Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1869: The dragon slayer will also become an evil dragon

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Some were sitting on the sidelines and watching the developments quietly, and some wanted to attack Chu Yuan to prevent him from becoming the strongest and threatening the Eternal Grade.

In the Holy Emperor Continent.

All the holy kings of the Origin God gathered.

The Holy Emperor used to be the strongest, and they have also become the strongest power. In these many auras, they have absolute arrogance.

And the Holy Emperor did not attack eternity and die like Emperor Zhutian or Panshen, but after reigning for a long period of time, he realized that the power of the eternal calamity was too strong, and gradually withdrew from the stage of history and closed himself in him. Within the eternal road.

It is precisely because of his self-styled that, although he hasn't appeared for a long, long time, the age of the holy emperor is still extremely powerful, and the strong are like clouds.

"The Emperor Shenwu has truly shown his ambition, his fangs, to open up the second city, he is going to embark on the road of the strongest, then, will we have a good life?"

A holy kingship shrouded in divine light.

"You have also forgotten one thing, that is, Emperor Shenwu is too young. Young is scary. If he really becomes the strongest, he will dominate the path of eternity in the next hundreds of epochs. Even if we escape the world and hide In the Saint Emperor’s Road, at that time, we were too old and unable to appear on the Eternal Path. My Saint Emperor’s era would wither and it would be difficult to give birth to the strong."

They can hide, they can avoid the world.

But the era of the strongest is self-respect, and they will also die of old age, and the Holy Emperor era will not absorb fresh blood and wither.

"Huh! So you can't let the Emperor Shenwu dominate, you must plan ahead, and take his life before he is in force. Now he is not strong enough to be alone and irresistible. If this time, he should not be dealt with? It depends on how strong he is!"

This is a burly saint king whose strength is stronger than the storm saint king.

The Storm King smiled and said: "Kuangwu King, don’t be impatient, not only we, but also others will not allow the strongest to appear. This will harm the interests of many people. There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. In absolute interest, even enemies of life and death can cooperate."

"The Storm King is right."

Other holy kings echoed.

"All Saint Kings."

It didn't take long for a voice to be transmitted from a mysterious time and space.

"See the Holy Emperor!"

It was the holy emperor who made a sound on his eternal road.

"At the time of the century, there was a big secret in the Shenwu Empire. I will not let him achieve the eternal level and the strongest. All the holy kings will follow the orders to attack and destroy the second city. I already know that not only in my holy emperor era, but also There are other eternal-level forces, and they won't look at Shenwu's growth, you have to use their forces."

The emperor’s imperial decree was delivered.

Yes, it is to send troops to deal with Shenwu!

It is not surprising that he made such a decision.

First of all, just as those holy kings said, if Shenwu really dominates hundreds of epochs, then the holy emperor era can be declared non-existent and can end.

Another point.

The holy emperor's existence is too long, even if Emperor Zhutian is after him, and for such a long time, he has reached a limit, and he even hunts down those who are about to reach the eternal level.

If Chu Yuan were to suppress hundreds of epochs, the Holy Emperor would not be hunting others to extend his life.

His end is death.

It is also difficult for him to leave his eternal road now.

"Follow the holy emperor's order!"

The powerhouse of the Holy Emperor Era was dispatched.

"The Holy Emperor's decree is passed, and no one is willing to go ahead with the orders of the Holy Emperor. Let us get ahead and contact those who are willing to deal with Shenwu. This is an unavoidable battle. In short, we can't let them exist and put that second city. destroy!"


The Great Action in the Age of the Holy Emperor.

At the same time, in the sanctuary of truth.

"In order to maintain our truth, all the creatures in the Holy Land of Truth, go to destroy the second city of Shenwu, and he will block our existence of truth."

Truth also spreads its own will.

He is also unwilling to make Shenwu strong, which will not do him any good. With his presence, his way of truth will not spread, and the power of the strongest can destroy all truth.

And at this moment in a mysterious ancient time and space, a powerful force is rippling.

There was a person sitting quietly in an ancient road. He didn't look very tall and didn't have that majestic aura, but this was an eternal road opened by the eternal class.

In other words, this person is eternal.

"In this era, there are people who are fighting for the supremacy of the heavens."

The man made a calm voice.

He stood up, no one was oppressed, there was an invincible force, his eyes were sharp, extremely arrogant, and he seemed to see through the pictures and scenes on the eternal road beyond the road.

His identity is amazing.

Yuwen is invincible.

This person has also set off a troubled world hundreds of epochs ago. Just like his name, he has an invincible mind and wants to fight for the strongest.

In fact, he also encountered hunting when he reached the eternal level, but it was a pity that he could not be killed.

However, when he was fighting for the hegemony of the strongest, because of the obstacles of many strong, he finally failed.

However, no one who can contend for the strongest will be the weak eternal class.

"The ancestor is a man called Shenwu, belonging to the century. He has cultivated for less than one era. According to the news I have received, the Holy Land of Truth has been dispatched in the age of the Holy Emperor."

An old man in plain clothes walked over, respectfully.

"Dadao, when I was the strongest for hegemony, the Holy Emperor era, and the truth also shot, the historical scene is repeated again, but this time the protagonist is not me, but a person called Shenwu."

Yuwen said invincible.

This old man was called Yuwen Dadao, and he was also a top-level strongman like the Great Emperor and Yuan.

"Yes, when the ancestor broke through the eternal level, he encountered many eternal level hunts, and if it weren't for their obstruction, our clan is already the strongest clan."

Yuwen Avenue Road.

"The way of the strongest is not fair. Anyone will be your opponent. I lose at this point."

Yuwen Wudi said calmly, knowing that his strength was not enough.

"But it was not fair back then, and not only one person dealt with the ancestors." Yuwen Avenue was very angry.

"The strongest road, there is no fairness at all." Yuwen Wudi did not waver.

"Shenkong fell one hundred thousand years ago and died in the eternal Shenzhou. He controls the power of time and space. It is very likely that the other side gods or the pure land gods killed him."

Yuwen Avenue Road. UU reading

They didn't know that Yuwen Shenkong died in Chu Yuan's hands, and it was also because Bi'an Shenchao didn't tell the news of the war.

"The death of Shenkong was also because of his insufficient strength. This is his fate."

Yuwen Wudi didn't care, "Dadao, you go for a walk and meet the people of the Saint Emperor Era to see how they will deal with the Shenwu Empire."

"Yes, Dadao understands."

Yuwen Avenue responded.

"The dragon slayer will also become an evil dragon."

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Yuwen said invincible.

He was blocked by others in the past, and now he has become a dragon, trying to block others. Although he has been dormant for hundreds of epochs, his determination to become the strongest has never changed.

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