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The opening of the Empire Eternal Road is unstoppable. The battleship rushed into the eternal killing array angrily.

In the killing array, there are endless arrays.

When he came here, the Origin God had to be cautious, where he dared to be so direct and rude, rushing in like this regardless of all dangers.


Chu Yuan carried the powerhouse of the empire and the vast torrent of national destiny directly rushed in. Under their impact, the autonomous bombardment of the killing array was completely dispersed.

Although the Eternal Killing Array is extremely powerful, and it is possible to kill even the Eternal Grade in a complete eruption, Chu Yuan is not even afraid of the Eternal Grade, so how can he fear the power of the formation.

Rumble! The infinite shock resounded in the killing array, as if a terrible earthquake had erupted, trying to shake everyone out.

"What happened? Why did the mountain suddenly shake?"

"Ok... so strong fluctuations, it is the force of the eternal killing array that is fiercely impacting, my God, look there, what momentum is that, the vast torrent, carrying invincible power in the world!" "Could it be the killing array? Inside, is there any great treasure about to appear?"


There are not a few strong people in the Eternal Killing Array.

"The Shenwu Empire is here. The Eternal Killing Array belongs to the Empire. All irrelevant will quickly retreat, otherwise the empire's army will crush you all!"

The strong empire yelled, and the sound was overwhelming.

"What, an empire wants to occupy the eternal killing array!"

A powerful person was shocked when he saw this wave of fluctuations sweeping through the entire killing formation. "Which empire you are from, eternal killing formation, this seat has been cultivated here for several epochs, and you also want to occupy it!"

A fierce and wicked strong man was also rushed out by this force, his cultivation level was not weak, the ninth state, very angry, appeared.

However, the vast torrent rushed over, with the power to destroy the strongest, and crushed it. This person had shouted fiercely before, and in the next moment, his face changed and he began to persevere.

He clearly knows that if he dares to stop this torrent, he will inevitably end in death.

"Hurry up, Shenwu Empire, that belongs to the century, my God, that emperor actually killed in the eternal killing array!"

The prestige of the Shenwu Empire is so great, except for those who didn't have long eyes at the beginning, then everyone retreated in fear.

"Eternal Killing Array..."

Chu Yuan's sharp gaze was seeing through the entire killing formation.

He seems to have found a central point, where the power converges, like the core of the formation, he stepped forward first.

When he fell to the center point, he just stabbed the hornet's nest. In an instant, all the void around him split open, black cracks appeared, and then a space was cut and cut down.

Chu Yuan raised his hand and disappeared.


Countless divine lights are incomparably dazzling, condensed into a spear of light, each of them is comparable to a blow of the seven origin gods, but at this moment there are tens of thousands of ways, such as thousands of origin gods are launching an attack.

Chu Yuan's power suppressed time and space, his big hand ended, and all the light spears were swept away by him.

Next, an infinite light and shadow were condensed, like a thousand troops and horses, rushing in mighty, just because the place where Chu Yuan stood was absolutely taboo, and he wanted to kill him.

The imperial realm seems to have evolved an eternal pure land.

Chu Yuan forcibly shattered the power to attack him.

In the sky, there was thunder and tribulation divine light constantly hacking down, but in his whole body, it evolved into a dark vacuum domain, and he swallowed all the energy.

At this moment, standing here, in the eyes of others, he is an unbeatable and unshakable strongest emperor.

"The second city is built here." Chu Yuan ordered.

Immediately, the origin battleship surrounded the surroundings, and a **** of origin appeared. They propped up their power, and then a large number of primitive gods appeared, starting to build a majestic second city with precious materials.

Different from the first city.

Because here is the eternal killing array, it has not stabilized yet, so the second city was built on the scale of a military fortress.

Only when it is stable will the universe be opened up to allow a large number of creatures to survive.

Chu Yuan knew that his eternal path was to materialize, to build a city, and then to connect it with his own power. After the baptism of war, he would connect with the first city to form a spatial array.

They are the most solid materials used, and the strongest of the empire is still strengthening, and soon the periphery of the second city appeared.

From a distance, this city is the land of the killing array, the power of the eternal killing array is bombarding it all the time, and it has drowned it.

And such a city exists here, and to withstand the bombardment of power is also a huge temper to oneself.

Now the origin battleship is also surrounding the giant city, and the power forms time and space, and the gods of heaven can appear. They set up the giant cannon on the wall with murderous aura.

"Continue to firmly bless the Second City." Chu Yuan said.

At this time, the Heavenly Demon God Book came to Chu Yuan and said: "Your Majesty, the Eternal Killing Array is built by a very strong formation called the Array, and our position should be at the core of the Array, you see, Will the Temple of Eternity be here?"

The Temple of Eternity is the essence of a lifetime, an eternal treasure treasure that can be destroyed in the formation.

"The Temple of Eternity is indeed in the Eternal Killing Array, but its location is not as simple as you think. It exists in a mysterious void and different dimension. If you want to get it, you must break the Eternal Killing Array."

Chu Yuandao.

Even though they are now able to withstand the bombardment of the killing array, they are not in control of the eternal killing array.

Almost no one can control the Eternal Killing Array. Whoever dares to control it will cause the most extinct reaction. The whole Killing Array collapses, and the power that erupts reaches the strongest.

And that kind of explosion, the Eternal Grade is likely to be destroyed its own way, or even fall.

This is also the reason why those eternal grades know that the eternal temple is in the killing array and do not take it.

They will not make fun of their lives. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Now that Chu Yuan watched as the killing formation was being established, their movements could not be concealed. He also believed that the things here had been passed on. Soon, many things would be known, and then he would react quickly.

"Here is a good place!" The Heavenly Demon God's calligraphy: "Densely dense array patterns, you can comprehend the formation, and the power of the killing array is like a divine calamity, and it can also be used as a heavenly calamity to sharpen oneself and can withstand this power. Yes, they will be the most powerful fighters, and the densely packed killing array is a natural defense place, and there are a lot of temples to explore."

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He knew his Majesty's purpose for choosing the site of the second city here.

"It's not a good place, and I won't come here to build a city." Chu Yuan said, "Now I'm sitting here, waiting for the response of all parties, and facing it in silence, or sending an army to conquer me!"

He suddenly saw that with the establishment of the Second City, the time of his mission selection had begun to count down.

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