This duel can be called the most peak duel on the eternal road.

Shenwu Emperor's domineering.

The law of the Great Emperor Beyond.

The Great Emperor Bi An waved his hands, and there was a huge wave in the sea on the other shore, and the surging power condensed a sky-shattering roar, and waved against Chu Yuan in a violent posture.

This is not real water, but a bombardment of eternal law.

Chu Yuan was unmoved, crashing, and the huge wave slapped him, but he had completely endured it. There was a ray of light in his body, and he even baptized himself with the power of Emperor Bi An.

"It deserves to be an eternal class!"

Chu Yuan immediately noticed the horror of their power.

This is completely different from the Great Emperor.

Great Emperor Ji Dao only barely reached this level of attack power, but his opponents could wield this power between waves.

"It's not enough!"

Chu Yuan shouted.

With great strength, Chu Yuan's blow was like a sky collapse, violent and fierce.

The great origin technique, his extremely powerful origin burning, like a giant standing, with a monstrous aura, he hits invincible with one hand.

With his palm upright, he slashed with all his strength. This slash was a slash from fate. Across the past, the present and the future, he was now like the **** of fate, and the sea of ​​suffering was immediately divided into two halves.

Splitting the sea of ​​suffering with force is equivalent to splitting the opponent's law.

"He is rampant!"

Hearing Chu Yuan's words, the strong man of the Bi'an God Dynasty was naturally furious. This was because he believed that the Great Emperor Bi'an had insufficient power, and in their hearts, the Great Emperor was invincible.

"as you wish."

The power of the Great Emperor Beyond skyrocketed again.

At this time, he actually seemed to be fused with Eternal Shenzhou, and the spread of power made people think that he was the master of Shenzhou and could manipulate the boundless power.

Of course, he borrowed some strength internally at most, and it was impossible to manipulate Shenzhou to advance, but it was also terrifying.

Chu Yuan felt that he was locked in his surroundings, all roads were cut off by the Great Emperor Bi An, and a huge force was suppressing him in the dark.

This is clear, to suppress him.

"Golden Ge and Iron Horse, turbulent times!"

Chu Yuan's spirit and spirit erupted. At this moment, a battlefield of iron and blood appeared, and a vision emerged. The torrent of the chaotic world and the impact of the golden horse and iron horse formed an overwhelming and ferocious nature.

In this kind of control, the time and space of the blockade collapsed.

"Your power is indeed very strong...but!" The Great Emperor Bi'an was expressionless, staring coldly at Chu Yuan, "Shenzhou Bian!"

In the sea of ​​bitterness, a mighty Shenzhou appeared, which could cross the most dangerous place. On the sea, wind and thunder flashed.

This is the supernatural power simulated by Emperor Bian based on the eternal Shenzhou. He then promoted the Shenzhou, rumbling forward, and impacted the past. It seemed that he could destroy everything, and the strongest would be directly in front of him. Crushed to death.

This is the eternal power, eternal strength.

"Crush, crush him to death!"

When the opponent saw this majestic scene, they all said viciously.

"The Emperor's Fist."

However, in the face of the rush of Shenzhou from the other shore, Chu Yuan was a punch. Without magical powers, it was all power, the most ferocious power, truly breaking all laws with one force.

This punch can be said to be Chu Yuan's most domineering emperor's will, the enormous power of the Shenwu Empire.

He bombed out at this moment, like a giant soaring into the sky, breaking through thousands of obstacles with a punch, the world turned into darkness, but a little light was born, and then the whole world was flooded.

He exploded with enormous power and completely enveloped Shenzhou.

He mobilized the strongest power, turned it into the control of power, and slammed directly on it, and immediately saw that this infinitely powerful Shenzhou had stopped in place.

Wow! This Shenzhou actually collapsed and burst, turning into energy and returning to the sea of ​​suffering.

"He actually broke the power of the emperor!"

Chu Yuan was above the sky, like an eternal true god, with infinite majesty, and many people who suppressed could not breathe.

At this moment, he was full of eternal divine fire, and any power in front of him was evaporated.

"Pure power, your power really surprised the emperor, but the emperor said, you can't leave the sea of ​​origin."

The Great Emperor Bi'an fixed his eyes on Chu Yuan, his eternal path suddenly turned into independent time and space, he was going to pull in and enter his domain, and he would dominate life and death.

He knew that Chu Yuan had strong supernatural powers and power, but he bullied Chu Yuan for failing to reach the eternal level, and the path to eternity was imperfect.

Chu Yuan's expression was cold, he showed his eternal path. He had realized the power of Tu Meng's dream before and seemed to have the ability to turn all illusions into reality.

See Chu Yuan's eternal road.

Great Emperor Bi An's eyes moved, he saw Chu Yuan's eternal road, the real and dreamy picture made him feel that this person must be suppressed and seized his eternal power.

Rumble! Yet another Shenzhou appeared.

This Shenzhou was not condensed by the previous magical power laws, but really existed. It looked exactly like the eternal Shenzhou, as if carved out of a mold.

This is the eternal level **** soldier created by the emperor of the eternal Shenzhou that Emperor Bi'an has studied, and it has almost consumed his life's resources.

This real Shenzhou cannot be broken by force.

Pushed by the power of the Great Emperor Bi An, the endless divine light burst out, turning into silk threads in every ray of light, forming the rule of blocking the heaven and the earth, and besieging Chu Yuan to Tuantuan.

Then, he formed the sky with the boundless power of the gods of the other shore.

The right time, the right place, and the right people, are all on the side of the Great Emperor Bi An, even if the ancestor is calm, when he sees such a scene, his face changes, and it is almost impossible to escape from this terrible blockade.

"You can't go!"

The Great Emperor Bi An had great confidence in blocking Chu Yuan.

"I come as I want, and leave as I want."

Chu Yuan didn't panic, his expression was extremely calm, his thunder and lightning spurge appeared, booming! The boundless thunder was exploding, and a long river of thunder was flowing, and the thunder bombed by bursting force was collapsing.

"On the other side of Shenzhou, suppress it forever!"

The Great Emperor Bi'an used his eternal Shenzhou to suppress fiercely, and when it came down, the void was solidified into an iron barrel, and he wanted to suppress him into the Shenzhou.

"There are indeed many eternal-level methods, but UU reading is not enough to suppress."

Chu Yuan knew the opponent's will, and he also got a lot of insight in this fight, and his eternal path also swelled out, and the turbulent power penetrated the boundless time and space.

In the past, present and future, the power of time and space has actually formed an eternal door.

This gate of eternity seems to be able to penetrate into any time and space, and after opening, it is a different world.

"He wants to leave!"

As soon as Emperor Bi An saw the gate of eternity, he violently burst out a stronger will. With such a good opportunity today, he must not let this person leave.

"Lingzu, follow me."

At this moment, Chu Yuan pushed open the gate of eternity, and a strange scene appeared behind the door. After that, he stepped directly through the blockade of Emperor Bi An.

Finally, the gate of eternity was closed, and Chu Yuan was no longer visible.

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