Although Chu Yuan had been leading the way and the old man Xuantian followed closely behind, he was also keenly aware of the changes in time and space. He sensed that the time and space around him was showing an unusual strengthening.

Especially when he looked back behind him, he found that on the way back, the torrent of time and space was surging violently, as if the time and space in the eternal Shenzhou were changing.

"There is indeed a big change."

Chu Yuan slowly said: "It may be that the eternal divine boat is erupting, and time and space tides have emerged. The road back has become even more difficult than the road forward. You follow me and we continue to explore forward."

He found that Chu Yuan's words seemed to have other meanings hidden, so he didn't say more.

As Chu Yuan walked forward, his pace seemed to be getting slower and slower. The Great Swallowing technique was still swallowing, but the speed of swallowing slowed down. It seemed that it was also consumed greatly due to time and space.

"The emperor, he has a plan!"

The old man Xuantian lowered his head.

Rumble! Suddenly the roar of time and space erupted here, surging incomparably, as if the sea had the most terrifying huge waves.

When that huge wave hit, it was even more terrifying than the freezing of time and space before.

This impact is a solid crystal force that seems to be smashed over.

Time and space are frozen, and of course a strong defense has to be paid, but time and space roar and impact, the consumption of this power may be ten times as much as before.

"How could such a roar of time and space happen suddenly."

Elder Xuantian could feel the terrible roar of this time and space.

If it were him, the mana would be consumed violently every moment, and he had to pay at least half of his power to resist.

He sensed it carefully, and said in surprise: "The emperor, this time and space roar is still growing, and the power is far from reaching its peak!"

"In this kind of consumption, it's like a huge ship suffered a tsunami in the ocean, and a little carelessness will capsize."

Chu Yuan calmly said.

"Yes, what's going on? Is it the bitter sea environment simulated by Eternal Shenzhou?"

The old man Xuantian was surprised, he also felt a wave of extinction in the time and space storm, constantly breaking through the sky, as if an invisible giant hand was manipulating it.

He has a very strong feeling.

If he faced it alone, he might have died here today.

"We want to find a safe haven."

Chu Yuan paced in the time and space storm, and walked a few steps forward, his eyes suddenly sharpened, piercing the sky sharply.


Chu Yuan suddenly turned into a dimensional storm, piercing through the ancient barriers, his terrifying power shocked, and his punch was like a giant mountain. The momentum of the swallowing mountains and rivers instantly exploded infinite time and space, twisting and disintegrating into invisible.

With this blow, he locked the source of power, and the moment he shook in, a hidden space and time was opened.

All this happened too suddenly. At that time, there was a figure sitting in the sky at this time. He was manipulating Boundless Wind and Cloud with both hands, without realizing that someone had found him.

"You can find me!"

This person is tall, but very thin, and before he can react, the time and space around him explodes.

With this blow, Chu Yuan blasted the person out like thunder, causing him to vibrate violently and retreat back and forth.

"It's you!"

Chu Yuan shot again, thunder attacked and killed, his palms were like chaos, with the fury of a great violent technique, destroying everything, every blow with the fighting power of changing heaven and earth, and the surrounding time and space were shattered.


This person also never expected that this person's offense was so violent and violent that he could not parry for a while.

His figure repelled repeatedly, bursts of explosions continued to act, and there was almost no room for counterattack.

Chu Yuan was extremely cold. He knew that the source of the space-time storm just now came from this person. The power was superimposed to the limit, turned into the hands of the emperor, covered it, and completely exploded on the man.

The mighty, extremely turbulent divine power rushed over.

The man solidified, his body exploded, and in the next instant, it turned into an element of time and space and reunited again.

"Even if I can discover where I am from the infinite time and space, even I didn't react. Good!"

The man recovered, somewhat weak.

"With this little trick, I dare to make an axe in front of me. Just now you were manipulating the space-time storm."

Chu Yuan locked his sharp eyes.

This man's cultivation is not weak, he is the strongest of the nine realms.

"Yuwen Shenkong, it turned out to be him!"

Chu Yuan did not recognize the origin of this person, but the old man Xuantian who followed him saw through him and said, "The emperor is called Yuwen Shenkong. I met him a long time ago, and then the Great Emperor Cangsheng had a relationship with him. Pass it!"

"Yuwen Shenkong."

"Yeah, Yuwen Shenkong is good at time and space. I understand. He hides here and uses his time and space power to create storms. He doesn't know the emperor's strength. He regards the emperor as a prey, and first mobilizes the eternal Shenzhou. The natural space-time power consumes the emperor one after another, until the emperor’s power drops to a freezing point, he is coming out to kill, and if the emperor’s strength exceeds his expectations, he will not come out and put himself invincible. place."

"But he never expected that the emperor's strength was so terrifying that he found him directly!"

Old man Xuantian said!

Not bad.

When the time and space storm blew up just now, Chu Yuan keenly realized that there was something wrong with time and space, and a force was controlling it.

He will do everything, using the endless origin, the space-time dimensional power to lock him where he is, directly launching a thunderous blow.

And just as the old man Xuantian said.

The time and space here is Yuwen Shenkong's most natural battlefield. He takes advantage of the geographical advantage to hunt down the strong who come here.

Being watched by him, if there is no tyrannical strength, even if he realizes that something is wrong, it is too late.

As long as he doesn't provoke the existence of the eternal level, few people can help him.

But a pity.

He doesn't open his eyes.

He has been in Eternal Shenzhou for too long. Although Chu Yuan is famous, he did not know him for tens of thousands of years.

"Yuwen You are bold to deal with me." Chu Yuan looked down and said, "What does Yuwen Wudi have to do with you."

"You also know that Yuwen is invincible!"

Yuwen Shenkong proudly said: "That is the ancestor of my Yuwen clan."

Yuwen is invincible, an eternal existence, who became enlightened hundreds of epochs ago.

When Chu Yuan heard his surname Yuwen, he suddenly thought of the powerful Yuwen Wudi.

In fact, since the establishment of the First City, Chu Yuan has been collecting intelligence on the powerful on the Eternal Road for tens of thousands of years, especially the Eternal Grade, which is the top priority.

Through these collections, he knew some eternal situations.

Except for some that are too old and too long to show, Chu Yuan still knows some eternal grade.

And this Yuwen Shenkong is the descendant of Yuwen Invincible.

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