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In fact, even though the Lord of Chaos and the Great Thousand Lord took action, everything was still under control. They didn't use their strongest power, just a match of pure mana.

The strongest strength is your own way.

Bombardment with their own way, that is their strongest, but also the most dangerous moment.

This kind of bombardment is equivalent to the soul fighting. Once the road is hit, it is even worse than the broken soul.

Originally, their path could be completely closed, but once they were hit, not only would they get extremely serious damage, but the most important thing was that they couldn't completely close their qi.

"as you wish."

Chaos was silent for a moment before making a decision.

If he is not even willing to accept this kind of invitation, after all, the other party hasn't really achieved the eternal level, and he also wants to see how this person's half way will evolve.

Boom! In an ancient and mysterious time and space, infinite chaotic vitality emerged!

Chaos is his master!

At this moment, the power of Chaos has at least skyrocketed several times compared to before. Inside, the flow of Chaos is rushing, and each one is as heavy as eternal, suppressing the sky.

The path of the Great Thousand Lord also appeared at the same time.

When I first saw it, it was extremely bright and magnificent, and it reflected mirror-like light waves inside. Each light was a world, organized for the great world.

The path of each eternal class is different, which is also the key to their longevity.

"He is so arrogant that he wants to let the two eternal grades show his own way. This is simply arrogant and endless!"

"Yes, he has reached the edge of madness, why the eternal class is so powerful, that they have created their own way, like an independent eternal world!"

"He will be suppressed!"

Now, all the strong have fixed their gazes here, expecting the two eternal grades to cause the greatest trauma to him.

"Shenwu, just let me see how powerful your eternal road is!"

Chaos shouted loudly, and the sound broke through the world!

His burly and brave body immediately took a big stride, and his path moved with him. The monstrous chaotic power, condensed into a terrifying chaotic warrior, was about to envelop Chu Yuan.

Eternal battle.

It is often said that when he is in the ninth state, he can contend with the pursuit of the eternal level, but in many cases the eternal level is not serious, and has not shown his own way for him.


Chu Yuan's fighting spirit was ignited, and he took a step forward, as if the eternal road had stretched out. In his path, there was a real and dreamy world, as if to create a real eternal world.

He was so powerful that he was so angry that he directly hit the past.

Boom! Although Chu Yuan hadn't fully achieved the eternal level, at the moment of collision, it was like the collision of two small eternal worlds.

Chaos clearly felt the power in the other side's road.

"It's a great road. I feel that in his road, it seems that no attributes have been specified, but I have a hunch that there are all kinds of power in it, and control everything!"

Chaos was shocked, it was the attributes of the other road that shocked him.

"I understand that eternity is nothingness, but eternity can create everything. He wants everything to exist in his own path. He wants to truly achieve eternity, which is more terrifying than anyone else!"

The moment that flashed between the thoughts of electric light and flint.

The chaos grabbed and hit, his path was roaring, and suddenly his five fingers bombarded fiercely like Optimus Prime. Each finger contained the power of creating and destroying the world, so powerful.

Chu Yuan's fighting spirit was shocking.

At this moment, the power he exudes is vast and infinite, just like the eternal emperor, and there is boundless mana between his waves.

Boom boom boom boom!

With the shocking collision, Chu Yuan urged his strength to the strongest. With that domineering will, there was a feeling of chaos, and his path to chaos would be controlled.

This feeling is terrible.

The Lord of the Great Thousands couldn't sit back and watch. Light waves spread out, and the power of the world was bombarding him. He wanted to explode Chu Yuan, a road that didn't really take shape.

But the following scene made his face solemn.

In Chu Yuan's path, an extreme devouring power was shown. He was not affected by the power of this world explosion, but swallowed all the power.

Their power exploded, but at the same time Chu Yuan's power also exploded.

"Chaos, Daqian, if you only have these strengths, it won't be able to stop our path!"

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Chu Yuan's heroic voice resounded, turning into an undefeated emperor!

He strode, the eternal road continued to extend, and his whole person was burning at this moment, extremely brilliant.

Carrying boundless faith and the strongest strength, he first strikes the Lord of the Great Thousand.

The time and space that Lu has evolved are all within his fist.

The Lord of Great Thousands had already seen that the opponent had displayed the most violent power and could not evade. He gathered great divine power, and at the same time punched Chu Yuan's.


With this shocking shock, in Chu Yuan's punch, his vast world was crazily shattered and shattered, and even his road was greatly affected, causing an earthquake-like sensation.

Chu Yuan's eternal road also produced a great shock.

But he seems to ignore these, still the strongest force.


The chaos came again, he put his hands together, the chaos, his path turned into a chaos Tianzhu, directly bombarded Chu Yuan, to directly smash his way.

Watching his attack, Chu Yuan looked even more indifferent.

His overwhelming power shrouded the past, and in his eternal road, there were many doors running, and then they turned into a torrent.

He turned around, opened the door of eternity, got rid of the entanglement with the Lord of the Great Thousand, and came to Chaos.

"The Gate of Eternal Time!"

The Lord of the Great Thousand also understood the power of time and space extremely thoroughly, and he could see through it at a glance. Chu Yuan's portal was so powerful that UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to penetrate into any time and space.

It's hard to stop, hard to break.

Chaos was also a little surprised, and didn't expect his way of time and space.

Chu Yuan's light shines through the ages. At this moment, he is in the craziest state, his strength is increasing crazily, and because of this increase, his path is showing a state of collapse.

And this crazy power also made Chaos stop him.

Chu Yuan's iron fist, Jin Ge iron horse, and the turbulent times rushed past.

The chaotic expression was solemn, and he could only fight against Chu Yuan, and the end of this fight was that his eternal road was actually screaming, and there was a destructive force to destroy him.

Chaos stabilized the power. At this time, looking at the Lord of Daqian, he was also a little helpless, "Daqian, it seems that with our strength, we can't stop him, and we can't help him. We can only draw a tie."

"Yes, his power is far beyond our imagination." The Great Thousand Lord said: "Retreat."

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