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The Eternal Road is too big, and the offensive against Shenwu, especially such a powerful force, is impossible to attack immediately. It takes a long time to pass and then unite.

During this period, Lingzu also sent news to Chu Yuan, asking him if he needed help from the spirit world, and she was willing to take action.

Chu Yuan didn't let Ling Ancestor take action, and the friendly relationship between him and Ling Ancestor didn't need to be known to others, and this battle was not a purely defensive battle, even if Ling Ancestor shots, it would not be a key reuse.

What he has to do is to make good use of his own advantages and seize the weaknesses of others.

Within the second city.

Chu Yuan sits in the center.

"His Majesty."

Yi Tianzun came to Chu Yuan.

"Yi Tianzun, what do you think of this battle?" Chu Yuan said.

"This battle has a great impact. In order to block your majesty’s strongest path, the empire will face a lot of opponents, and a group of tigers will come fiercely. But it's not just them, there are also some eternal grades that are closed in their roads, and they don't know in time. There is no doubt that the longer the time, the more disadvantaged the empire.

Yi Tianzun is the empire's military adviser and think tank.

"With the strength of the empire, if your Majesty sits in the second city, their cooperation will be useless, but now there are more eternal forces attacking, Yuwen Avenue has appeared, he is Yuwen Invincible's subordinate, and there are multiple eternal levels. I can sense the power, but I can't figure it out yet."

He was right.

The empire faces so many opponents, the pressure is too great, not one or two, but many.

"How do you think I will respond?" Chu Yuan said.

"I dare not guess wildly."

Even if he knew the emperor's thoughts, he did not dare to say casually, like a tiger with a king.

"Many people think that I will fight them to death in the second city, but I won't. This is meaningless. I am not as stupid as that. The second city is a symbol. My talent is the most important thing."

Chu Yuan said: "It is meaningless to set up a target and wait for others to hit it."

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"Your Majesty's announcement of the establishment of the Second City is to see how many people will come out to stop it, and now your Majesty's goal is clearly achieved, to defend the Second City, only if we fail, we can only take the initiative to attack and win with our advantage. "

Yi Tianzun said.

"You are right. You can only fail if you stick to it. The multiverse is the rear of the empire. You are not afraid of other people's destruction of the country. You can attack arbitrarily. The war depends not only on strength, but also on wisdom. What do you think is the next battle? hit?"

Chu Yuan asked Xiang Yi Tianzun again.

Yi Tianzun did not answer directly, but analyzed the situation, "Now, everyone is thinking that so many powerful people are gathering and it is impossible to guard the second city. This is indeed the case. Two fists are hard to beat four hands. It doesn’t matter if you are a timeless power, and now in addition to the gathering of the timeless powers, there are also some large and small forces that want to take advantage of the fire. Although they are not as good as the timeless power, they cannot be ignored when they come together. They will mess up the battlefield and plunge the empire into a more difficult situation. ."

"There are some battles, and some irrelevant ones shouldn't be involved. If you let them retreat, you will not be willing to retreat. Only when you let them see death will they be afraid and know what fear is."

Chu Yuan said: "Yi Tianzun, let's make a calculation first, and see which ninth realm other than those of the eternal powers, we should attack."

The Second City Point Bingtai.

"Follow me to attack."

Chu Yuan asked Yi Tianzun to calculate a power.

"The Shenwu Empire is invincible!"

The strong empire roared with enthusiasm.

Even though there are many people who know that they have to deal with them, there is a kind of madness that makes the enemy tremble under the leadership of the emperor, fearless and fearless.

"Go out."

Chu Yuan ordered.

The battleship lifted into the sky, crossing the void, and the entire second city suddenly became empty.

He left an empty city here, which is a symbol, even if you destroy this city, Chu Yuan waved his hand, and people can build countless ones for you to destroy.

Don't care about the gains and losses of a city, the vitality is the most important thing.

His attack will not be confined to a city, he wants to beat others to fear.

And at this moment, in an extremely remote place from the Eternal Killing Array.

The formation is hidden, and there are a large number of strong people here.

"We don't want to enter the eternal killing array, just wait here."

A black-haired old man with a beard smiled.

This person is also a ninth state, is the Sect Master of the Northern Plains, saying: "The mountain and rain are about to be full of wind, Shenwu established the second city in the eternal killing array, and now there are many eternal forces marching towards them, this How big a sensation did the fight make?"

"Sect Master, we also have to be careful. This is to get chestnuts out of the fire."

"Of course this sect knows, but this sect can become nine realms. In these dozens of epochs, it has also experienced countless life and death crises. If you don't pay a price, how can you get the benefits, you have to be willing, this is the best opportunity. "

Sect Master Beiyuan said: "We don't move, let the eternal forces fight first, and when we fight, we will pick up the bargain later. It is not only us who have this idea, but in short, the more chaotic the better."

"Sovereign wise!"

They all want to take advantage of the fire to rob and fall into trouble, and they will not do anything that is really desperate.

But while they were waiting quietly, it didn't take long, boom! The warship representing the origin of destruction suddenly rushed in, a terrifying murderous aura enveloped them, and thousands of troops were charging.

Shenwu's army directly killed it.

He thought he was hiding well, but under Yi Tianzun's calculation, there was nothing to hide.

"What's the matter, this...this is Shenwu's army, he shouldn't be in the second city, why did he suddenly kill him!"

Sect Master Beiyuan was also dumbfounded, with a panic on his face. He had the courage to take advantage of the fire, but he did not have the courage to charge with Shenwu head-on. Seeing such a posture, how could he not know that the other party was out of the nest.

"God... Emperor Shenwu."

Sect Master Beiyuan saw the appearance of a world-wide emperor, and he was frightened and quickly explained: "Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding."

"What a misunderstanding!"

Xu Shan stood beside Chu Yuan and shouted coldly.

"We know that the empire will encounter a big war, so I, Beiyuan, came here to lead people and horses to help the emperor. You see, our people can listen to your instructions."

The attitude of Beiyuan suzerain has changed extremely~www.ltnovel.com~ The situation is stronger than others, and he has to bow his head.


Chu Yuan would not listen to his explanation.

His attack this time was a battle of prestige. Without killing a group, he should not be too clear about how to deter others and want to take advantage of the fire.

Chu Yuan just wanted to let them know that not everything can be mixed.

Seeing that Chu Yuan was unwilling to let him go, the Beiyuan Sect Master became very angry and wanted to rush out.

Chu Yuan acted coldly and ruthlessly, blocked time and space, personally shot, and killed Beiyuan Sect Master.

In addition, all the men and horses he brought were beheaded clean.

"Spread the news out and tell the world that the situation here is not in the second city."

Chu Yuan was cruel and said, "Yi Tianzun, it's not enough to destroy this Beiyuan. You still need to kill a few examples and see blood to make some people feel scared."

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