Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1853: Reasons for the Fall of the Great Emperor


After the sea on the other side was evaporated.

Chu Yuan's emperor's hand, the invincible will of Zhenba, the power of God's sovereign, the mana spread out, directly enveloped the other side of the Shenzhou, and then pressed down like a mountain of five fingers.

Although this person used the power of Eternal Shenzhou to surpass his own strength, but seeing the giant palm fall, he still felt the fear of the doomsday.

"not good!"

He was just shocked when the giant hand fell, destroying his power, and the power of the explosion shocked him severely.

Chu Yuan took a step again, his aura getting stronger and stronger, the time and space around him violently shook, the crystal wall collapsed, his hands pressed together, and the time and space around him was squeezed.

The blockade of time and space, the beheading of the dimension, directly bombarded the man's body, causing his body to burst directly.

Countless materials were shattered, the man consumed a lot of mana, and reunited on the other side, his face was also incredibly shocked, the strength of his eighth realm peak actually had no resistance.

He knew this person was very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Although he is arrogant, many people are fearless in the Eternal Shenzhou, but he is not stupid and boundless. He deeply understands the gap with Chu Yuan and is definitely not his opponent.

His strongest magical powers are useless.

"You, a strong man unexpectedly appeared in the Eternal Shenzhou, and I remember it from the other side of the gods."

The man directly turned into a substance, merged into the time and space of Shenzhou, and then disappeared.

They built the country on the other shore Shenzhou with the eternal Shenzhou, this is their territory, and they are not afraid of Chu Yuan's beheading.

"World time and space!"

Chu Yuan had no expression on his face, the time and space dimension, the three powers that control time and space, immediately blocked the man.

"how come!"

The man was truly shocked at this moment, "I can't escape his control, can't integrate into Shenzhou Time and Space, he is going to kill me!"

Chu Yuan ignored his feelings, grabbed with a big hand, swallowing the huge power, and sucked the man over, the torrent of destruction completely bombarded him, exterminating all his lives.

The man just feels that his life is at the end.

"You can't kill me!"

The man said in a difficult way, his most powerful deity could not be prevented from being destroyed by him, but he still left his original blood in the kingdom of the gods of the other side, which consumes a huge price and is not considered dead.

"His most powerful deity was beheaded!"

The old man Xuantian looked thrilled.

"Fate obliterated."

Chu Yuan swept out of his own eternal road, like the real eternal world, allowing the man to see an even more frightening scene.

This eternal way controls life and death.

Behind Chu Yuan appeared the roulette of life and death that controlled the cycle of life and death. Chu Yuan launched a blow of destiny in his own way. Following all the induction of his soul power, he killed all his leftovers. hand.

He is dead, Chu Yuan will be killed forever, exterminating all his souls.

"He is dead, completely dead, and the living matter is completely annihilated."

The old man Xuantian saw the soul of Chu Yuan's methods, even if he lived for several epochs, he was terrified. This powerful man who had chased him for hundreds of years died just like that.

"Provoke me, even if you come from the other side of the gods, I should not miss it, old man Xuantian, your crisis is resolved."

Chu Yuan said lightly, as if he had done something no big deal.

The domineering domineering of the king over the world, at this moment, the old man Xuantian returned to his gentle and calm appearance.

"You surprised me. Your strength is too terrifying. You are my savior."

Elder Xuantian took a deep breath, calmed himself a little bit, and said: "This time you killed the eight realm powerhouses of the Bi'an God Dynasty. This person is also the absolute high-level person in the Bi'an God Dynasty. There is a big earthquake."

An eight-level pinnacle was beheaded and could not be ignored anywhere.

He was also a little emotional. It was a whim that he left the remains of the Heavenly Alliance, and finally fell into the hands of Chu Yuan, because of this little cause and effect, it saved his life.

He was absolutely applauded for beheading this person.

"Just leave them to the earthquake."

Chu Yuan didn't care about the thoughts of the Divine Empire on the other side, and said, "You have been in the Eternal Shenzhou for multiple epochs, and you know the situation here far better than I am."

"Yes, since the end of my era, the heavenly alliance has also collapsed, and I have reached the Eternal Road, and I have been here."

The old man Xuantian said: "It's a pity that the common people would have achieved the eternal level, but... hey."

He couldn't help sighing, thinking of that great emperor, he could not forget for a long time.

"I have all the relics of the common people's dynasty that exist in the multiverse. I see the relics and encountered a great battle."

Chu Yuan asked the old man Xuantian who had experienced it personally.

"It is true that there was a tragic battle, and it was this battle that caused the destruction of the common people's dynasty, the fall of the common people, and the end of my era."

Elder Xuantian suddenly became angry.

"Just at the end of the last epoch, what happened at the beginning of this epoch, the Great Emperor's strength was the peak of the ninth stage, and he realized his own path to the common people. He wants to achieve the eternal level, just when he wants to resist. When the eternal rules have been fulfilled, many eternal-level hunts have been encountered!"

The old man Xuantian burned with anger, and he exploded with anger when he mentioned it.

He came from the same era as the Common Life Emperor. What a mighty and mighty emperor he was, with common people in his heart. In the era he ruled, he was the most peaceful, and everyone could live and work in peace.

But he was going to reach the eternal level, and someone refused to let him do it and stopped him.

"The ancient emperor, the emperor of the common people..."

Chu Yuan's expression was cold, he knew that if the two powerhouses hadn't suffered human calamity, they would have the possibility of becoming eternal.

"It seems that there are special hunters on this eternal road who are about to reach the eternal level."

Chu Yuan can be sure that hunting down those who are about to reach the eternal level and seizing their power can make them live longer, and the price of this is that there will be no new eternal level achievements in the future.

It is indeed a pity for the Cangsheng Great Emperor.

And Chu Yuan also knew why the Tianxue mining area appeared in the Yuan Dynasty. It was because of the fall of the Great Emperor Cangsheng that he blasted the relics into the multiverse and finally left this legacy. .

"I don't know who is slaying the Great Emperor, but I know that there are several people, otherwise the Great Emperor will not fall."

Elder Xuantian said: "These eternal ranks are extremely hateful. If you can't break the eternal road, you will plunder others' Taoism."

"It's not surprising, it can't be eternal, it can only be crazily rolled in."

"You have condensed your own eternal path. When you break through the eternal level, you are also the strongest and weakest. I think that group of eternal levels will also appear to hunt you."

Elder Xuantian solemnly looked at his savior and said, "Be careful."

"I really want to see which eternal-classes are hunting them."

Chu Yuan looked cold.

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