Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1868: Reactions from all sides

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The Shenwu Empire suddenly established a second city in the Eternal Killing Array, and this news will soon sweep across the Eternal Road like a storm.

This is too sudden.

When some people know it, they find it incredible.

If someone else builds a city in the Eternal Killing Array, it will cause fluctuations, but it will definitely not be so drastic. The two have different meanings.

This epoch is too powerful, and it is so powerful that it is scary.

Emperor Shenwu was like a stirrer of the wind and clouds, setting off boundless storms and making the entire eternal road chaotic.

Although the Eternal Road itself is very chaotic, this kind of chaos is different. For example, the Great Emperor Jidao repeatedly set off killings, but many Eternal Grades would not care, that was fighting for themselves.


Shenwu is different.

His ambition can be seen by individuals, and that is to become the strongest.

The strongest has not appeared in many epochs.

I dare not say all the eternal grades, but at least the vast majority, 70% to 80% of the eternal grades do not want the strongest.

Because once the strongest is out, there will be an existence that suppresses the eternal, and there will be one more person on top of their heads. In the future, don't even want to hunt down those who will become enlightened, but will be controlled.

Although Eternal Shenzhou is magnificent, it actually has a very bad influence. There are so many powerful people in an era, and the infinite wisdom can't break eternity. This makes many eternity class think that even if it is cooperation, it is impossible to break the curse.

Those who do not want the strongest to appear will become your enemies.

At this time, Chu Yuan sat quietly in Second City.

He looked calm, he was waiting for news. He provoked this situation, and he was ready.

He knew that the Second City would inevitably cause a big backlash. Those people would not coldly treat him as a bigger player, and would suppress him in advance while he was still weak. Otherwise, it would be even more out of control.

But this is also a battle of power. If he can withstand this wave of offensive and build up the majesty of iron and blood, then he will gather an infinite momentum and use the power of the human heart to baptize and sublimate himself.

Moreover, in the future, it will be much easier for him to build the third and fourth city.

Why did he build the Second City at this time, in fact, is to baptize and sublimate himself.

With city by city, the eternal road of evolving oneself, extending all the way, extending to the end of eternity, and gathering endless beliefs, turning into a billowing national destiny, majestic washing, so that you can sublimate to the ninth state.

When he reached his level, his strength wanted to break through, but he could break through not only with some eternal aura.

There is no way, he must fight out by himself and take advantage of his Shijiyuan advantage. "I am waiting for you."

There was a sharp light in Chu Yuan's eyes, piercing the sky.

He knew that many people were thinking about dealing with him.

Of course, this road is the enemy of the world.

"Shenwu built the second city in the Eternal Killing Array, and now it has driven out the outsiders in the Killing Array, and the second city is already standing!"

"What, Shenwu actually built the Second City in the Eternal Killing Array. What are they going to do? Are they not reconciled to being limited to the multiverse? Are they going to fight?"

"Shenwu's ambition to fight out hasn't it long ago? This era is too powerful, too powerful to imagine."

"He is so crazy, he will usher in destruction!"


The news was fermented in just a few months and the hurricane swept across.

"They built the city forever. They want to be the strongest. Don't they fear that the plan will fail and be flattened by many forces, but they will end up miserably. If it is me, I will definitely not be so arrogant, but Will accumulate strength, accumulate enough strength before exposing one's ambition."

Some people also raised such doubts. "So if you are not a magic weapon, you cannot become the strongest. You have cultivated for so many epochs and have not progressed, how can the mind of the great Emperor Shenwu be like yours? He is backed by the multiverse, with his strength , Even if the city fails to build? Can you still fight into the multiverse?"

Many people gathered together to discuss these things.

"Oh, I see. I dare to be so presumptuous because of the multiverse, but this presumptuous also has strength. Indeed, Emperor Shenwu, he is not afraid of failure, but wants to maximize his advantages."

"The situation is about to rise, and the future will not be so easy."


However, despite a lot of discussions, in a short period of time, no one dared to act rashly. They needed a real leader to take the lead in attacking Shenwu's second city and destroy his ambition.

There is also a lot of news.

The Emperor Shenwu has been in seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years, and his mana has advanced greatly, which is stronger than when he confronted the Great Emperor in Xuanming Land. Although he has not yet achieved the eternal level, his true combat power is comparable to the eternal level.

The deity that repelled the Great Emperor before shocked the world and couldn't forget it.

Their guess was not wrong either, Chu Yuan indeed had eternal strength.

However, the matter of his battle in the Eternal Shenzhou did not spread. This was not a glorious thing for the Great Emperor Bian, and he would not publicize things that were bad for him.

But in short.

The combination of these kinds of things resulted in a result that a single force did not dare to attack Shenwu.

Immortal Holy Land.

Inside the brightly lit Immortal Temple. "My dears, Shenwu is already in the eternal killing array to build the second city. Although we had a friendly relationship with Shenwu before, this matter is too big, no one can make a decision. There is no eternal friend, only eternal benefits. "

Immortal holy land, all the gods of origin are gathered together.

Fan Gu looked at everyone and said solemnly. "I'm not sure of my idea, start the immortal array and ask about immortality."

A woman frowned.

In this immortal temple, there is an empty immortal seat.

"Great immortality, when Century Yuan, the Shenwu Empire, had the ambition to become the strongest, and now it has built a second city in the eternal killing array. If you want to open up the eternal ancient road, please drop the edict and guide us. Tell us what to do?"

They call for immortality, UU reading www. awaits the immortal will.

After a long time, a will came from a mysterious time and space, slowly condensing a sacred shadow.

"Immortal Sacred Land, watch its changes, do not act on Shenwu, but at the same time do not help." Immortal means very clear, don't fight or help, as a spectator, Shenwu wants to be the strongest and let him do it.

This is his way.

The Immortal Dao is not so overbearing. Everything he has is for his immortality. Obviously, Immortal also knows in his heart that the benefits he gets when he fights with the gods are far from being as huge as he paid.

Even if Shenwu becomes the strongest, as long as he can live longer, he is willing to help.

Different Tao and personality factors will cause different choices.

Not only in the sacred place of truth, even in the midst of the universe, the same will came down, not helping or fighting.

There are those who choose to ignore, and some are more radical.

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