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"What a difficult method, this kind of poisonous flower is the most colorful and beautiful poison!"

At this moment, Sikongtu and the others looked at this gorgeous and poisonous flower, their faces extremely jealous.

This highly poisonous flower contains the strange poison of heaven and earth.

They could see that some of these could not be refined by the Poison Girl Orchid, but were made by the terrifying Poison Ancestor, otherwise the power would not be so great.

"I'm in the poisonous flower, do you dare to break it?" Poisonous girl Ran said.

Chu Yuan's face was expressionless, and the emperor's domineering aura surged like a tide. He stared coldly at the poisonous flower, waved a mighty river of destruction, swept down, and swiftly swept across the poisonous flower.

"He wants to break it directly!"

Seeing Chu Yuan's direct action, Si Kongtu and the others knew that they could not watch the show, and immediately a number of monstrous forces followed suit.

Boom! This poisonous flower was swept away by his power, all exploded, and then a colorful poisonous gas rose up, and every poisonous mist had an intoxicating fragrance.

Chu Yuan also saw the location of Poison Girl Lan.

He locked it by the hand of God.

"You dare to deal with me!"

The huge and surging hand of God fell, and the poisonous girl Lan showed no fear. Instead, she seemed to want Chu Yuan to do so, and immediately her body exploded under the cover.

Eternally poisonous!

The moment she exploded, a power called Eternal Poison spread along with Chu Yuan's mana, pervasive.

This eternal poison was refined by the poisonous ancestor, and it was extremely evil and vicious. Everyone present saw the eternal poisonous color. The dazzling color made their complexion greatly changed, as if the eye would directly erode them.

"This is eternal poison!"

"Well, the eternal poison is so terrible, so terrible power, if it were me, if I was corroded by this eternal poison, I would be severely peeled off if I died!"

"Wait for the Eternal Poison to really take effect, we're going to make it hard for him to be distracted, so as to cause the greatest damage!"

They are all waiting for the eternal poison to take effect.

"I see how capable you are, able to resist the severe poison refined by the great poisonous ancestor!"

After the poisonous girl Lan just exploded, she reunited on the other side. Just now, she took the initiative to explode herself and wasted a lot of origin for this blow.


Chu Yuan stood still at this moment, his emperor's body became greater and greater, and within that eternal poison, he also felt a terrible power.

After entering the body, it will forcibly burn your original power, and if you want to expel it with power, the mana will be assimilated by it, as if splashing oil on the fire.

This is how terrible it is.

Each of the eternal and highly poisonous is extremely gorgeous before death, and the mana in the whole body will burn like a feather.

But in the face of this kind of poison, Chu Yuan displayed unparalleled strength. With his domineering will, the Great Swallowing technique directly swallowed the eternal poison.

This poison seems to have spirituality, spreading teeth and dancing claws to counter the power of Chu Yuan.

Although it was the poisonous ancestor's refining, it was not the poisonous ancestor who came in person after all. Chu Yuan's stronger power, this eternal poison was directly disintegrated under his power control.

He reigned over the world, his power moved, and the eternal path appeared, directly covering the poisonous girl orchid.

"What's the matter, you shouldn't be burning up right now, and even if it's not, you will spend a huge amount of strength to resist at this moment. No, it's impossible. Could it be that you have not been affected at all!"

The Poison Girl Lan made an incredible voice.

She immediately realized that Chu Yuan was going to kill her, and she said in horror: "He has resisted the eternal poison of the poisonous ancestors and is facing the enemy. I am not his opponent. How does he do it? of?"

No matter what method Chu Yuan used.

His invincible will is something he cannot resist.

The poisonous girl Lan was about to escape, but she was horrified to find that the surroundings were different from other places, as if she had fallen into Chu Yuan's realm beyond the eternal divine way.

"You can't kill me!"

She saw a stalwart figure walking towards her step by step on this road, her soul was about to collapse, as if she was going to fall into the bottomless abyss, and would never be able to live beyond.

The entire world is under Chu Yuan's control.

His domineering emperor's hand was killed in an instant.

The poisonous girl Lan watched the big hand fall, she wanted to run madly, but the palm of this emperor was like a mountain of five fingers, so that no matter where she fled, she couldn't get rid of the suppression of the eternal big hand.

Boom! She was immediately caught by Chu Yuan's big hand.

Struggling desperately, even shouting, he is a disciple of Poison Ancestor, if he dares to kill her, he will be avenged by Poison Ancestor.

At this time, Chu Yuan directly lifted the poisonous girl Lan. What kind of revenge, since he embarked on the path of the strongest, he would not be afraid of any kind of revenge, and everything he was an enemy would have to eradicate.

no matter who.

There is no pity, Xiang Xiyu.

The poisonous girl Lan was pinched tightly by her big hand, bang! She let out a scream, and her whole body exploded completely.

But after the explosion, a more terrifying poison broke out. Her whole person, everything in the material became the most terrifying place, and even the broken soul turned into a roaring eternal soul poison.

This is the method of burning jade and stone.

And this kind of jade and stone burned, even if some of the Ninth Stage were caught off guard, she might be counted to death.

In his path, the terrible poison is more terrifying than the simple eternal poison before.

It turned out that Poison Girl Lan's body had long been made by Poison Ancestor for the eternal and poisonous easy. Only when she died and mixed her blood soul, could this kind of poisonous power be fully erupted.

This eternal poison is raging.

When Chu Yuanba approached the world, his palm was pressed down, and an even more surprising scene appeared. These violent eternal poisons were subdued in an instant, and he was transformed into pure power.

He despised the world.

His Eternal Road scattered, and the poisonous girl Lan was gone.

"Poisonous girl Lan, she...she was killed."

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Sikongtu and the others saw this terrifying scene, and they all made extremely difficult sounds in their throats.

Poisonous Girl Lan possessed so many terrifying methods, she was all dead.

This overbearing method of killing Poisonous Girl Lan completely shocked them, and they were trembling all over, and the power they had lifted disappeared.

They retreat again and again at this time, being able to kill female Lan, that is to say, being able to kill them, the strength of this person is already standing at the peak of heaven and earth, and extraordinary powerhouses can go to compete with him and block his way.

And their faces were also ugly. If they didn't get the result, wouldn't it be his battle of power.

"You should show up."

Chu Yuan suddenly said at this moment.

"Shenwu Emperor, I have to admit that you are great."

At this time, the eternal class finally appeared.

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