This sound is like a thunder in a clear sky!

An eternal figure stepped on the other shore, and then in front of everyone, a person appeared. He was not strong, and was enveloped by a mysterious vitality, sacred and majestic.

He was dressed in a golden robe with silver threads passing through, and his eyes were deep and vast, as if looking at each other would make people fall into the sea of ​​misery he created, the perish of eternal life.

And he also controls the grand and majestic trend.

His arrival suddenly calmed the place.

The Great Emperor Bian, the eternal powerhouse, the creator of the gods!

"Participate in the Great Emperor!"

The powerhouses of the Bi An God Dynasty saw the appearance of the Bi An Emperor, and each of them had extremely fanatical beliefs, and knelt down.

In their memory, the emperor has not appeared in several epochs.

As soon as he came, a majesty immediately enveloped Chu Yuan, pulling him into his own way.

Chu Yuan also looked at him at the same time.

This is the second eternal class he has ever seen. Of course, it is impossible to be as friendly as a dream. It immediately swallows the eternal emperor's aura and fights with his power from the other side.

The confrontation between the two seemed calm.

However, the ancestor of the spirit can keenly observe that there are two paths, and the two methods are fighting against each other, entering into an independent time and space.

"The Emperor Shenwu really can fight the Eternal Grade!"

She secretly said.

"the other side."

Chu Yuan looked at him, his eyes also turned into an abyss, swallowing the other's majesty.

"Shenwu Emperor, you have also come to this emperor's eternal Shenzhou, this is not where you should be."

The Great Emperor Road.

There is no wave in his face, but the aura of confrontation made him know that this person is much more powerful than in the legend. This era has produced an extraordinary existence that will disturb the wind and clouds on the eternal road.

"Unexpectedly, my name was passed to the Eternal Shenzhou, even your other shore gods know."

Chu Yuan's tone was light.

"You have done too many sensational things, it is difficult for the emperor to know it."

Although the kingdom of Bi'an Shen Dynasty was established in the eternal Shenzhou, it does not mean that they did not know the things on the eternal road.

"Really?" Chu Yuan said.

"But you are too presumptuous in the origin of this emperor, do you know your sins?"

The Divine Emperor of the other bank had a gentle voice, but there was a kind of magic power, and he unknowingly made people sink into his way of the other bank.

He takes the name of the other shore and can easily understand his way.

His unique aura creates a way to the other side, taking sentient beings beyond what he thought and the other side he created, making the world think that only his path is the most correct.

As for those who don't approve, they are aliens, and they must be eliminated.

This is in sharp contrast and difference with Chu Yuan's way.

Don't look at Chu Yuan's domineering behavior, but his path is very tolerant and open. If he has to create a truly eternal path, you can practice any law within this path.

Control is not only the domineering that puts all power in one's own hands, but it is also tolerance.

"Your eternal divine boat, the sea of ​​origin." Chu Yuan smiled: "This is not your sea of ​​origin, but there is a saying, whoever is powerful, who is the master here, there are always only two truths in this world. To judge by one word, that is strength."

"But I have never condemned others, and no one can condemn me!"

His infinite domineering will agitated here!

"Bold, how dare you say this in front of the emperor, you are looking for death!"

"No one has dared to be so presumptuous in my other side of the gods. You saw the emperor and confessed his sins honestly. You dare to be so presumptuous. We will suppress you in a cage and imprison you forever!"

"Emperor, give your order, suppress him!"


The other side **** is furious at the strong.

"Bi An, this is your subordinate."

Chu Yuan glanced casually.

"You are not his opponent."

The Great Emperor Bi An stared at Chu Yuan: "However, this emperor can let you see the Sea of ​​Origin every day!"

As soon as his words fell, his intention was to start with Chu Yuan.

He knew that Emperor Shenwu was a strange flower that could hardly be born in hundreds of epochs. It was so powerful and developed so fast in half an epoch.

He already has the determination of the strongest, and even has eternal luck.

If he can suppress Chu Yuan and get all his luck, his strength will rise, become stronger, and even have some incredible benefits.

If he is on the path of eternity, he can't do much about him.

But he just came to Origin Sea.

This is his base camp, his lair, and here his strength is the strongest, and he can mobilize infinite power to suppress this emperor here, and he cannot be overborn.

He has his own way of the other side, he wants to swallow the ways of other people, and achieve the strength that belongs to him alone.

"Let's do it, Eternal Grade, I have not yet played against this kind of strong, let me see the power of Eternal Grade."

Chu Yuan stood still, waved his hand, invincible.

He thinks that he is strong enough to fight the eternal level, but after all, he has never really fought, and only after fighting can he understand the strength of the opponent.

The Great Emperor, only half of it.

To become the strongest, you must do well on the road to the heavens, and everyone may be prepared for his opponent.

Chu Yuan's sublimation was to sublimate himself in battle after battle.

He suddenly looked at the Great Emperor Beyond, with a strong domineering will, blasting out the terrifying divine light of the destruction of the heavens, and his power also fully exploded at this moment.

He is also looking forward to fighting against the Eternal Class.

"He's finished, he's not an eternal grade, and he wants to fight the emperor. He is arrogant and boundless, and his myth will end here!"

The people of the other side of the gods wanted to see the moment when this person was suppressed forever.

"You're confident."

Seeing Chu Yuan's reaction, the Great Emperor Bi'an was not afraid, but his fighting spirit became more and more high. The Emperor Shenwu at this time was like a scorching sun, shining brightly, and stepping out of his stalwart posture.

He wanted to see how strong this emperor really is.

With eternal power, he stepped over it in one step, boom! The divine light was surging, the boundless sea of ​​bitterness overwhelmed, and the Great Emperor stood on his feet, trying to obliterate a demon who is expected to become an eternal level.

Fortune and great opportunities belong to him!

In the sea of ​​bitterness on the other shore, the law of eternity level condensed a giant hand, slammed to Chu Yuan, UU reading wanted to pull him into this boundless sea of ​​bitterness, and fell into ruin.

"it has started!"

Lingzu's eyes were also watching closely.

"Bitter sea sinks!"

The sound of magical power resounded, and the tsunami continued. Chu Yuan was like a person in the center of the ocean. There was the sea in all directions, and he was going to be shot in by the waves.

The wind is surging!

An invincible and confident majesty.

Facing such a terrifying force, Chu Yuan didn't panic at all, his five fingers snapped open, and he immediately slapped out a palm, a force of destruction and end, like the dusk of civilization.

When this force hits the big hand on the other side, there is a force that makes people tremble.

Emperor Shenwu ended the big hand with absolute power, his will spread, and it turned out to calm the storm!

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