Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1851: God of the other shore

After learning about the old man Xuantian by accident, Chu Yuan naturally couldn't ignore it, and wanted to see him.

At this moment, in a part of Shenzhou, an old man in white violently smashed through the infinite crystal wall, and the divine power of the space shuttle was fast shuttled, but behind him, there was another tyrannical aura chasing.

This old man in white is the old man Xuantian.

But his state at this time is not very good, it seems that someone is chasing him.


Elder Xuantian's face was extremely solemn, and he was yelling.

He had just arrived at a place, and he hadn't got a firm foothold, and the breath behind him was like a shadow.

He turned his head and looked a little bit, and he saw a huge shadow, with the means reaching the sky, striding forward with infinite momentum, and the crystal wall was directly crushed by him.

The big shadow pierced the sky, swept across the infinite crystal, and directly destroyed the momentum.

"I can't get rid of him, he locked my breath!"

The old man Xuantian's face was gloomy, and his voice was shaking: "Are the people from the other side of the gods so domineering? You have chased me for a hundred years, and you can't chase me now, and I have no complaints with you. Qiu, there is no intersection, are you going to kill them all?"

"Can't catch it? You and I are just playing a cat and mouse game. When the mouse gets tired, it's time to enjoy the feast."

This breath-to-the-sky existence said with a faint smile: "You run slowly, with a flash of your finger for a hundred years, and I see how long you can run. As for rushing to kill you, you are my prey, and your head is my trophy."

"Think of me as a mouse, and the people on your other side of the gods don't make any sense!"

The old man Xuantian was furious when he heard this. He has been chased and killed for a hundred years, and countless fires have accumulated in his heart, "Okay, I am in a hurry, the deity will fight with you, although I am not Your opponent, but pushed me into a hurry, I don't believe it, you can feel better!"

"In the Eternal Shenzhou, my other shore gods cover the sky with one hand. This is our world. Fight with me? Come on, this seat is waiting for you to fight with me. It is meaningless without any passion."

This person's voice was faint, and he seemed to control everything in his own hands: "A rat-like thing, dare to seize the treasures of my gods from the other shore in the eternal Shenzhou, you will definitely die."

"you guys!"

The old man Xuantian was extremely angry: "This eternal divine boat does not belong to your other side of the gods, you are also foreign invaders!"

"I say yes!"

This Tongtian existence strode in stride, and instantly shortened the distance by half. As soon as he lifted his palm, an infinite storm suddenly straddled time and space, hitting Old Man Xuantian and enveloped him in his giant palm.

"I'm definitely not his opponent. He has been in the Eternal Shenzhou for a long time, and he is far clearer of the situation here than I am!"

Although the old man Xuantian screamed violently, he didn't want to work hard until he was in a desperate situation. He finally cultivated to the present state.

"Xuantian Holy Law!"

The old man Xuantian screamed angrily, holding his hands together, and suddenly a defensive sky appeared.

But when the giant palm fell, the defensive sky also supported a few breaths, and it smashed to pieces, and the strangling storm spread over him instantly.

And he moved the palm of the man through the sky again, seeming to mobilize the power of the Eternal Shenzhou, and suddenly a stronger force hit him.

"If it weren't for the eternal Shenzhou, although he is stronger than me, he would never force me into this predicament!"

The old man Xuantian was also aggrieved, the mana gathered in the river, swept across the river rumblingly, and at the same time created opportunities for himself to escape.

At this moment, Old Man Xuantian escaped the envelope of his power.

"Oh? Did you run again? But how long can you run."

Tongtian Existence watched the old man Xuantian run away, and he was not angry at all. He enjoyed the feeling of hunting down the prey, and the huge aura always followed the old man Xuantian, keeping him under his supervision.

After chasing for a while, the distance between the two shortened.

The Heavenly Existence attacked again. He slapped his hands and saw that the infinite crystals turned into chaos, and the raging thunder in the sky turned into thunderballs one after another.

"If I continue to run like this, my strength will be exhausted in a few years!"

Elder Xuantian had no choice.

"Elder Xuantian, I have seen you, but he is in a very bad condition at this time. He was chased and killed, the peak of the eight realms? The power of this person seems to be able to mobilize the power of the eternal Shenzhou, but today I am here. ."

With one step, Chu Yuan came to the front of Old Man Xuantian first.

"There are people, are they still from the other side of the gods!"

Elder Xuantian suddenly saw a mighty existence in front of him, with wolves in front and tigers behind, as bitter as taking a bitter medicine, he was in disaster today.


Seeing that there is no road ahead, the old man Xuantian must desperately.

"Elder Xuantian, don't you know me anymore?"

Chu Yuan smiled at him, showing a kind expression.


Elder Xuantian looked at Chu Yuan carefully, unfamiliar and familiar, and said in surprise: "I know, it's you, who is the younger generation of Shiji Yuan! You got my sky map, why did you come here!"

He was very surprised when he saw Chu Yuan.

Through the transmission of his will, this person knew that this person was very ambitious, but he did not expect to come to the eternal road so soon.

"You said that I will meet you on the Eternal Road." Chu Yuan said.

"Yeah, I said, but now is not a good time."

Elder Xuantian said: "Hurry up, even if your current strength has achieved Origin, it will not be his opponent. He is the pinnacle of the eight realms, from the other side of the gods, and Eternal Shenzhou is his home court!"

It is too late to renew the past, and escape is important.

He couldn't see through Chu Yuan, but he didn't think he could deal with the existence of Tongtian.

He didn't want to hurt Chu Yuan for his own sake.

"The Other Side of the Gods seems to be a powerful force in this eternal Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan didn't panic at all.

"Yes, the Bi'an Great Emperor of the Bi'an God Dynasty is a true eternal class, suppressing the eternal age, and they completely regard the eternal Shenzhou as their own!"

The old man Xuantian became even more angry when he mentioned this. He said, "I just got some treasures in the Eternal Shenzhou, and that person will not resist and has chased me for a hundred years."

"I can't say, he is coming!"

Elder Xuantian took Chu Yuan and ran away. UU reading www.

"Some things are waiting to be solved until the trouble is solved. It happens that I am also very curious about the internal situation of Eternal Shenzhou."

Elder Xuantian suddenly felt that Chu Yuan couldn't move at all, standing there stalwartly.

"Don't I miss it!"

The old man Xuantian didn't run away. The Tongtian Existence had already raised his strength, and when he arrived here, his eyes were fierce, "It's a big deal. At the last minute, who is afraid of whom!"

He thought he was a good-tempered person, but was also angry in this brutal pursuit.

"I also found a helper."

This heavenly existence came, it was a jealous man, wearing a silver-white robe with gold thread passing through it, portraying the appearance of a Shenzhou.

He stared at Chu Yuan: "You are better than him."

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