Of course Chu Yuan knew that even if he had gone now, he would not be able to control the Sea of ​​Origin, let alone move Shenzhou.

Unless his realm breaks through to the eternal level, he may be able to use his invincible control to make this Shenzhou once again cross the path of eternity.

However, it was not easy to come once. Since it was here, Chu Yuan naturally wanted to see Origin Sea, the biggest treasure in Shenzhou.

"You are going to Origin Sea!"

The old man Xuantian was surprised at first, and then he became interested: "I have been curious about Origin Sea for a long time, but because of the blockade of the two powers, I can't even do it from a distance. It seems that I am blessed today."

"Follow me!"

Chu Yuan instant left.

The Origin Sea is the core of Shenzhou. It has to pass through the time and space barrier that is extremely difficult to pass. When Chu Yuan headed there, he found that the time and space were not frozen like a swamp, but more like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Every step forward is equivalent to blasting through an extremely thick wall, which consumes mana.

"The Devouring of Time and Space."

Chu Yuan's expression was calm.

With every step he took, the walls of time and space seemed to melt automatically, as if the sea was divided into two halves, actively making way for him, and the power of rolling time and space was instantly refined into pieces of crystals by him.

"This is a terrible devouring method!"

The old man Xuantian became more and more frightened, and he couldn't see Chu Yuan at all: "This emperor controls time and space and the power of swallowing. The barrier here is very difficult even for me to shuttle, but there is no obstacle in front of him."

Of course he would also devour a technique.

It's not difficult to get started with the Great Swallowing Technique. It is rare that it is truly profound, showing the essence, and swallowing it, how to transform the energy into something you can refine.

This is something he cannot do.

"Shenzhou space is so strange because of Origin Sea."

Although Chu Yuan swallowed the boundless space-time energy, he gathered in an instant, and within the Origin Sea, he possessed a terrifying power capable of destroying the eternal level.

"This condensed crystal wall can't stop the emperor. The more within this condensed time and space, the greater the probability of finding the unknown world. There are many in Shenzhou."

Old man Xuantian smiled.

"You are very good."

Chu Yuan strode suddenly, and he suddenly appeared in a gloomy world with Old Man Xuantian.

In this world, there are huge cities made of steel.

"I don't know what treasures are here."

The old man Xuantian had just arrived in a huge city, his face changed suddenly, and the city of steel made a rumbling sound.

Then he saw it.

What kind of giant city is this, obviously a giant puppet.

I saw the giant steel city turned into a puppet, a mountain as big as a punch, and the heaven and the earth shattered, and the power was comparable to the original blow.

The old man Xuantian could of course see that this puppet didn't have the mysticism of the Origin God's Taoism, it was completely with tyrannical power, and its own defense was extremely strong.

He slapped a palm, the light penetrated, without leaving any scar on the puppet.

"Horrible defense!"

He exclaimed.

Rumble! The earth is shaking. At this moment, the giant cities in the world are all standing up, there are many puppets in the form of humans and beasts.

"This is refined by a strong man who is good at refining puppets. The eternal **** iron is hard to destroy!"

The old man Xuantian said.

"Yes, these puppets are spurred by the eternal **** crystals to form an army of puppets, sweeping like a sea."

Chu Yuan stretched out his hand, the power of the emperor was like a fishing net, along the edge of the world, all the puppets were swept away by him in just a short time.


Elder Xuantian secretly said.

"Unfortunately, the eradication of each era, although there are ruins left, but most of the methods of inheritance have been lost."

Chu Yuandao.

"I've heard that there is an eternal sacred book that has existed for too long and too long. He recorded many things."

The old man Xuantian said.

Chu Yuan said: "I know that the eternal divine book, the book ancestor, is hard to find in my eternal road."

Next, they moved on.

The closer to the Origin Sea, the blockade of space multiplies.

Another undiscovered cabin was opened.

Chu Yuan saw at this moment, the sky was full of light, and the mountains rose up, and there were plants of rare magical medicine here. He saw a magical beast, but it was not. It was a magical medicine similar to a beast.

Various types.

Some resemble animal shapes, some resemble human shapes, and some are extremely bright.

"A lot of magic medicine!"

The old man Rao Xuantian was also surprised when he saw this scene: "These magical medicines have existed for countless years. After they die, they merge into the world, sow seeds, absorb nutrients, and then regenerate."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

He saw a miraculous medicine with a fruit like a night pearl, and eating one could make a fifth realm break through the six epic realms.

"Transplanted back to the empire and handed over to Ling'er for management. She will definitely be very happy to see these things."

Chu Yuan transplanted the magical medicine very carefully, even if it took more time, it would not destroy their medicinal properties.

After taking away the magical medicine, Chu Yuan left.

"It's getting closer and closer to the sea of ​​origin."

Chu Yuan felt the strongest force.

"The emperor, there is someone there!"

The old man Xuantian said suddenly.

There is indeed a man, dressed in purple, with an ancient face.

"He is dead, and his cultivation was in the seventh realm of Origin."

Chu Yuan looked at it casually and analyzed his strength, but this person was not beheaded by others, but fell into the time and space environment in the eternal divine boat.

His situation at the moment is as if a person has been frozen in the ice.

"Although Eternal Shenzhou has attracted a lot of powerful people, it has also ruined a lot. He has explored here and encountered huge obstacles in time and space. When he wanted to leave, he found that he could not go back at all, just like a person. Swim from shallow water to deep water, regretting that it is too late."

The old man Xuantian said.

There was no wave in Chu Yuan's heart.

Now, the more we move towards the Sea of ​​Origin, there are many people frozen in time and space.

There are no shortage of origin gods, and many of them don't need the two powers to act, and they die in them.

Greed is endless.

"that is!"

The old man Xuantian saw another behemoth: "It should be the mother's nest of the Zerg clan~www.ltnovel.com~ It seems that the mother emperor's strength has reached the origin, but she is still trapped and killed here."

The Zerg mother emperor of the seven realms is extremely rare.

There was only one empire in Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan went over and opened the Worm Nest. There was no more Worm Sea inside. He saw the mother emperor, who was beautiful and thrilling, but she had also fallen.

"If you want to reach the Sea of ​​Origin, the strength of the eight realms is not insured, and the nine realms can avoid many risks."

The old man Xuantian said.

Chu Yuan took away the insect nest and continued on his way.

After traveling a long distance, the old man Xuantian suddenly wondered: "Emperor, do you feel the barrier between time and space is getting stronger? It seems that boundless power is coming here."

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