Bai Cheng, the ancestor of the Bai family, came to see Chu Yuan in person, which expressed his respect for Chu Yuan.

A long time ago, he also became the master of an era, but compared with the century, it was far behind. It would be extremely worthwhile if he could use a few Zhutian Divine Swords in exchange for some friendship.

"Bai Cheng." Chu Yuan nodded to him.

"I know that the emperor needs the Heaven-Slaying Divine Sword, so I send it here."

When Bai Cheng saw Chu Yuan, he felt his majesty in an instant. This emperor was like a pillar of heaven, fully propping up the sky, like an eternal ruler.

Although he is the strongest, he is actually very small compared to him.

"I do need these Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords."

Chu Yuan signaled that Elder Xuantian immediately gave him the eternal **** crystal.


Bai Cheng had a real sense, and said: "I know that the emperor has opened up a first city. I wonder if people from my clan can go to the first city?"

"Of course, the first city is completely open, so you can become the guardian of the ancient roads of our empire."

Chu Yuan smiled.

"If there is an eternal path, I would be willing to protect it."

Bai Cheng thought about it.

"There will be an eternal way."

Chu Yuan stepped forward at this time, he opened the door of eternal time and space and disappeared directly in front of Bai Cheng.

"This time and space method!"

When Bai Cheng saw this method, his expression was also shocked.

Chu Yuan embarked on his return journey.

He knows that some Heaven-Zhuking Swords have been suppressed in the Eternal-level forces, which are more difficult to obtain, but the interesting thing is that the stronger the Eternal-level, the less they will take the initiative to treasure the Heaven-Zhuking Swords, but will put them in their own forces Inside.

Investigate the reason, the problem appeared in the induction of the Divine Sword of Death.

Their own path is the most secret place to the Eternal Class. Their origins, random collections, are likely to be sensed by other holders.

As for destruction.

The eternal level created by the strongest Emperor Zhutian Divine Sword must be destroyed with eternal level divine weapons.

But whoever dared to destroy the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword, destroying one, the will of the Zhutian Great Emperor in the other Divine Judgment Swords would be completely erupted, as if the Great Zhutian Divine Sword was summoned to kill.

This kind of killing could not be resisted by the Eternal Grade.

Time flew for hundreds of years, Chu Yuan returned to the multiverse.

The empire is being built, and the lack of resources has made the empire have many strong people.

He bestowed Yuwen Shenkong's time and space origins to the time and space god, and this moment he was trapped in the realm for a long time, and immediately broke through, and was promoted to the origin of the seven realms.

This power has not been completely consumed yet, and after a while, it will be sublimated to the eight realms.

His eyes turned to Space Time Island again.

Still exists in the multiverse.

It had become a forbidden place, and Chu Yuan didn't move him either, but he could see that there should be an eternal-level existence that is good at space-time power buried in the time-space island.

"As long as it is in our empire, it belongs to me!"

Chu Yuan was very domineering.

He took out the alien beast egg, waved his hand, and suddenly there was a force to hatch it, and what he saw was an ant-like alien beast.

It is golden, several feet in size, indestructible, and can resist the gods of origin.

On its head, there are still two golden horns.

Golden Horn Ant, the cultivation base strength of the Origin God.

This strengthened the power of the empire.

Chu Yuan was very satisfied.

Years hurried, five thousand years have passed since he returned to the Empire.

Boom, boom!

It's the sound of heaven and earth shaking.

Chu Yuan was cultivating. While he was simulating the Eternal Road, he suddenly saw that a fierce origin divine calamity had condensed in the place of Jiuyou Retreat.

This frenzied force is very powerful.

Afterwards, a dark golden figure appeared, and Jiuyou was about to begin to cross the calamity.

She had also been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years before she began to shock. She was also fearless and fearless, with a fearless spirit as she watched the roaring calamity impact on her.

Chu Yuan also nodded. Jiuyou had a solid foundation under his various resources. As his imperial concubine, the closest person on the pillow, it was equivalent to getting a large part of his luck.

One person can ascend to heaven, the more you follow the strong, the easier the breakthrough of strength.

Jiuyou's breakthrough is not a problem.

Sure enough, after a few days, the divine calamity of the origin also dissipated, and she was energetic, and she was full of fluctuations in the origin divine.

"Jiuyou, congratulations, you finally became the Origin God."

When Chu Yuan saw the catastrophe dissipate, he also smiled and went to congratulate her.

"The origin is just the beginning."

Jiuyou didn't forget what she was doing, she was spreading with a dark golden light, forming her domain.

Jiuyou realm.

The way to achieve eternal level is to comprehend the domain first.

Chu Yuan was happy for her. Among his several imperial concubines, Jiuyou's talent was undoubtedly the highest. Of course, with his help, she herself was a stunning wizard no matter what era she was placed in.

"Become the origin, walk with me in the first city."

Chu Yuan pulled her hand and walked around the first city with a smile.

He condenses the power of real and dreamy, even if he walks in the city, no one can see him, otherwise, if he appears in real form, the whole city will be an endless sensation.

"The first city, although the city has been opened for tens of thousands of years, it is my first time to come."

Jiuyou looked at the prosperous First City, also very surprised.

In the first city, in addition to the most majestic main city, the environment of the mountains and seas is also contained here, there are many living beings, and many races that she has never seen.

This time Chu Yuan accompanied her to take her on a tour of the mountains and rivers, so that she could see the openness.

"The existence of this first city is very important to the empire. Many of these countless creatures have already regarded the first city as their new home and are willing to become vassals of the empire. Some of these countless creatures seem to have average strength, but Many arrogances will emerge among them, and they will be absorbed into the empire."

She saw that in a huge square, many people gathered, some who passed the empire assessment and were absorbed into the empire and cheered.

"My eternal road is very long. UU reading gathers all the power in its own path, and then, the second city will be opened up in the eternal killing array."

Chu Yuan and Jiuyou smiled.

"Eternal Killing Array, I have heard that if you occupy it, you will reap a terrifying array, and you can also find the Eternal Temple."

Jiuyou was silent for a moment, and said: "The establishment of the first city can still be said to be a foothold city, but the second city is out of the multiverse. This will be a city of war, and there will be many people against the empire. Start."

"Some things need to be done, but I have plenty of time, and the initiative is still in my hands."

Chu Yuandao.

Next, Jiuyou continued to retreat. She has the cultivation base of Origin God, and she will definitely participate in the second city.

Years go on, and another ten thousand years have passed.

Yi Tianzun and the Heavenly Demon God Book returned, and they brought back the Beast Dao God Book.

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