The holy mountain, the tallest mountain in the world, rises from the sky, and is also the holy land of this world.

"Sure enough, the eternal class left."

When Chu Yuan saw this majestic sacred mountain, he felt the eternal power.

And on the sacred mountain, there are many messy lines, very irregular, not a mudstone slab, but it seems to be copied from the mudstone slab.

Copying is not a matter of sketching a few strokes, but to comprehend its essence, at least it must contain energy and spirit, before it can be used for comprehension.

When Chu Yuan arrived at the sacred mountain, many people in this world were here to study the gods, and the closer you got to the sacred mountain, the more the pressure became, as if there were millions of giant hammers continuously bombarding your body.

The physique of the creatures in this world is so powerful, it is also because of the holy mountain that everyone must come here to exercise their physique.

Chu Yuan saw that many people squeezed their potential to the extreme and had to get close, but what it brought about was the collapse of their physique. After training, they needed to use magical medicine to build a solid foundation.

He saw an old man, dressed in plain linen.

The invisible pressure slammed on him, his body is burly, every muscle is like steel, he is also the strongest in this world, his cultivation reached the peak of the sixth stage.

However, even though he was only the pinnacle of the six realms, his physique was so powerful that ordinary origins of the seven realms, such as the ancestor of Wanhai, were also difficult to break, and even enough to fight them.

Chu Yuan saw through his physical nature at a glance.

There are various lines in his bones and flesh, visualizing the rules in the holy mountain, branding the rules into the body, making himself a regular existence.

Although doing so made him very strong in the six realms, it also restrained him from breaking through the seven realms.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

The old man was under the bombardment of the power of the holy mountain, without knowing that a great being had already seen his essence and passed by him.

Chu Yuan came directly to the sacred mountain, floating in the air, facing each other.

"This is a manifestation of the rules."

Chu Yuan also knew that these rules were the lines on the eternal level comprehension mudstone slab, which were expressed according to his own understanding, and judging from the many lines on the above, he might get more than himself.

His eyes didn't shift in the slightest.

With a wave of his palm, the rules entangled in his hand, and suddenly there was the power of water and fire.

"Different cultivation methods produce different changes."

Chu Yuan felt that this was the most straightforward way to understand the eternal rules, to see through the essence of the rules, to make himself a rule, to replace it with a rule, but what he wanted in his heart was to control this rule.

He has plenty of time and is not in a hurry.

This comprehension has passed several years.

Very strange, he was clearly standing in the air, but no one could see through his existence and come to respect the Origin God. The divine consciousness swept over, and it was also empty. The power of dreams and time and space was combined.

During these years of insight, Chu Yuan knew that he had benefited a lot.

It seems that the realm has not improved, but he has the power of eternal rules in every gesture.

"Or not."

At this moment, the old man shook his head and exited the holy mountain range.

"Patriarch, still can't break through the origin of the seven realms?"

Several six realms came over.

"It seems to be very close, but it's still a lot worse. This step is like a moat. It's too difficult. I understand the power of the holy mountain. I want to condense the blood of the origin and reach the origin, but I still can't Step forward."

The old man smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if I can't originate, you may be able to achieve it."

"Even the patriarch can't succeed, so is it even more difficult for us?"

They all said bitterly.

"Well, it's another annual festival. I will host this annual festival personally, so that all the children will come to participate in the baptism and cultivate the best fighters."

Annual sacrifice and baptism are their custom.

Kill the giant beasts and baptize the younger generations with their blood. The future that persists can be cultivated as the best fighter.

They breathe this kind of primitive vitality, pass it on by blood, and the offspring they cultivate will possess tremendous power.

"It's time to leave."

And Chu Yuan stayed here for a few months, and he had already remembered many Dao marks in his heart.

"However, this world is about to encounter an extinction trouble."

Chu Yuan looked out of the world, a huge figure, more than a million feet in size, it was covered with incomparably hard scales, its limbs were like sky pillars, and its whole body was shining with black electric light.

This is a fierce and powerful alien beast, rushing over.

Faced with the barriers of numerous crystal walls, this strange beast rammed straight into it, and it was also eating the crystal walls, and its power attribute seemed to be the aura of the eternal gods.

"The natural disaster is coming!"

"This is a predator who keeps hunting in Shenzhou!"

"All the powerful warriors of the tribe, protect the old and the weak, women and children, let me stop it!"

When this strange beast rushed in, it brought the fear of the prehistoric world. It became so powerful that it could destroy the borderless territory with one breath.

"Quickly take someone out of here!"

The strongest old man was anxious when he saw the alien beast killed. He knew that the alien beast was very cruel, and he would never leave if he didn't eat all the creatures.


They also knew that the patriarch wanted to stay to stop the alien beasts, but with the strength of the patriarch, wherever they would be opponents of the alien beasts, the oppression passed down could blast their bodies.

"There are only a few who can run. We have encountered a catastrophe of destruction this time!"

The old man has decided to die.

The ferocious alien beast looked at these people with a deep disdain in his eyes, as if a group of little ants were discussing how to get out.

Its fierce soul thoughts have passed, and its claws of the giant beasts, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, destroying the strongest in this world, and then slowly enjoying its feast.

"Don't think about it!"

The old man was furious.

Their family has also existed in the Eternal Shenzhou for more than a dozen epochs, and when they first entered, there were also stronger ones, and they would immediately urge the greatest heritage to resist.

But the next scene made him stare.

Just when the claws of the giant beasts are about to fall, boom! A shock of pressure swept over, and its claws couldn't be photographed no matter how much it patted.


The giant beast made a sound. This is a kind of animal language. Chu Yuan is in the book of the sky demon.

"go away!"

Holy mountain, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, a masterful and powerful man above the world, he was stalwart, and said a word directly to the giant beast.

"Someone is on the holy mountain!"

The old man was shocked and said that the strong man ignored the majesty of the holy mountain, and even the Origin God could not reach there.

Oh oh oh!

The giant beast looked at Chu Yuan, its strength was comparable to that of the strongest, but looking at Chu Yuan, its thoughts were all sucked into a black hole, and the opponent was an unfathomable abyss, making it terrified.

It is not stupid.

This world is still guarded by extremely strong people.

It has a strong hunch that if it doesn't leave and fights hard with this person to the end, it must die.

So, because of a single word, it left the world directly and never returned.

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