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[Choice 1: Build a second city in the Eternal Killing Array, and stand the city for 100,000 years without being destroyed, gain 2 million Fate Points, Divine Mansion Dark God x1, Mysterious Random Reward x1. 】

[Option 2: Do not build the second city. 】

"God's Mansion, the Dark God!"

Chu Yuan looked at the rewards given by the system, his expression moved slightly. The rewards were very rich. It would take a hundred thousand years to build the city, not that he would get rewards just by just building it.

In these 100,000 years, many threats will inevitably be faced.

Without building, there will be no rewards.

Of course Chu Yuan's choice was one.

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The system is too mysterious, it is a more terrifying rule, he speculated that it even overrides the entire eternal road.

"For the sublimation of our nine realms, and for the path of the strongest, we must build the path of the strongest, and now the primary goal is the second city!"

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed sharply!

The road of the strongest is about to start.

He certainly knew why City One was so peaceful and too close to the multiverse. Although many people knew his ambitions, it was difficult to beat him because of his strength.

If Chu Yuan waited for more epochs, the strength of the empire would be stronger.

And doing it now has great benefits. He has the multiverse as his biggest backer.

However, he knew that once this second city was built, it would be turbulent. The strong on the road of eternity would not want to see that the strongest was born, and he would think of many ways to cut his way.

He is not afraid of all challenges.

"All origin gods, come to me!"

Chu Yuan issued a war order.

All the strong are gathered together, knowing that the war machine of the empire will be activated again.

Chu Yuan watched the gathering of powerful people. His empire was developing extremely powerfully. After the establishment of the first city for hundreds of thousands of years, even the Origin God had several people relying on him.

"All the powerhouses of the empire, I want to open up an eternal path, raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. Now is the time for you to fight."

Chu Yuan looked at many powerful men with majestic eyes.

"The Eternal Second City is about to be opened, and it is within the Eternal Killing Array. And I know that once the Second City stands up, it will experience many fierce battles, and there will be many people to stop us, but I am not afraid, I can choose one. It's an easy road, but I just want to choose the hardest road, and the road with the greatest achievement!"

Chu Yuandao.

"Listen to your Majesty's instructions."

The empire's fighting spirit is boiling.

"good very good!"

Chu Yuan said: "I will lead you directly to the eternal killing array, the center of gravity of the empire will shift there, and the second city will become our biggest battlefield, and there will be many snipers on the road to the empire."

"Your Majesty, if we all go to the second city and face a big war, what will happen to the first city, there will definitely be people who want to get paid."

Duan Qingshan Road.

If the emperor led a large number of powerful people to the eternal killing array, the defense of the first city would be empty, and it was very likely that someone would attack the first city, which had to be considered.

"In the first city, we have laid a great defense. With the power of time and space, we have portrayed the gate of eternity for the first city, and will disappear in the key."

Chu Yuandao.

"What they care about is me. The place where I am located will be the main battlefield. Those who want to stop me also understand that it is useless if you don't destroy me or destroy ten thousand. The eternal level also has its own dignity."

Shenwu has been going through war since its founding.

Within the unity and pluralism, there is no preparation for stopping the war, but the training is more stringent.

When the order to cross to the Eternal Killing Array was issued, the entire empire was boiling, and many people were gearing up, all wanting to personally participate in the opening of the Eternal Road.

But the war of Eternal Road is different from that in the multiverse.

Because of the special environment, to survive in the outside world, you must have the realm of a primitive god, otherwise, you will be drowned like a person drowning in the water.

In order for the God of Heaven to participate, it must also have the fifth realm of Heaven, but it is also not allowed as a main combatant, and can only participate in some auxiliary tasks within a specific time and space plane.

Their task is to control the origin battleship, and after the city is opened, control the formations arranged in the city.

After this news was released, City One also boiled.

"The empire wants an expedition to open a second city, and we also want to join the army, join!"

"For the eternal road of the empire, we are also willing to give our own strength to repay the empire for its shelter to us!"


In the first city, due to the gathering of hundreds of thousands of years, many primitive gods also came and settled here.

Some people, after learning the news, volunteered to join the empire.

Part of it is really grateful for the empire for protecting them.

And some people, for their own benefit, knew that if the empire really opened up the second city, they would be people of merit and would get huge benefits.

However, they did not know where the empire was going to build a second city.

And many people want to join the empire, but the assessment of the empire is too difficult.

They also discovered that sometimes the weaker the cultivation base, the easier it is, and many primitive gods like them wander on the path of eternity, and it is really too difficult to join in.

This is just an opportunity.

Chu Yuan did not refuse these people on his own will. It just so happened that he needed manpower to build the Second City, so he let these people do the logistical work.


After a few days of preparation, a powerful origin battleship rushed out of the first city and rushed towards the distant place.

This momentum is too big, and there are some forces on the way to the eternal killing array.

This kind of power is too big, Chu Yuan did not intend to hide it.

The opening of an ancient eternal road will cause all waves. Why did Chu Yuan open a road to the end of eternity? It is precisely to pass his majesty to all directions.

He wants to control all power with his own strength.

But this ~www.ltnovel.com~ is not tolerated by many strong people and is not allowed to do it.

"When Century Yuan, the battleship of the Shenwu Empire, many..."

"What are they going to do?"

"Oh my god, there are so many auras of the Origin God, is the Shenwu Empire coming out of the nest? With such a huge power, this is an expedition, where are they going to expedition."

"Go back quickly, don't get in the way of the Shenwu Empire!"

The impact of the imperial battleship is indomitable and fierce. If the road ahead is blocked by the ruins, it will be smashed directly!

The Origin Battleship is suitable to shuttle on the road of eternity, faster than Origin God.

"The Eternal Killing Array is here."

At this moment, Chu Yuan had seen the Eternal Killing Array and directly ordered, "Drive all those who are exploring in the Eternal Killing Array. Those who refuse to obey will directly beheaded and occupy the Eternal Killing Array. Let the Killing Array become the forbidden area of ​​the empire. Second City!"

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