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Now Eternal Road, the trend is surging.

Some forces that wanted to deal with Chu Yuan were all uniting and had not really launched an offensive yet.

This is because they also know that Shenwu's strength is very strong, and if it does not gather the strongest strength, it is no different from sending death.

At this moment, in a remote area on Eternal Road.

"Kill, destroy them!"

A war is actually breaking out here.

There is a huge plane in front of him, and the buildings are clustered together, it is a powerful sect, but this sect has now encountered a disaster of destruction.

"Emperor Ji Dao, you want my life, I fought with you!"

It turned out to be the Great Emperor Jidao who attacked this sect.

And the strongest person in this sect is also a nine-level, but he is just an ordinary nine-level, how can he be the opponent of the great emperor.


Emperor Ji Dao turned into a gun of Ji Dao and attacked vertically and horizontally. Although this person was good at strength, facing the crazy attack of Emperor Ji Dao, his final fate was only one destruction.

"I hate you, you can't die!"

The final fate of the ancestor of this sect was to be beheaded by the Great Emperor, and all the eternal matter in his body was refined.

"Another one was destroyed."

The Great Emperor Jidao is extremely cruel.

This sect thought that he was hiding in an extremely remote area and he would not be able to find it. In fact, he had been planning for a long time and had secretly written down many forces, just waiting for this day.

And although he let the Jidao God Dynasty disappear, it is equivalent to abandoning a country's territory and abandoning the national fortune.

But such an approach will undoubtedly make him more flexible and able to attack arbitrarily without fear of someone attacking his lair.

If he becomes the eternal grade and can live for a long time, the ultimate realm can naturally be opened up again.

"The Great Emperor, the Shenwu God Dynasty opened a second city in the Eternal Killing Array, which has harmed the interests of many Eternal-level forces. They are already preparing to attack and destroy him!"

Aurora Tianjun said by the side.


The Great Emperor was silent for a moment and suddenly laughed, "Okay, this is a good thing!"

"Yes, it's a good thing. He dares to be so arrogant. If he wants to let him die, he must first make him crazy!"

Aurora Tianjun also said fiercely.

"Wrong, this emperor said this is a good thing, not just because of this, but another thing."

The Great Emperor is very happy: "It’s good to make the Eternal Road chaotic. The more chaotic the less no one cares about this emperor. I don’t want Shenwu to be defeated. I hope they can make the world more chaotic. The longer the fight, the better. The more eternal levels, the better, haha, originally the emperor wanted to break through the eternal level and had to guard against others, but there was a magic weapon to attract firepower for me, and to focus on him, the pressure on the emperor would be much smaller. ."

He was also worried that he was hunted by others.

"In that case, Shenwu's arrogance is good for us." Jiguang Tianjun said.

"Not bad."

Great Emperor Ji Dao thought for a while, "No, I have to make this world more chaotic. It's not chaotic enough now. Let's go with this emperor to the Blood Ancestor Divine Realm. There is also the Nine Layers of Abyss Realm, the one of the Blood Ancestor Divine Realm. The blood **** was beheaded by Shenwu, and Yuan had also had a gap with Shenwu, beating the dog in the water, in short, he wanted to disturb the world."

The former Emperor Ji Dao didn't have so many conspiracies, and preferred to have an upright decisive battle.

But now he has reached the end of his life, his life is almost gone, how can he care about this?

Blood Ancestor God Dynasty.

"Emperor Ji Dao, what do you need to do when you come to my blood ancestor god!"

The sea of ​​blood was all over the sky, and a sea of ​​blood suddenly condensed into the Great Emperor of Blood.

He looked at the Great Emperor and said coldly: "You, the Great Emperor, killed many forces on the Eternal Road, do you still want to attack me?"

He knew that Emperor Ji Dao was a crazy character.

"Of course not. The strength of your blood ancestor is not comparable to those of waste."

The Great Emperor also knew that the Great Blood Ancestor was at the same level as him, and said: "The Great Blood Ancestor, now the gods and martial arts are presumptuous, this emperor once heard that he killed you a blood god, this is a great opportunity, it is better for us to join forces, together Attack him."

"To deal with Shenwu?" How wise the Emperor Blood Ancestor is, of course he knows his purpose. "This emperor has his own considerations. You don't need to worry about how to do it."

He immediately closed the blood ancestor dynasty and did not see the Great Emperor.

The Great Emperor Ji Dao had a closed door this time.

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"Hmph, this great emperor has no good intentions and wants to drag us into the water. When he reaches the end of his life, he doesn't care about revenge, but we can't."

There is a **** of blood.

"Although the Emperor Shenwu killed us a blood god, it is not what it used to be. We won't get any benefits when we end, but will be dragged into the water. Then Shenwu will let those eternal forces deal with it, and it has nothing to do with us."

The blood ancestor is very calm: "If you can't bear it, you will be chaotic."

"This blood ancestor!"

The Great Emperor flashed crazily.

Next, he quickly went to the Nine-layer Abyss Realm.


He stood outside the Yuan boundary and directly called Yuan's name.

"Oh? The Great Emperor is you."

Yuan appeared and looked at him.

"Yes, it is the emperor."

The Great Emperor said: "With your vast supernatural powers, I must have known about Shenwu, and this emperor has heard that your Yuan realm has also issued a must-kill order against Shenwu, how? This is an excellent one. Opportunity, we are united, so chaotic, it is the time when we seize the best interests. I know that the biggest difficulty for you to achieve the eternal level is not yourself but from human calamity."

"Do you want me to deal with Shenwu?"

Yuan Dao.

"Exactly, don't you have this idea?"

Great Dao Dao.

He wanted to take this opportunity to win over Yuan and seek his benefit.

"I know that you have suffered a great loss from Shenwu in the land of Xuanming. You want to avenge him. Do you think I want to avenge Shenwu that much?"

Yuan Leng said coldly.

"What are those small losses? Compared with eternity, this emperor doesn't care at all. This is a perfect opportunity, and it's not good to be too calm."

Emperor Jidao smiled.

"Emperor Ji Dao, a little bit you made a mistake, I don't have the idea of ​​dealing with Shen Wu, at this point you have found the wrong person." Yuan Dao.

"You really haven't!"

The Great Emperor originally wanted to unite with Emperor Blood Ancestor and Yuan, but the two refused at the same time, which also made his face gloomy, "Well, if that's the case, then forget it. It seems that you are afraid of him, afraid, UU reading www. uukanshu.com didn't expect it."

There is sarcasm in his tone.

"You are right. I am indeed afraid of Shenwu and dare not fight him, but I am not afraid of you. Since you are here and you are a guest from afar, you should not think about leaving, just stay."

As Yuan spoke, it evolved into an endless abyss, and he shot directly at him.

"You are doing it to me!"

The Great Emperor Jidao's thoughts flashed in an instant, and he shouted: "Yuan, you and Shenwu are in the same group!"

He even looked away this time, and didn't expect this.

"It doesn't matter if it's a group of people, just because my supernatural power is lacking a powerful force to sharpen it, you are good!"

Yuan took the initiative to attack. Although Shenwu didn't let him do anything, he took the initiative to attack Shenwu and wanted to get the friendship of Emperor Shenwu.

Eternal level can't provoke, but this great emperor can still.

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