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The eternal class powerhouse appeared.

Of course, with such a big sensation, it is impossible for some Eternal Grade not to pay attention to it or not to show up.

They didn't show up before, because they didn't know Chu Yuan's strength, didn't understand his details, and wanted Si Kongtu and the others to test his strength.

And Chu Yuan's strength far exceeded their expectations, and even the eternal poison of Poison Ancestor had no effect on him. This strength was enough to sit on an equal footing with them, at the same level.

They were also shocked.

When the century was only halfway through, this kind of strong appeared.

In their hearts, Shenwu is enough to become a major concern for them.

At this time, they also wanted to learn the true magic power of Shenwu.

"Shenwu, your strength, I don’t know if someone like you appeared in the more ancient years, but as far as I know, you are the first one. Before the end of an era, your strength is already at this level. ."

An old man came. When he came, he was very calm, dressed in a dark blue robe, his eyes were deep, and he did not hesitate to praise Chu Yuan.

Indeed, the other party has this qualification for him to praise.

"If I didn't admit my mistake, you should be the Lord of the Great Thousand Heaven Sect."

Chu Yuan said his identity in one word.

The Lord of the Great Thousand controls the power of the Great Thousand. With a single thought, countless worlds can be generated and are the creators of the world.


Hong Jie said annoyed: "It is our incompetence, not his opponent."

"It's not to blame them. He is so strong that you can't handle it."

The Lord of the Thousand Thousand is very peaceful, his gaze is always on Chu Yuan, "He has eternal strength, this person has the determination to aspire to the strongest, he is even compared to the former Emperor Zhutian, the Great Emperor Panshen It's even scary."

His evaluation is very high, because even the two emperors in Chu Yuan's years are far less powerful than he is now.

"You retreat."

The main way of the great thousand.

"But it depends on whether he can get to this step. He is sharp and easy to break. Not to mention the strongest. Even the eternal grade may not succeed in breaking through!"

With the majestic voice, a world-breaking vision appeared in the emptiness, the boundless chaotic force burst, and a person with the power to crush the world, he walked out directly.

This man is tall, with black hair and shawl, his eyes are piercing, and there is electric light lasing, and he has the power of shock in every gesture.

Another eternal class!

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On this path of eternity, there are not many eternal grades, some ancient ones are sleeping, some like Hongmeng, Tumeng, Immortal, and Qiankun don't want to be enemies of Chu Yuan.

Others don't want to show up until they are not driven by huge interests.

Others are in their own eternal roads, completely closed, and don't care about external affairs. They sleep for several epochs and don't know what's here.

If these factors are removed, very few can deal with Chu Yuan in a short time.

Now there are only two of them.

However, to deal with a Chu Yuan who has not yet reached the Eternal Strike Level, the Eternal Level that can let the dragon see the head and the end appear two in such a short time, this is already extremely important.

"Chaos, you are here." Daqianzhi said.

"I'm here. I just woke up in my eternal road, and I knew that when Shijiyuan appeared a remarkable existence, now I see that it is true, and his details make me a little bit unable to see through."

This eternal class is a famous chaos.

There are many people who practice the way of chaos, and there are two in Chu Yuan’s multiverse, the Lord of Chaos and the God of Chaos.

However, the chaos in front of him was of eternal grade, indicating that his chaotic way was the strongest in the entire eternal road.

Just like Chu Yuan.

Few people knew his name. At their level, his real name didn't care anymore, only the title.

This chaos is also very famous. It used to open up a chaotic dynasty to frighten the eight wilds, but his existence was too long. After the chaos dynasty flourished, it gradually declined with his retreat, and then disappeared.

He himself doesn't care about these.

The longer you live, the less you care about it.

He has killed too many people, and his relatives and friends have long since died.

"Some Eternal Grades even their own power disappeared with the years. This makes it difficult for us to contact them. If more Eternal Grades awaken, we will be more confident against him."

The Lord of Great Thousands has no way.

The eternal road is equivalent to the independent void on the eternal road, which is extremely hidden. Unless you have the tyrannical strength and start a carpet-like search on the boundless eternal road, otherwise you will not take the initiative to show up, and it will be almost impossible to know their whereabouts.

In fact, some eternal grades can't stand it anymore, and don't know if they are sitting down.

Chu Yuan looked at the Lord of the Great Thousand and Chaos, still standing in the sky, and said: "You two appear, you want to kill me? If I don't have enough confidence, I won't appear in front of you!"

The mighty and majestic emperor rumbling vigorously.

"We naturally know that it is difficult to kill you. You also rely on the backing of the multiverse. We also know why you did it. If we block your multiverse, what do you think?"

The main way of the great thousand.

Before Chu Yuan had shown his strength, the Lord of Great Thousands thought that no matter how strong Shenwu was, there was a limit. He and Chaos might seal him off.

But now he can only take the second place and push him back into the multiverse.

As time goes by, the more eternal levels will be awakened, and when the era is over, he will be destroyed directly.

With this method, it is not open and honest, but in fact, many eternal grades have lived for too many years, except for a few unruly ones, face them, in order to achieve their goals, any conspiracy can be used.

No one wants to have the strongest person on his head.

Only in such a situation will they unite.

Such as Yuwen Invincible's path to the strongest is interrupted by them.

"The two of you are going together, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still fighting alone, I will continue."

Chu Yuan spoke in all directions, and the wind was surging, giving people a very arrogant feeling, but the Lord of the Thousand and Chaos were not angry, but felt normal, and the opponent would not show up if they were not strong.

"Chaos, I'll take the shot first, and you are standing by."

The Great Thousand Lord looked at Chu Yuan. Although he had fought against Sikongtu and the others before, he did not fully demonstrate the strongest means, and he was also very strange to his strength.

He let the chaos suppress the formation, in fact, he wanted to block Chu Yuan's retreat from the sidelines.

"it is good."

Chaos Road.

"Shenwu, you have the qualifications to make me cautious. I am also very curious about your strength. Let me see how far you are against the sky. It is not that easy to become the strongest!"

The light of the Lord of the Thousand World surgingly spread, and the eternal power of time roared suddenly, he used the most prosperous attitude to deal with the Emperor Shenwu!

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