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Chu Yuan's eyes were sharp, and the majesty that commanded the world swept across.

Of course he knows where he is now, and many people want him to die and carve up his secrets.

He is making too much noise now, and he can only take the initiative to attack, and he understands that he will not take action. Waiting for a while, the strong people who gather are not just these people.

He also guessed the sinister intentions of these people.

I am afraid that I want to destroy the second city first, and then gather the most superior power to seal his Divine Martial Era, and this result, he will never let him appear.

"You dare to deal with me!"

Chu Yuan's eyes glanced over them one by one, absolutely majestic. As his voice fell, everyone's heart throbbed and trembled, and there was a feeling of trembling.

He shot.

When he waved his hand, Tiangong was furious, and the world was under his control, and the sky was full of thunder light and turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

"Shenwu Emperor!"

Yuwen Avenue was full of fighting spirit, and he suddenly slapped it. In this palm, thousands of avenues existed. This is his avenue **** palm, directly slapped at Chu Yuan.

He controls many avenues, although not all of them, but also very many.

"Let Yuwen Dao take the shot first, and test how powerful the Shenwu Emperor's mana is!"

Although the Emperor Shenwu made a move in the land of Xuanming, everyone felt his mana and knew that he was much stronger than then, but it was not clear how much stronger he was.

Underestimate him will pay a huge price.

Yuwen Avenue is extremely powerful, and it is not easy to kill him at the Eternal Level.

"This is your avenue?"

Chu Yuan swept across, and immediately after the power of Yuwen Avenue touched him, there was a devastating collapse, and then a black hole appeared in his palm, which immediately shook Yuwen Avenue.

This shock completely disintegrated his great power.

With just a few moves, Emperor Shenwu's strength was fully revealed.

Chu Yuan's five fingers grabbed once again, rolling in mana, and shrouded Yuwen Avenue. This group of people did not let them pay a huge price.

They don't know how to write the word afraid.

"Sword of the Avenue!"

Yuwen Dao's face was extremely solemn, and his Dao Sword converged one type of Dao after another, and it was also the magical power he had cultivated.

As soon as the sword of the avenue was pierced, a very dazzling sword light appeared, as if all the avenues were condensed into a avenue seed, which contained extremely huge power.

Chu Yuan just stared.

The invincible power is sweeping.

With his five fingers rotating, a huge black hole appeared, and the sword of the avenue pierced into the black hole, but couldn't penetrate it.

"He is too strong, and Yuwen Avenue is not his opponent at all. Let's shoot together to suppress him!"

Sikongtu shouted.

Although they knew that Yuwen Avenue could not be the opponent of Emperor Shenwu Emperor, they were shocked by making Yuwen Avenue completely incapable of parrying, and wondered how this person cultivated.

But they understood that the Emperor Shenwu couldn't be arrogant.

If this wave can't suppress the Emperor Shenwu, then if you have to deal with him, you will pay a heavier price.

"The power of the holy king!"

Immediately, all the strongest of the Saint Emperor Era, the Storm Saint King, the Mad Martial Saint King, and Sikong Tu, their powers blasted, and their mana suddenly gathered, and their combined attack power was launched, and then a vast torrent swept over.

The Holy Land of Truth and the Great Thousand Heaven Sect also took action.

With so many strong shots, even if the real Eternal Grade appears, it is impossible to ignore it.

In an instant, heaven and earth fell into a frenzy of energy, with various forces spreading all over.

Facing the bombardment of this kind of power, Chu Yuan didn't move at all. His power gathered, and the invincible divine power swept wildly, setting off a boundless storm, and the many powerful men seemed to be suppressed in his sweep.


The sound that shook the soul.

They suddenly felt that the world was spinning fast, and a huge vacuum black hole enveloped them.

"Great Devouring Technique!"

Yuwen Avenue cultivates all kinds of avenues, and he also knows the great devouring technique very well, "He is going to use the great devouring technique to break our attack~www.ltnovel.com~welfare] pay attention to the public.. number [Book Friends Base Camp], read books every day Draw cash/point coins!

"Don't think about it!" Sikongtu shouted: "We are all the strongest, and we have the understanding of our own way. Are you afraid of his suppression!"

Following the holy emperor, he also has his own arrogance.

They all blessed their strength to the strongest.

The magical power of Great Devouring Technique is not omnipotent, it also has its own limits. Seeing that it is in the swallowing black hole, it is the impact of various violent vitality.

For others, the swallowing black hole will explode long ago.

"This big devouring technique!"

Seeing this big swallowing technique presents a state of infinite expansion, their faces have also become extremely ugly.


Yuwen Avenue reacted in an instant, and said: "He is interpreting the infinite magnitude of Eternal Road by swallowing!"

"Can't let him succeed!"

Faced with such a powerful enemy and suppressed them all by one person, no one can truly be calm.

"Break his big swallowing technique!"

Of course they know the Great Devouring Technique very well, and it is not difficult to break the Great Devouring Technique, that is, with the most powerful and violent power, his devouring power was completely blown up, and he was eaten back.

A wave of power turned into a torrent, constantly swept and collided in the swallowing black hole.

"Gather your strength!"

They strengthened and strengthened.

Even without hesitating to burn the eternal origin, a burst of divine power that destroys the heavens and the earth roared against the side that swallowed the black hole.

It can be seen from outside.

The Shenwu God Emperor exists in the center of the black hole, and many of the strongest inside have displayed earth-shaking power, making the power in the black hole seem to burst at any time.

But the control of the Great Swallowing technique kept the internal power from leaking out.

One exception is Poisonous Girl Lan. She did not directly join the battlefield, but her eyes flashed with a very sinister light.

She is looking for an opportunity.

But then there was a very strange scene.

They continued to strengthen their strength ~www.ltnovel.com~ so that the swallowing black hole was completely filled with their power, but the Shenwu Emperor just stood there quietly, controlling everything.

"Something is wrong."

Mantra of the Lord!

"It's not right." Yuwen Avenue suddenly shouted: "No, we can't continue to gather strength, but to take back the power. The more we bombard with power now, it is equivalent to growing the power that swallows the black hole. It's terrifying. The Emperor Shenwu actually realized the Great Devouring Technique to such an incredible realm."

Listening to the warning from Yuwen Avenue, their strength is about to recover.

But at this time, Chu Yuan was indifferent and the swallowing black hole suddenly contracted. At this moment, it was like a giant star was contracting, suddenly turning into an origin, and then exploding inside the black hole.

The power of this kind of explosion completely repelled on these many strongest people immediately!

It is also on the path of eternity, the world is nothingness, everything is created by the eternal breath, otherwise the fluctuations are unimaginable.

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