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The Lord of Great Thousands shot.

He hasn't made a move for dozens of epochs, but this is to interrupt Chu Yuan's strongest path, he has to make a move.


The Lord of the Great Thousand Lord suddenly moved his hands together, and around Chu Yuan, there seemed to be a boundless world constantly squeezing and squeezing towards him, trying to seal him in a small area.

Worlds, full of wonders.

Daqian also represents countless universes.

Now, the battle representing the pinnacle has begun. All the duels here have stopped, and the strong from both sides have retreated back. This is not a battle they can participate in.

Gazing with chaotic eyes, if given the opportunity, he would not hesitate to deal the greatest blow to Chu Yuan.


Chu Yuan looked cold.

The torrent of destruction turned into a long river that traverses the sky and the earth. The bright color does not seem like a destructive force at first glance, but the Lord of the Thousands can see it.

This is the power to destroy civilization and destroy their eternal path.

Boom! Destroy Changhe with an impact, and the great power was broken.

"Can't let this emperor succeed!"

The Lord of the Great Thousand is killed, his big hands bring gorgeous colors, the dream of the universe is exuding, and the strong eternal power is surging. His Great Thousand is actually an application of time and space power, but it has explored another way. .

"I see how you stop it!"

Chu Yuan has eternity in his heart, invincible in the world!

He clearly knew that in this battle he had to fully reveal his power, so that the strong on this eternal road could see his strength, and with the most violent posture, let the world know the end of his enemies.

Only by seeing the strength, can we shock others and win time.

"Even if the world is all enemies, I swallow eternity!"

Chu Yuan's invincible ambition.

Murderous intent rushed out, Chu Yuan determined the universe, he blasted out violently with one punch, and immediately shattered all the light of the great thousand.

The fierce momentum made the Lord of Great Thousands look condensed, but he was not easy to provoke.

As soon as he raised his hand, he revealed the layers of the world. In an instant, a huge box seemed to be set around Chu Yuan, and inside the huge box there were countless layers of small boxes.

"Big Thousand World!"

Chaos Road.

"Countless heavy worlds."

Standing here, Chu Yuan could certainly perceive the power of this great world.

The Lord of Great Thousands makes frequent moves.

Emperor Shenwu's fighting method is very brave, like a raging dragon, which is extremely difficult to deal with. He wants to reduce the scope of the battle, as if trapping the dragon in a small water pool.


Layers of great worlds also exploded in an instant, and every layer exploded, all power was confined to a small area, so that the power could be blocked and fully blessed to the maximum.

"That's it?"

Facing this kind of power, Chu Yuan didn't panic at all, but showed confidence in controlling everything.

He rose suddenly into the sky, fierce and unyielding, and suddenly a beam of light was extremely straight.

"I knew that you would be like this!"

The Lord of Great Thousands folded his hands together. At this time, it seemed that every time Chu Yuan broke through a layer of Great Thousand World, there would be a layer covering it immediately, and it was endless, as if it could never be completely broken.

Each of these layers breaks open, it seems that there is a layer of the world all exploded.

Seeing Chu Yuan's fierce strength, he used the eternal law to bully you.

Chu Yuan's eternal sacred fire burned. As soon as he opened his hands, the countless worlds were broken. Then he punched the sky, and the emperor's fortune directly penetrated his countless layers of world.

"The Great End Technique!"

Uuuuuu...After his great finalism appeared, the world seemed to usher in the end, civilization ushered in his dusk, and the gods saw their own fall.

Even if the Lord is as strong as the Great Thousand Lord, at this moment, it seems that he has seen his eternal road come to an end, and he will disappear in this end of divine power.

"The way to the end, his power has affected my thinking!"

Although it was only an instant, the Lord of the Great Thousands was also shocked, and under his unparalleled end power, his infinity of the Great Thousands was actually directly shattered layer by layer.

But just when Chu Yuan stepped out of the Daqian realm.

Chaos has moved!

He came with a violent punch, chaos descended, and this punch immediately hit a heavy chaotic ocean, with a depressing breath.

He couldn't sit back and watch.

In this brief encounter, he had already seen that the Lord of the Thousands could not really suppress the divine martial arts, and he also had to make a move to suppress it with the power of two eternal ranks.

The two eternal ranks shot together, only to deal with Shenwu.


Unexpectedly, in the face of Chaos's shot, Chu Yuan also punched Chaos, and the Gate of Chaos was in his fist.

Both of these punches produced chaotic waves.

In terms of manipulating the laws of chaos, Chu Yuan is naturally inferior to chaos, but sometimes, powerful forces can narrow the gap in this regard.

Boom! The center of the collision between the two powers is infinite.

Chaos retracted his fist, and said in surprise: "He can actually use the Great Chaos Technique. He uses his power to create a chaotic world from heaven and earth."

"He is really difficult to deal with."

The Lord of Great Thousands has a solemn expression: "Chaos, you and I act alone, it seems that I can deal with him and not leave him."

Chu Yuan swept his eyes, his breath was overwhelming, and he swept out, even facing the two eternal grades without fear, but full of unparalleled confidence in his own strength.

Chaos shot, his power is fierce and vast.

Daqian shot, he created an infinite world.

The three of them fought, the power was earth-shaking, and the fluctuations that swept through were too violent and terrifying.

"This time, with the Lord of the Great Thousand and Chaos at the same time dealing with him, this person absolutely cannot continue to arrogantly continue!"

Hong Jie said fiercely.

"Yes, no matter how strong he is, you can't imagine being an opponent of the two eternal grades. He can deal with one person. This is already his limit. The two eternal grades? Humph! He has no chance of winning!"

That Kuangwu Saint King also shouted.

The Mantra Lord added, "Unfortunately, the time is short, and no more eternal grades can appear."

But at this moment, Chu Yuan was still calm in the face of the siege of the two eternal levels. He blasted out with countless lines, as if intertwined into eternal rules.

This eternal rule, UU reading www.uukanshu.com shocks again and again, every way has the power to destroy everything.

"These are the regular lines on the mudstone slab, he has understood the mudstone slab!"

Chaos was startled. Of course he knew the mudstone slab. I don't know what this mudstone slab was. Even the Eternal Grade could not destroy it.

"He is not simply urging, but has achieved a kind of control. He seems to be the strongest existence, and he wants to control all the eternal rules in his own hands!"

The main way of the great thousand.

"Such an opponent is the most terrifying!"

Chaos Road.

"Chaos, Daqian, if you just want to defeat me with this kind of power, you also know that this is impossible, except for wasting time and mana. It will show your path and use the strongest means."

Chu Yuan manipulated the eternal rules, and actually woven it directly into an eternal god's garment and draped it on his body.

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