"How did he break through the blockade and leave!"

A mysterious door was opened, and the Emperor Shenwu broke through the blockade set by the Great Emperor Bian, and left easily, which many people never imagined.

"His understanding of time and space is beyond imagination, opening up eternal time and space, forming an eternal portal."

After being silent for a long time, the Great Emperor Bian could tell the clues by his strength, and then slowly said: "This time it is the emperor's carelessness. Unexpectedly, his time and space way is so powerful. Let him leave, although he has not fully achieved eternity. Level, but his combat power is comparable to the Eternal Level, and even more difficult than some Eternal Levels. If you underestimate him, he will calculate and pay the price."

"The emperor, what should I do? Do you just watch him leave like this? He opened the eternal time and space. Doesn't it mean that he will come to Origin Sea next time without hindrance? This is a great threat to us.

There is a strong way.

"Yeah, he is not yet eternal, and he has this kind of strength. If he really reaches this level, wouldn't he be going to sweep Invincible? It is very likely that he will invade our Shenzhou!"

Judging from all kinds of information, Emperor Shenwu was not a soft-hearted person, he acted ruthlessly and domineeringly, but I was the only one who was dominant.

When that day comes, it is impossible not to be tempted by Eternal Shenzhou.

"The emperor must guard the Shenzhou to prevent other eternal grades. Besides, we don't need to be too anxious."

The Great Emperor Bi'an slowly said: "If we don’t need us, there will be someone who will deal with him. He wants to become the eternal class, or the strongest. This will touch the interests of many people on the path of eternity. Now no one will see him become the eternal class. Don't look at him now arrogant, but as long as he is weak, the tigers will swallow him."

"Pure Land, you have seen it too."

He looked to one side.

"His strength surprised me too."

In the light and rain, the eternal pure land evolved, and a sacred woman appeared, sacred and inviolable, she was the sovereign of the pure land **** sect.

"If you and I act together, can you keep him?"

The Great Emperor Road.

His relationship with the Sect Master of Pure Land was not as bad as outsiders thought it was, but more of cooperation.

"You and I can suppress him by joining forces, but it is very difficult to kill him. I have calculated the magical powers he left just now millions of times. I control time and space and open the gate of eternity. This method is suddenly and difficult. prevent."

"is it?"

The Great Emperor Bi'an thought for a while before he said: "It seems that the Eternal Road will not be peaceful again, you and I must be prepared."



Outside the eternal Shenzhou.

"The emperor's methods surprised me a lot."

Lingzu also recalled Chu Yuan's methods just now, which inspired her a lot.

"It's just some small magical powers and small methods. Since I dare to go to Origin Sea, I have absolute confidence to leave calmly."

Chu Yuan smiled lightly.

"Then Eternal Shenzhou is a good place." Ling Zu said.

"It is indeed a good place, and such a good place must be controlled by the empire."

Chu Yuan said that he also took a fancy to the Eternal Shenzhou, and continued: "Ling Ancestor, I will return to the empire later. Do you want to return to the empire with me? I will entertain you with the most solemn ceremony."

"I have other things, but I will definitely visit when I have the opportunity. The spirit world is willing to conclude the strongest friendly alliance with Shenwu."

Lingzu did not go directly to the empire.

"I have accepted this friendly covenant."

Chu Yuan nodded, "If this is the case, then we will live here, but before we parte, I have a word to give you, don't attack the Eternal Grade without authorization."

"I know."

Lingzu knew what Chu Yuan meant.

This emperor is willing to help her, and she is also willing to help Shenwu, will not block his path to the strongest.

Then, he looked at the old man Xuantian, "Xuantian, how about you, do you leave alone or go back with me?"

"I am a lonely family. The Heavenly Alliance has also collapsed, and there is no other place to go. A person just continues to wander on the eternal road. The emperor has also saved my life. I am willing to go back with the **** emperor."

Shenwu was his savior, and he was willing to contribute to Chu Yuan.

There is another thing, the great emperor of the common people was hunted and killed, this thing has always made him feel a thorn in his heart.

"Let's go."

Chu Yuan left.

He had plenty of time and was not in a hurry. He changed his path and sensed the whereabouts of the God Sword.

Ninety-nine Zhutian Divine Swords were scattered throughout the eternity. Since the death of Emperor Zhutian, no one has gathered.

Chu Yuan had been in the empire for 30,000 years, and with the help of City One, he actually gained some, bringing his total to forty-five, which was almost half of the number.

Before the system issued a task, it was carried out in multiple stages.

He was also curious as to what ultimate reward would be given to him after all ninety-nine pieces were complete.

And if all the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords are in hand, the power will be unimaginable, and it will be an eternal level divine weapon, and it will exceed many ordinary eternal level.

In addition to mobilizing the empire powerhouse to collect for him, he also has to collect it himself.

He walked everywhere on the Eternal Road, and Old Man Xuantian followed closely like a guard.

"Another God Slayer Sword."

Chu Yuan came to a hidden ruin. With a wave of his hand, the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword naturally emerged, and the ruin naturally fell into his hands.

He was sitting on the spot at this moment, and with the powerful induction and attraction of the Heaven-Player Divine Sword, several divine swords broke through the air.

If it weren't for this kind of induction of the same origin, it would be a fantasy to want to get together.

Of course, Chu Yuan did not hope to get everything this time.

At this time, in a hidden force.

"Old Ancestor, the two Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords stored in our clan's treasure house are shaking. It seems that they have encountered a strong induction. They can't be suppressed, and they leave."

At this time, a person hurriedly went to meet an old man in retreat.

This old man was dressed in white, had snow-white hair, and was also a powerful man of nine realms.

"Zhutian Divine Sword trembles. This is because someone is summoning it, and the number is not a small number, otherwise it will not be so intense~www.ltnovel.com~ Moreover, the distance between the summoner and our clan will not be too far!"

The old man said.

"Ancestor, who is calling, and what should my clan do?" the reporter asked.

"If you say who has the most Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword on the Eternal Road, and who is collecting it, only the Shenwu Emperor, I understand, he must be summoning. You don't need to handle this matter. I will do it myself. These swords have offended him, and my Bai people cannot afford to offend him!"

The old man said: "No, I can't watch it automatically break through the air. This is an opportunity. I'm worried that I won't have a chance to get to know the Shenwu Emperor. It just so happened that I personally sent it to express my family's friendship!"

Faced with such a strong man, he chose only friendship.

The old man grabbed the Divine Sword of Death and swiftly broke through the air. After traveling a distance, he saw two people there.

Looking at the majestic emperor, the old man raised his voice and said respectfully and politely: "Bai Cheng, the Bai clan, specially sent the Emperor Zhuotian Sword!"

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