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The Great Swallowing technique swallowed boundless power, and then produced an extremely fierce explosion.

This explosion was like the shattering of thousands of billions of planes, sweeping out mightily, blasting these nine-level powerhouses directly one by one, and the origins in the body were in mad turbulence, and they encountered a big blow. .

This blow is not only physical, but also spiritual.

The Emperor Shenwu made an understatement, and only used a few small tricks to shock them back, and they did not even retreat from the Emperor Zhenwu.

Is his strength strong enough to be such a horror?

The strongest empires saw their greatest emperor unmatched, and they all made a mighty and majestic voice. A power will become greater and more brilliant with the strongest.

"This is your strength?"

Chu Yuan's voice spread vigorously.


Hearing such words, although they are angry, the gap in strength is in front of them, making them unable to refute. This is the majesty of the strong, and they can humiliate the weak at will.


Sikongtu said: "I have to admit that your strength is very strong, but this is far from enough. Even if we suppress us, it is nothing. Now many eternal grades are already focusing on you. If you are strong, you will be no match for many eternal grades. The destruction of your era is inevitable!"

"is it?"

Chu Yuanxiong dominated on the spot.

He naturally knew that this group of people was just an eternal advance army, and they were asked to test his strength, and now, Chu Yuan would not hide his strength.

He wants to let those eternal grades know that if he wants to deal with him, he must be prepared to pay a huge price.

He grabbed it with a big hand, pointed at Sikongtu, the world shook violently, and a giant hand pierced through the air.

This is the big hand of the emperor.

"You want to deal with me with one hand, you are arrogant!"

Sikongtu yelled, he rose into the sky, his mana outlined the holy emperor totem, which immediately condensed into a vision of a great emperor, full of wind and thunder power, and rolled away.

However, in Chu Yuan's attack, there was overwhelming power.

Immediately Sikongtu's totem broke.

He also realized some eternal ways, but at this time he didn't dare to use it directly. He violently withstood a blow, and his whole body shook violently, and the whole body was shattered with blood.

Everyone looked at Chu Yuan, his emperor's will, swallowed power, was invincible.

"The Avenue is invincible!"

Yuwen Dao's body was straight and straight, and he was not frightened by Chu Yuan's aura. Even if this person was in an invincible existence, he would rise against the sky and immediately beheaded by the power of Invincible Dao.

He followed Yuwen Invincible, and he was also infected with that invincible will.

Chu Yuan stared at him, carrying the vast divine might, he lifted his palm and turned into a knife, and the fate-killing knife slashed in the past, directly cutting through Yuwen Avenue.

"The power to kill destiny!"

Yuwen Avenue trembled in his heart, he was cut off in an instant, and a very long blood stain appeared on his chest. What he was shocked was that this person's power could cut his fate.

"What to do, can we not deal with him!"

This time they united with many powerful men and came with a fierce momentum, but suffered such a painful defeat.

If today's events are spread out, they will become other people's jokes.

This time their mission was not completed. If the Emperor Shenwu Emperor's limits were not truly tested, it would be difficult for the eternal level behind them to shoot.

"You create opportunities for me!"

In their souls, suddenly the voice of the poisonous girl Lan sounded.

"What are you going to do?"

They knew that the poisonous girl Lan followed the poisonous ancestor and controlled many terrifying poisonous powers.

"Nothing, I have the eternal poison that the poisonous ancestor refines here, which can be used to deal with the Emperor Shenwu. With this person's strength, conventional methods can't deal with him."

Poisonous girl Lan's voice transmission.

"Are you sure that the eternal poison refined by Poison Ancestor can poison him?" Sikongtu said.

"I'm not sure about this. After all, I am not a poisonous ancestor, but as long as the eternal poison penetrates into his power, it can destroy his power and cause him to suffer great damage, but I need a chance."

The poisonous girl Randao.

"Okay, yes, we will explode desperately to create opportunities for you. We know that Poison Ancestor is terrible. We believe in his highly poisonous. We don’t need to poison him, but as long as we can make him suffer severe damage, This is enough!"

Their voice transmission was completed in an instant.

They also know that it is unrealistic to expect the eternal poison to directly poison the Emperor Shenwu Emperor, but as long as the toxin erupts in his body.

The poison of Poison Ancestor will let him know what cruelty is.

Many people know the horror of the Poison Ancestor, and they have truly poisoned the Eternal Grade.

"The power of Poison Ancestor."

Their soul fluctuations were caught by Chu Yuan in an instant.

With a vast and unparalleled force, Chu Yuan's gaze directly focused on Poisonous Girl Lan. He stepped out one step at a time, walked in his own time and space, and suddenly came to her.

"No, he wants to deal with me!"

The poisonous girl Lan was also taken aback.

She was about to react, shaking her whole body, time and space froze, and the terrifying power of Emperor Shenwu froze the time and space she was in.

"He wants to deal with the poisonous girl Lan!"

"He must know that Poisonous Girl Lan will use eternal poison to deal with him!"

"You can't let him succeed, and poisonous girl Lan can't be in danger!"

Although they didn't like the woman Poisonous Girl Lan very much, they all understood that Poisonous Girl Lan could not be dangerous, and they had to rely on her eternal poison to harm the Emperor Shenwu.

But Chu Yuan started too fast.

With his big hands covering the sky, his unparalleled power swept out, carrying the violent thunder and lightning in one palm, and launched a devastating blow at the poisonous girl Lan.

"You still want to kill me!"

There was an extremely sharp sound from her throat.

In an instant, her orchid-like fragrance spread rapidly, and this is a toxin. After smelling it, her magic power will weaken unconsciously.

"Innately poisonous!"

She is erupting at this moment, rolling innate poison, in which countless kinds of toxins are mixed, mixed in her mana.

Before Chu Yuan was in that Jedi, he killed the poisonous demon emperor, and he also obtained the poison power of the poisonous ancestor.

However, compared with Poisonous Girl Lan, it is nothing to mention that the Poisonous Girl Lan has to follow the Poisonous Ancestor. UU read www.uukanshu.com to get her true biography.

She looks beautiful, but it's just a poisonous flower, full of poison, and a drop of blood can poison the creatures of a planet.

When she was cultivating, she was soaked in Poison Ancestor's Poison Pond and was tempered by his magic skills day and night.

But Chu Yuan's complexion changed as he watched the poison spread. With a sweep of his palm, he burned a real fire. He was invincible to all poisons, and no poison could harm him.

"It's actually immune to my severe poison!"

The poisonous girl Lan was also taken aback. Her poisonous power was performing, and flowers appeared to surround her.

Each of these flowers looks bright and beautiful, but they are all condensed by strange poisons. If you break one flower, the extremely terrifying toxins will be stimulated and blow back towards you.

"Shenwu, my poisonous ancestors helped me condense, do you dare to break it?"

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