab.

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